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1、Unit5 A Lets spell江西公开课教案教材图片:教 材:人教PEP小学英语五年级上册P50单元主题:There is a big bed课 型:语音课授课教师: 一、教学目标1. 知识与能力目标1) 学生能掌握字母组合ai、ay在单词中的常见发音,即:/e/;2) 学生能读出符合ai、ay发音规则的单词; 3) 学生能在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范。2. 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标1) 学生能提高自主探究、归纳语音规则的能力; 2) 学生能够做到见到符合ai、ay发音规则的单词能拼读。二、教学重点 1) 了解字母发音规律,掌握发音方法;2) 学生能读出符合ai、ay

2、发音规则的单词。三、教学难点 1) 准确读出书本上八个含有ai、ay的单词;2) 学生能读出符合ai、ay发音规则的单词。四、教学准备 相关词卡,录音,课件。五、教学过程一、Warm-up 1. Greet with the students. T: Boys and girls, its nice to see you here. Look! There are so many teachers in our school! Lets say “Hello!” to our teachers.Ss: Hello, teachers! Welcome to our school! T: Wow

3、! You are so polite! Lets sing a song for our teachers.Ss: OK! 2. Ss and T sing a song together: Rain, rain, go away. 【设计意图】儿歌激发学生兴趣并且紧扣本课主题。二、Presentation1. Lead in. T: We also have two friends who come to our school today. Look! They are coming! They are Jay and May. Lets say “Hello!” to May and J

4、ay. Ss: Hello, Jay! Hello, May! T: Great! What are they? Do you know? Ss: 蜗牛! T: Yes, Jay is a snail and May is a snail, too. They are snails. (Teach: snail). Look! They have a lot of luggages on their back. Where are they going? Ss: I dont know. T: Ill tell you! They are going to Spain. Do you know

5、 Spain? (Teach: Spain) T: But its a long way from Ganzhou to Spain. Can you help them? Ss: Yes. T: You are helpful. If you want to help them, you should fulfill some tasks. Lets PK, OK?Ss: OK! 2. T: Now, lets go to task 1: Lets learn. First, lets see who has sharp eyes.课件出示单词:say, way, birthday, Mon

6、day. 让学生去找出这几个单词的共同点。学生发现这几个单词都有“ay”后,要学生听这几个单词的发音,总结出“ay”组合在字母中的发音。之后教师教授“ay”的发音以及让学生根据发音尝试拼读上述四个单词并操练。【设计意图】培养自主探究、归纳语音规则的能力。3. Lets do fast reaction (打地鼠游戏). 【设计意图】巩固刚刚学习的含有 “ay”发音的单词。 4. Lets enjoy a video. 学生观看一小段视频,让学生总结在视频当中发现了什么。由此引出字母组合 “ai”也发/e/. 之后PPT 出示课本中的单词:rainy, wait, paint, rainbow.

7、 让学生尝试拼读。【设计意图】培养自主探究、归纳语音规则的能力。5. Play a game: Big surprise. 由学生随机选一个金蛋,课件中出示每个金蛋所对应的任务,学生如果能准确地完成任务,则可得到相应的积分。【设计意图】该游戏的主要目的是使学生巩固“ai”组合在单词中的发音。听、说、读,并为下面的练习环节做好铺垫。6. Read, listen and chant.Listen to the tape and follow. 三.、Practice and Consolidation. 1. Listen, read and circle.T: Boys and girls,

8、you have done a great job in task 1, now lets go to task 2: Lets practice. 让学生完成书上练习: Listen, read and circle. 做这一部分练习时,先让学生朗读单词,熟悉每个单词的发音,之后再听音选词。 2. Listen, read and write.让学生完成书上第三部分练习:Listen, read and write. 做题之前,先让学生根据图片猜测完整的句子,之后再听音写句子。最后让几位学生把自己所听到的句子写在黑板上。 3. Lets chant. Chant部分让学生听一遍,之后由老师带

9、着学生配上动作再来一遍,最后由学生自己带上动作一起chant。 4. 总结。引导学生总结:ai与ay字母组合都发/e/。 四、Extension. 1. Lets challenge. 学生拼读带有“ai”, “ay”字母组合的新的单词。T: Wonderful! Now you can read these words very well. But can you read more words with “ai” and “ay”? Lets challenge. 【设计意图】训练学生“见词能读”能力。2. Story time. T: You have done a great job

10、today. Do you like reading stories? Ss: Yes. T: Lets read a story together. Ss: OK! T: The story is about our friends Jay and May. They are going to Spain. What happened on their way? Lets have a Look.(1) Listen and answer questions.(2) Listen, follow and underline.(3) Role play. 学生分角色朗读课文。(4) Group work. 学生小组练习朗读课文及表演。(5) Show time. 【设计意图】绘本故事巩固所学。在有趣的表演中结束今天所学内容。五、Homework. 1. Listen and read the words on P50.2. Share the story with your friends.



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