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1、I试译下列句子,注意为弥合语法差异的需要增加适当的词或减少某些不必要的词1. Over the past 50 years scientists and psychologists have increasingly argued over whether genetics or environment has a greater impact upon human intelligence. 环境和遗传之间究竟哪一个对智力发展影响大,这介于科学家和心理学家之间的辩论,五十年来正在逐渐升温。2. The moon gives no light of its own. It merely ref

2、lects the light of the sun, like a huge mirror hung in the sky. 月球本身不发光。它只是像一面挂在天上的镜子一样反射了太阳光。3. Emma slept, and when she woke, she had a shower. 艾玛睡了一件,醒来后,冲了个澡。4. Hotel staff wont be overly offended if you dont tip. 即使你不给小费,酒店的服务员也不会太生气。5. Trips were made three times a week in summer and twice a w

3、eek in winter. 夏天每周旅行三次,冬天两次。 6. When I graduated from college, my days of ambivalence was over. 到我大学毕业时,那种矛盾的心情消失了。 7. Back in the hotel room, Jon made sure she was settled before he set off. 回到酒店, 乔要把她安顿好后,再出发. 8. After the light was turned off, the rat had to wait a short time before it was relea

4、sed from its cage. 熄灯后,老鼠必须要等上一会才能放心出来。 9. Then what on earth do you want to do with it? 那你到底想干嘛?10. Did he reward you any further? 他还奖励了你什么?11他抬眼望了望马路上昏暗的路灯。He lifted his eyes and looked at the dim street lights.12他们正在研究该地区的自然特征和生物的分布情况。They are studying the natural features of the area and the dis

5、tribution of life within it.13丁医生放下雪茄,又回到小客厅里去了。Dr. Ding discarded his cigar and went back into the tiny living room.14她小心地打开盒子,又学着同桌的样子轻轻把它盖上。She opened the box cautiously, then closed it lightly the way her deskmate has done.15夏夜在屋外乘凉的时候,往往有些担心,不敢去看墙上。In the summer night, when in the shade outside

6、 the house, I used to be worried and did not dare to look at the wall.16美国国土的主要部分位于北美洲中央,北接加拿大,南连墨西哥,东濒大西洋,西临太平洋。The main landmass of the United States lies in central North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. 17我在

7、18日早晨,才知道上午有群众向执政府请愿的事;下午便听到噩耗,说卫队居然开枪,死伤至数十人,而刘和珍君即在遇害者之列。I didnt know that mases held the petition to the government that morning until 18th morning;in the afternoon I heard the grievous news that amry opened fire, killing dozens of people, and Liu Hezheng was one of the dead.18时间一分钟一分钟过去,前面那团红雾更红

8、更亮了。As time goes by minute by minute, the rosy halos ahead grow redder and brighterII.试译下列句子,注意为弥合词义差异的需要增加适当的词或减少某些不必要的词。1.增词1. The retreat commenced in all haste. 撤退工作匆匆忙忙地开始了。2. Her grace was a delight.她的优雅风度很讨人喜欢。3. There was a wide emptiness over the street.马路上显出一派空旷的景象。4. His arrogance made ev

9、eryone dislike him.他的傲慢让人厌恶。5. He waited for the booing to quiet down, then cleared his throat.嘘声停下来后,他清了清嗓子。6. Humans vying for dominance will turn to genetics to compete.为主在世界而竞争的人们将转战遗传学领域。7. Considering its growing economic importance, the general neglect of geology in university teaching is dif

10、ficult to justify.就地质学日益增长的经济重要性而言,它在大学教育中被普遍忽视的现象是很不合理的。8. Psychologist Richard Stuart showed in the 1960s that overweight women could lose pounds by modifying both their eating behavior and stimulus environment.心理学家理查德斯图尔特的研究显示:在上世纪60年代,超重的妇女可以通过改变饮食习惯和环境刺激法来减肥。9. He had noticed the mounting insub

11、ordination, and he realized with embarrassment that he was the cause of what could have become his own downfall.注意到日渐高涨的反抗情绪,他感到了不安,明白了垮台是他咎由自取。10. He is much less selfish and much more peaceful now.他变得不再那么自私,也更加淡定。11. Johns closest neighbor Clint Hart lived two miles down the road.即使是约翰最近的邻居克林特.哈特也

12、住在两英里开外的地方。12. We called him our Christmas Boy because he came to us during that season of joy, when he was just six days old.我们叫他圣诞男孩,因为当他在那个欢乐的季节被我们收养,那时候才六天大。13. Ive known several people who have overcome nail-biting simply by buying 50 nail files( 指甲剪 ) and distributing them everywhere: in their

13、 pockets, desks and bedrooms.我认识一些人,他们为了克服咬指甲的毛病,买了 50 把指甲刀,并放在诸如口袋、桌子、卧室等各个地方。14. Zoy hunched over her veranda desk, correcting exercise books.卓雅坐在她家阳台的桌边,纠正练习册。15. In line with latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity.在最新一轮时尚潮流驱使下,一些服装设计师放弃了优雅,选择了果

14、敢创新。16听到这个消息,他一肚皮的酒几乎全化成了酸醋。The wine filled in his belly converted into vinegar as soon as heard the news.17他一边放声大笑,一边不住地拿眼瞅着她。He burst out laughing and kept looking at her intently.18“这件事你打算怎么办呢?”她嘴巴一撇,侧着头,故意忍住了笑似的说。“What are you going to do with it?” She said, mouth curling, head siding, deliberat

15、ely held back a smile like that. 19她悄悄地来到她妹妹的房间里,将门拉上。She went softly over to her sisters room and pulled the door up behind he20这令我到底惦记着江南。这样想着,猛一抬头,不觉已是自己的门前。减词1. They had to stay there until the person they were addressed to happened to come by and stop at the inn.他们不得不呆在小旅馆里,直到要约定的人恰巧入住。2. By means of a code of combinations of dots and dashes, messages are sent along the wire that connects the key to a sounder.通过由点划组成的代码,关键信息才能通过导线传达到探测器。3. When you dial a number, an automatic switch in the telephone exchange makes a circuit between your telephone and the telephone of the person you a



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