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1、suppose 用法例析 suppose一词于15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的supposer,意为“假设”。在当代美语语料库( Corpus of Contemporary American English)的词频统计中,suppose处于第21 80位,是常用英语词汇。在英国大文豪莎士比亚的悲剧特洛伊勒斯与克芮丝德(Troilus andCressida)中,特洛伊战争(Trojan War)希腊军队统帅阿伽门农(Agamemnon)对希腊王子说道:“Nor, princes, is it matter new to us/That we come short of our supp

2、ose so far/That afterseven years siege yet Troy walls stand.此处的suppose用其本意“假设”,表示长达七年的围攻之后仍未能攻破特洛伊,远超出其预期( come short of our suppose)。 在日常英语中,suppose的使用比较灵活,也是高考的常考词汇。下面我们主要从语法结构的角度对suppose的用法做一个全面的梳理。 一、suppose6接宾语从句 1.You dont suppose (that) they forgot about meeting you?你不会觉得他们忘了要和我们见面吧?(su

3、ppose后接宾语从句) 2.I dont suppose for a minute that he|l agree.我认为他根本就不会同意。(此处suppose用法与think、believe等相近,宾语从句中的否定意义转移到主句) 3.We dont suppose he will pay,will he?我们认为他不会付钱,是不是?(反意疑问句与宾语从句保持一致) 4.-Will you be going with them? -Yes,l suppose so.你会和他们去吗?我想我会。(suppose用于简略答语中,so代替了一个肯定的宾语从句,意为“我想是这样的”。) 5.-lm

4、not sure if she is coming. -l suppose not.我不确定她来不来。我猜她不来。 (not代替一个否定的宾语从句,意为“我想不会”。) 6. We had supposed that we would be able to see more of Stratford-upon-Avon, but time didnot permit,我们本打算多参观一会莎士比亚的故乡的,但时间不允许。(had supposed通常表示“未曾实现的愿望”,意为“本来打算”,hope、expect、mean、.intend等词也有相似的用法。) 二、suppose后接宾补结构 1

5、.Everyone supposes him to be poor,but actually he is very rich.所有人都以为他很穷,但实际上他很有钱。(动词不定式或形容词作宾补) 2.I suppose these cultural relics(文物)to have been lost during the war.我为文物是在战时丢失的。(suppose引导宾补结构) 3.1 suppose it my duty to help those in poverty.我认为帮助穷人是我的职责。(名词作宾补) 4. The zoologists suppose the escape

6、d puma still in the countrvside, where it is easier for itto prey.动物学家认为逃跑的美洲豹仍然游荡在乡村。(介词短语作宾补) 三、短语be supposed to的用法 be supposed to后接动词原形。主语为人时,意为“应该、被期望”,可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等意思;主语为物时,意为“本应、本该”,用来表示某事本应该发生而没有发生;该短语还可以用来表示“被认为是、被相信是”。请看例句: 1.When employees do what they are supposed to do,then reward t

7、hem for it.当员工出做了自己应该做的事,那就奖励他们。 2.You were supposed to be here an hour ago.你本该一小时前到这儿。 3.Student arent supposed to take the books out of the library.学生不得将图书带出图书馆。(be not supposed to用来表示委婉的禁止) 4.The train is supposed to have arrived half an hour ago。火车本该一小时前就到的。(此处的be supposed to have done相当于should

8、have done,表示“过去本该做的事实际上未做”) 5.The Jews are supposed to be born merchants.犹太人被认为是天生的商人。 四、suppose用作插入语 口语表达中,do you suppose常用作插入语,用于引出他人观点。例如: 1.What do you suppose made her change her mind?你猜是什么让她改变注意了? 2.When do you suppose shall we call him again?你觉得我们什么时候可以再给他打电话? I suppose也可用作插入语,表示说话者的态度或看法,常置于

9、句中和句末。例如: 1.You dont mind my smoking here,I suppose.我想你不会介意我抽烟吧? 2.These weight-loss pills,l suppose,cost most of her salary.我猜这些减肥药花了她大部分工资。 五、suwose用作介词 suppose还可用作介词,等同于supposing,可表示提出建议或请求,也可表示某种假定,意为“如果,假设”。例如: 1. Suppose you work in a big firm and find English very important for your job becau

10、se youoften deal with foreign businessmen.假设你在一家大公司工作,发现英语很重要,因为你经常都与外国商人打交道。(该句来自2014上海英语高考阅读理解部分,suppose表示“假定”) 2.Suppose/Supposing (that) we miss the train,what shall we do?如果我们误了火车,我们将怎么办? 3.Supposing (that) something should go wrong,what would you do then?假如出了什么问题,你准备怎么对付? 六、suppose-5 expect的区别

11、 先来看一道高考题: -Does this meal cost $50? I_something far better than this. A. prefer B.expect C.suggest D.suppose 正确答案是B。相比而言,suppose表示“假设、猜想”,expect表示“期待”。从语境看,题干的意思是说:说话者认为这顿饭不值50美元,他本期望这顿饭会比现在吃的要好,言下之意,就是他对这餐饭不满意。 练一练:选择题 1.-You should apologize to her, Barry. -_, but its not going to be easy. A. I s

12、uppose so B, I feel so C. I prefer to D. I like to 2. 1. I dont suppose anyone will volunteer, _? A. do I B. dont I C. will they D. wont they 3. Suppose he_the truth, howshall we deal with him? A, wont tell B. didnt tell C. doesnt tell D. hadnt told 4. The professor also mentioned an article_by Lu X

13、un. A. supposed to have been written B. supposed to be writing C. supposing to have been written D. supposing to be written 5. -You_part in the party in time. -Sorry, I was delayed by the accident. A. are supposed to take B. have supposed to take C. are supposed to have taken D. supposed to take 6. He was supposed_a collegegraduate but he knew nothing of history. A. to be B. being C. to have been D. having been 7. If you go to Xian, youII find the placesthere more magnificent than commonly A. supposing B. supposed C. to suppose D. suppose 答案:1.A;2.C;3.C;4.A;5.C;6.A;7.B


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