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1、教学设计基本信息作者姓名性别出生年月工作单位所用教科书书名人教PEP所教年级五年级所教册次、单元五年级上册Unit 1设计主题Unit 1 Whats he like? Part B Read and write1. 整体设计思路、指导依据说明指导思想:本课旨在通过读、说、表演等形式让学生能理解短篇内容,并能在学习语篇的过程中,运用本单元所学的词句进行表达。同时扩展新文本,以此发展学生的语言能力、学习能力及思维能力。整体设计思路:本节课是人教版五年级上册第一单元Whats he like? Part B Read and write部分新授内容。本节课话题是机器人,以认识课本里的机器人Robi

2、n,认识课本外的不同种类机器人,完成思维导图设计并介绍自己喜欢的机器人,设计自己的梦想机器人为主线,运用所学知识及扩展内容描述性格外貌,描述机器人能做的事情。本课目的是希望学生通过听、说、读、表演等,学会思考,能够合作学习,更积极地去交流,以此来培养学生的学习能力、思维能力及语言能力。授课对象是小学五年级的学生。2. 教学背景分析教学内容分析: 本节课是人教版五年级上册第一单元Whats he like? Part B Read and write 部分新授内容。是阅读内容新授课。要求学生能通过读、说、表演等形式理解短篇内容,并能在学习语篇的过程中运用本单元所学的词句进行表达。能理解扩展阅读文

3、本,并运用到自己的设计当中。学生情况分析:授课对象是小学五年级的学生,他们学习英语多年,有词汇基础,语言功底较好。机器人是现代的、高科技的,是学生们感兴趣的话题,能很好的引起学生学习、交流的兴趣。3. 教学目标分析教学目标:1. 通过读、说、表演等形式让学生能理解短篇内容。在学习语篇的过程中运用本单元所学的词句进行表达。2. 通过听、读、说理解扩展文本内容。3. 尝试运用本课所学语言来设计并谈论机器人。4. 教学重点、难点分析教学重点:1. 会读并理解短篇内容。能运用本课所学内容,进行交流表达。2. 能理解扩展文本。3. 运用所学句型,能设计并描述机器人。教学难点:设计并介绍自己的机器人。5.

4、 教学过程设计课前准备: 教师播放机器人Alpha视频,学生观看,教师准备。步骤1:导入首先通过问候学生,导入机器人,跟着老师学跳机器人舞,热身,调动学生气氛。同时引入本节课的话题“Robots”。T: OK, lets begin our class. Boys and girls, good morning. I am Carol. Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: Just now we saw a video. Whats it about? S1: Robin. S2: robots.T: Excellent, ro-bo

5、t (spell and teach) Whats his name? S1: Alpha. T: Alpha can dance very well. Can you dance like a robot?Ss: No.T: Lets have a try. Stand up, please. Follow me. Right hands up, left hands down. Music, go. (Students follow the teacher, and dance)T: Great, sit down, please. You dance very well, like cu

6、te robots. 设计意图: 机器人舞蹈开课。调动学生兴趣。引出本课主题“robot”。步骤2:认识书本上的机器人Robin,处理文本。先观察图片,推断Robin的信息。然后学生阅读,划出与Robin有关的关键词,教师将关键词分类,完善思维导图板书。小组朗读文本,小组表演文本。一、认识吴一凡的机器人,观察图片,通过观察课本图片,猜测:Robin是什么样的机器人?然后阅读文本划关键词,学习文本。T: And today we will meet Wu Yifans robot. Its cute, too. Whats his name? Ss: Robin. T: Lets meet Ro

7、bin together. Wu Yifan wrote a diary about Robin. When did he write it? Ss: On Sept.1st.T: Good, Wu Yifan wrote this diary (say it together) on Sept, the 1st, Tuesday. There are some pictures in the diary. What can you see? Ss: Robin and Wu Yifan.T: Please talk about these pictures. (Students talk f

8、reely.)S1: Robin can do the dishes. S2: Robin can teach the boy do homework. S3: Robin can lift the plates.T: Perfect, from the pictures, youve got some information. Is it right? Please read the diary and find out the answers. Lets read the questions together. What is Robin like? What can he do? Her

9、es the tip for you. You can scan and circle the key words. Look at sheet 1. Ready go!(Students read by themselves and circle the answers).T: OK, tell me your answers.(Students answer and teacher writes them down on the blackboard.)S1: Robin is short but strong.T: Great. Any other information?S2: He

10、is clever. T: You got it. How do you know Robin is clever? S2: He can speak Chinese and English. T: Yes. Maybe Robin can do a lot of things. Ss: Robin can do kung fu/dance. T: Do you have any other answers?S3: Robin is strict. T: How do you know he is strict? Look, Wu Yifan is doing his homework.S3:

11、 Robin makes Wu Yifan finish his homework. T: Wonderful. (Ask 3-4 students) Who makes you finish your homework? S4: My mother makes me finish homework. T: How about you? S5: My teacher makes me finish my homework. S6: I finish my homework by yourself. T: You are a hard-working boy. Do you have any o

12、ther answers?S1: Robin is helpful. S2: Robin is hard-working. T: Why does Wu Yifan think Robin is helpful and hard-working? The pictures can help you. Maybe Robin can do some housework. What can he do at home?S1: He can cook. S2: He can do the dishes at home. T: Who is helpful in your family?S1: My

13、mother is helpful. T: Are you helpful at home? What can you do at home? S1: I can cook for my mom. S2: I can do the laundry. T: Good daughter. Helpful son. You have got everything about Robin. Such a wonderful robot. Who made it?Ss: Grandpa.T: Look, who made this robot? Ss: Teacher. T: Great, you ha

14、ve got it. Who made this card?S1: Teacher. T: My students made this card.设计意图: 观察图片,能让学生学会观察,并对后面的阅读文本寻找关键词,更明确,学习更深刻。二、学生个人看思维导图练习复述文本。T: Well done, you are very smart, here are the answers. Please look, thats a mind map of Robin. Lets introduce it together. Robin is . Robin can . (Teacher introduc

15、es, then asks students to go on introducing together.) Perfect, you can introduce Robin very well. 设计意图: 通过思维导图,教师引导学生复述。通过两人竞争的方式,展示学生复述情况。三、小组表演文本。通过教师示范,学生表演文本内容。深化文本学习!1. T: Look, here is Robin. Lets play a game with Robin. Who wants to be a clever Robin? Come here. Speak like a Robot. When we introduce, you should do actions, OK? (Teacher introduces with students) 3, 2, 1, action. Ss: This is Robin. Grandpa made it. He is short but strong. (S1 does actions) He is clever. He can speak Chinese and English. T: Please speak Chinese. (S1 does


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