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1、单选易错题(一)1. -What do you think of _ coming 2010 Shanghai World Expo(世博会)?-I am sure it will be _ success.A. the, a B. the, / C. a, a D. a, the2. -All the T-shirts look nice. I cant decided _. -The red one looks the best, I think.A. what shall I buyB. which one can I buyC. if I can buy oneD. which one

2、 I should buy3. -Did you like the newest film “The Hurt Locker(拆弹部队)”?-Yes, very much. In fact I have never seen _ one before.A. a more wonderfulB. the more wonderfulC. a most wonderfulD. the most wonderful4. -Must I park my car behind the building?-No, you _. You _ park it here.A. shouldnt; mustB.

3、may not; mustC. dont have to; mayD. mustnt; may5. -The physics problem is too difficult. Can you show me _, George?-Sure.A. what to work outB. to work it outC. how to work it outD. how to work out it6. - Few films made at home are interesting,_they?- But I dont think every film from Hollywood is wor

4、th seeing, some of them are as _ as ours.A. arent, terribleB. are, boringC. are, enjoyableD. arent attractive7. - Wheres Miss Li? Someone _ for her in her office.- She_ to the bank.A. is waiting, has beenB. is waiting, has gone C. waits, has beenD. waits, has gone8. - Hi, Peter. Your new flat is so

5、nice!- Thanks, _.A. my pleasure B. dont mention itC. help yourself D. make yourself at home9. - Do you like the new pen?- Yes, it _ very well.A. is writtenB. writesC. is writingD. wrote10. - What should I do, doctor?-_ healthy, you should take more exercise.A. KeepB. KeepingC. To keepD. Having kept1

6、1. -What do you think of the new-comer? - He is easy _ .A. to get along with B. to get along C. getting along D. getting along with12. One day they went to visit the_ bridgeAold Chinese stone BChinese old stone Cold stone Chinese DChinese stone old13About_of the engineers in me company were born in

7、the_Atwo-thirds;1970 Btwo-thirds;1970s Ctwo-third;1970 Dtwo-third;1970s14Mr Smith is searching the Internet to find out_Awhat is the cause of the earthquake in QinghaiBwhat was the cause of the earthquake in QinghaiCwhen did the earthquake take place in QinghaiDwhen the earthquake took place in Qing

8、hai15. - Did you watch the basketball match last weekend?- Yes, I did. It was covered _, and I think it was wonderful.A.lively B.alive C.living D. live16. The old man _ live with his wife, but now he alone after she died.A. used to, is used to live B. used to, is used to livingC. was used to, used t

9、o liveD. is used to, is used to live17. -Good news. We will have a holiday.-Ive heard of it. But its coming in .A. three days; three days time B .three days; three daysC. three-day; three days D. three days; three-day time18. -My computer has gone wrong. Ill have it tomorrow.-Why not have Uncle Li i

10、t? Nobody can if he cant.A. fix; fixed B. fix; fix C. fixed; fixed D. fixed ;fix19. Make plans before you do anything. That is to say, you should _ how much time you need to finish it first. A. work on B. work out C. take out D. come out 20. - Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking a

11、fter my cat?- Not at all. _.A. Ive no time B. Id rather notC. Id like it D. Id be happy to单选易错题(二)1. -I hear not only many foreign countries but also China _ involved in the financial crisis(经济危机) last year.A. isB. areC. wasD. were2. -Would you like another cup of tea? -_? Thanks.A. Do IB. Will IC.

12、May ID. Am I3. -Nice to meet you, Mike. _?-Everything is OK. Thanks.A. What are you doingB. Where have you beenC. How is it goingD. Whats wrong with you4. He heard of a fox, but never saw _.A. thatB. oneC. itD. the one5. We dont know when the meeting _. When the meeting _, please tell me.A. holds, b

13、eginsB. holds, will be begunC. will hold, is begunD. will be held,begins6. -Id like to take a weeks holiday.-_. Were too busy.A. Dont worry!B. Dont mention itC. Pardon meD. Forget it7. - Have you heard of Alexander Graham Bell?- Yes, he invented _ telephone in 1876.A. B. a C. the D. one8. - Listen! David is talking happily with his mother in the next room.- It _ be his mother. She has gone to Yushu to be a volunteer doctor.A. should B. must C. cant D. mustnt9. - What are you going to do tomorrow?



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