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1、Module8 Unit1 优课教案(省优级)What time does your school start?一、教学分析 (一)教材分析 本单元主要是谈论与学校有关的事,围绕着Lingling在英国的见闻这一主线,通过Lingling和Amy的对话告诉大家英国学校的学校生活。本单元的语言结构学习内容是句型:What time? Do you? What time? 结构是本册在下半学期重点学习的内容之一,按照目标要求,学生理应掌握。Do you? 句型,学生在三年级下册Module4已经学过,但随时间的推移,学生可能出现了对于Do you? 用法的遗忘,所以在本单元谈论学校生活时,即将对这

2、一句型进一步强化巩固。除此之外,要求学生掌握一些与日常生活相关的动词短语,学习巩固时间的表达方法,并且能将两者相结合。 本单元的词语学习目标是学习新单词:time、school、start、past、late、 go to bed、exercise、playground、before、join、skipping rope、 coffee、tea.其中school、exercise、coffee, tea学生已经在以前的课文中接触过,学生有印象,不是难点。单词playground、before是难点,采取分音节教授的方法。 (二)学情分析 经过两年多的英语学习,学生们具备了一定的听说读写技能,有

3、较好的模仿能力,在老师的引导下,能运用所学基本句型进行语言操练,在课堂教学中能积极参与,互动交流。在本模块的知识点中,与日常生活有关的动词词组是学生十分熟悉和掌握较好的,由于它贴近学生生活,所以学生对此会表现出较浓厚的学习兴趣,这就为本单元的学习打下了良好的基础。另外,本单元的另一个知识点,即时间的整点表达方法是学生已经掌握的,所以学生主要解决的问题是时间的半点表达方法以及如何进行综合运用。 二、教学目标 (一)知识与技能目标 1.能全面参与学习time、school、start、past、late、 go to bed、exercise、playground、before、join,skip

4、ping rope、 coffee、tea等本单元新学语词的活动,能听懂,会读,会说会运用time、past、start、exercise、playground、skip、before; 2能听懂句型:What time does your school start? My school starts at.What time do you? I at学生能在具体情境中运用这一结构。 3.能听懂本单元句型,能灵活运用所学结构询问和描述日常生活。 (二)情感态度与价值观通过活动,学生主动与他人交流合作的能力得到提高,养成积极探索,思考问题的好习惯,在学习知识的同时了解中英校园生活的差异,愉快地度

5、过每一天。 三、教学重难点: (一)教学重点: 重点掌握句型:What time does your school start?及其回答,以及句型What time do you? I at (二)教学难点: 能够运用What time?句式进行问答,并描述自己的日常生活。 四、教学步骤: Step 1: Warming up: T: Look at the picture.(教师出示钟表钟摆图,让学生猜测)What s this? Ss: Its a clock. T: What time is it?(播放钟表敲响的声音) Ss: Its three oclock. Step2: Lead

6、-in 1. Show the picture of part one. Ask the students “Whats the time?” T: Look at this picture, where is the boy going to go? Ss: He is going to go to school. T: What time is it? Lets watch and imitate. 2. Check the answer and teach “half past”, then show three pictures to practise.(图片2:30,9:30,单词卡

7、,自然拼读) 3. Use a picture to explain the word “late” Then teach the students to be on time. T:(接上一页PPT 9:30图片)Its half past nine. Look! The boy is running so fast, because he is late for school. Please remember “Dont be late for school.” Step3: New teaching of the text: 1. Show the picture of Amy and

8、Lingling on the bed, ask the students to say what they can see in the picture freely. T: Look at the picture, What can you see in the picture? S1: Amy and Lingling. S2: A bed.S3: Moon and stars. S4: Window. 2. Watch the cartoon and answer “What are they talking about?” 3. Listen and read paragraph 1

9、-2, answer the questions in pairs. T: They are talking about Amys school. Do you want to know something about Amys school? Now lets listen and read paragraph 1-2. 4. Ask the students to answer questions in the role of Amy. 5. T: What did Lingling ask? Ss: What time does your school start?(出示问题,板书,重点

10、强调start) T:How did Amy answer? Ss: My school starts at nine oclock.(出示答案,板书,) 6. Ask and answer in the role of Amy and Lingling to practise the important sentences. 7. Listen and read paragraph 3-4 then judge (T/F) T: Amys school starts at nine oclock. What does Amy do at school every morning? Lets

11、listen and read paragraph 3-4. 8. After listening and reading judge the sentences true or false.Amy does exercise in the playground every morning.( ) S1: False. (若学生不能表达错误的原因,提醒学生看书从文本中找到相关语句。) (借助图片帮学生理解do exercise、in the playground 分音节教读强化exercise和playground读音。) T: Look! The children are doing exe

12、rcise in the playground. Exercise can make us strong and healthy. You should do some exercise. 9. Amy can play in the playground at 9:00.( ) T: Is it true or false? S2: False.(让学生尝试看书从书中找到相关语句表述,before 此处是难点,学生可能不会读,教师适时引入几幅钟表图片帮助学生理解before的意义。) 10. Amy and Lingling can skip very well. ( ) Step4: Pr

13、actice (Damings School Day)1. Read and number(图文配伍) T: Amy and Daming are good friends. Just now we talked about Amys school. What about Damings school? Please read Damings School Day then number the pictures. 2. Check the answer.(让生用描述性语言说图片顺序为生做好示范。如: Picture A: Daming gets up.) 3. Read and play.

14、Game rules: (1)一分钟内再次快速阅读短文,记忆大明在对应时间内做了哪些事情。(2)两小组同时挑战,一小组挑战根据图片提问(What time does Daming.?),对方小组挑战回答。 (3)挑战成功次数越多得分越高。 Step 5: Extension: 1. Ask the students to think about the differences of Schools between England and China, then fill in the blanks. 2. Make a survey: Ask the students to use the s

15、entence pattern to ask the time of their partners activities in a day. A: What time do you .? B: I . Step 6: Sum up Emotional education: Take a good habit and value the time at school. Step7: Homework:1. Read and act the dialogue out. 2. Talk about your school life with your friends. 3. Find more information about the differences between the Chinese schools and the English schools.



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