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1、Module4 Unit2 第1课时教案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第四模块第二单元第一课时:Unit2 1. Look, listen and say. 2. Listen and read. 3. act out.二、教学目标1. 大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:theMid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Lantern Festival, race, moon cake, lantern, hang lanterns。2. 大多数生能够听懂并运用句型:Whats your favourite festival

2、? My favourite festival is.3.能够运用所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。三、教学重难点重点:1.听说读写单词和短语:the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Lantern Festival, race, moon cake, lantern, hang lanterns。2.学习句型:Whats your favourite festival? My favourite festival is.难点:1. 句型:Whats your favourite festival? My favourite f

3、estival is.介绍中国的主要节日,比较中西方节日的差异,交流自己对节日的喜好。2.词组 the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival? the Lantern Festival 的读音和书写。 四、教学准备1.单词卡片。2.同步课文动画(可在优教平台打开“Module4 Unit2 活动1课文动画” “Module4 Unit2 活动2课文动画”直接使用)。3. Darning和Sirnon的头饰。4. Module4 Unit2 第1课时教学课件。五、教学设计Step 1 Warm-up1. I have a dictation

4、of the new words of Module 4 Unit 1.2. Lets chant.Let the students say the chant of Page 24 together.设计思路:通过听写复习了前面所学到的知识,通过歌谣让学生快速地进入学习状态。Step 2 Preview老师提出以下问题,让学生思考:1. What do we eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival?2. What do we do at the Dragon Boat Festival?3. What do we eat at the Spring Festival?4

5、. What can we see at the Lantern Festival?设计思路:通过这四个问题的设置,可以起到承上启下的作用。使第一环节自然过渡到第二个环节,第二环节又自然过渡到本节课重点部分,即下面的新授环节。Step 3 Presentation1. 新课导入 老师针对节日的主题向学生们提问: T: What do people do on Thanksgiving Day? Ss: .T: What do people do on Flag Day?Ss: 引导学生根据上节课所学内容做出相应的回答。 老师提问的同时PPT出示Page 23课文中的图片,引导学生猜测图片所表现

6、的是什么。学生应该能够用中文回答出图片所表现的分别是元宵节、春节、中秋节和端午节。2. Unit 2 Activity 1 Look, listen and say.T: Yes, thats right. They are the traditional festivals of China. What do we eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival? And what do we eat at the Dragon Boat Festival? OK! Please listen to the tape of Unit 2 Activity 1.Let the s

7、tudents listen to the tape, check the answers with the class. Use PPT to teach the newphrases:theMid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival. Practise the phrases one by one.Then let the students listen and repeat after the tape. Practise in parts and then act out the dialogue.(用上人物头饰表演)3. 课文教学T:

8、Now that we know a little about the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival, next lets look at some other festival of China. Open your books, turn to Page23 and look at Activity 2. Lets go through the text together, OK?展示电子课本,通过播放录音呈现课本Unit 2 Activity 2 Listen and say的内容。如果有必要,请学生对照着书听录,搞懂每

9、个节日的具体内容。After listening, let the students look at the pictures carefully and talk about them. The teacher can ask some questions like the following:T: What can you see in the pictures? What festivals are in the pictures?学生应该能够说出对应的中国传统节日名称。老师把“the Lantern Festival,the Spring Festival,the Mid-Autumn

10、 Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival”写在黑板上用单词卡进行单词教学。用单词卡带领学生多重复几遍,并采用多种形式进行操练。放录音,每段后停顿,请学生说出该段文字讲述的是哪一个节日,然后指向句相应的图。这时老师可以重复录音中对每种节日的描述,并向学生讲解语言方面的疑难。再放放录,逐句停顿,让学生重复。最后让学生分组比赛朗读课文,每组读一段,看哪组读得好。设计思路:本环节的设计做到词不离句,句不离篇。通过游戏等各种各样的操练形式来操练单词、重点句型和对话,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中习得新知。Step 4 Consolidation and extension1. 活

11、动一:T: Very good! I think you did a very good job. There are many festivals in China. My favourite festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival because I like eating moon cakes and the moon is very beautiful. PPT 出示Activity 3 Act and say 中的图片,让学生两 人一组看图,然后用所学句了谈论图片。eg:A: What is your favourite festival?B: My

12、favourite festival is. I like.Use PPT to show some other pictures on the screen. Let them use the sentences to talk about the pictures. Give the students several minutes to practise and then act out.2. 活动二:全班分为几个大组,先搜集资料,然后用白色卡纸制作一本 中西方节日宣传册 。主要内容为对比中西方节日的相同点与不同点。如:春节图片 春节习俗圣诞节习俗圣诞节图片设计思路:本环节设计了两个活动

13、,使学生在合作探究中完成学习任务,运用所学的新知识。Step 5 Homework1. 听Look, listen and say 和 Listen and read 部分录音,模仿表演。2.回家后用英语向家人和亲戚朋友介绍中国和美国的的主要传统节日以及相关的风俗习惯。六、板书设计Module 4 Unit 2 Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival.Lesson 11. New words:race 比赛 lantern 灯笼 at night 在晚上 the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节the Dragon Boat F

14、estival 端午节 the Lantern Festival元宵节2. New sentences:Whats your favourite festival?My favourite festival isWe eat moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival.七、回顾总结本节课主要学习用句型 “Whats your favourite festival? My favourite festival is.” 介绍中国和外国的主要节日,比较中西方节日的差异。交流自己对节日的喜好。并且学习了一些新单词和短语:the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Lantern Festival. race, hang, lantern。



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