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1、江苏省太仓市陆渡中学2015-2016学年九年级英语下学期阶段测试卷(满分:100分 时间:100分钟)姓名 _ 得分_第1节 :单项填空(共25分)1. His mother is ill. He is going to _ her in the hospital.A. look atB. look upC. look for D. look after2. The boy has to take the pills _.A. every five hoursB. for five hours C. every five-hoursD. for five-hours3. John eats

2、_ food and he is much too fat.A. much tooB. many tooC. too muchD. too many4. You must not read _ the sun.A. underB. inC. atD. on5. _ is necessary for us _ read newspaper.A. It; toB. That; toC. That; isD. This; is6. _ people like listening to music.A. None B. No one C. Not all D. Not at all7. During

3、that time, SARS spread easily _ people.A. amongB. alongC. betweenD. through8. I learn English by _, and my twin sisters teach _ Japanese.A. me; themB. myself; themselves C. myself; themD. me; themselves9. Must I take the medicine every day? No, you _.A. must notB. may notC. dont have to D. havent10.

4、 We could _some movie posters on the wall of our cinema.A. put out B. put off C. put down D. put up11. Whats your hobby? I _ listen to music, but now I enjoy dancing.A. am used toB. used toC. am usedD. use to12. We cant _reviewing, because the final test is only three weeks.A. put out B. put off C.

5、put down D. write down13. The film is very _. Im _ in it.A. interesting; interestingB. interesting; interested C. interested; interestedD. interested; interesting14. _ Li Lei _ to go swimming in the river? No, its very dangerous.A. Used; toB. Did; useC. Did; usedD. Use; did15. Their story _ so inter

6、esting and exciting.A. soundsB. looks C. hearsD. smells16. Jane, can you play _ basketball? No, I cant. But I can play _ violin.A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /D. the; /17.Is this your bicycle, David?No, its not_. Its Helens.A. his B. yours C. mine D. hers18. _ weather! Its always raining!A. What a bad B

7、. How a badC. What badD. How bad19. There _ a school meeting this afternoon.A. is going to haveB. is going to be C. are going to be D. will have20. Im sorry, I cant go to the concert. I must do some housework. _A. What shame! B. What a pity! C. What a nice concert!D. Youre so nice!21. _ into the cla

8、ssroom,he saw Ruth standing alone in the corner.A. Go B. To go C. Going D. Gone22. Dont _ what the man says. Work hard and _ yourself, and youll succeed one day.A. believe in; believe in B. believe; believe C. believe; believe in D. believe in; believe23. What happened to your best friend? He slippe

9、d on the icy road _ after a bus,and had his leg broken.A. to chase B. having chased C. chased D. chasing 24. Mr. Smith was found in a remote village after _ his office last Thursday.A. leaving B. being left C. leave D. having been left25. _ my hometown take on a new look, a sense of pride suddenly a

10、ppeared in my mind.A. Seeing B. Having seen C. Seen D. When I saw 第二节:单词拼写(10分)26. _ (分享) your happiness and sadness with your friends and this can help you relax.27. I was walking along the street when I remembered it was_ (必要的) to buy a sweater.28. The_(一月)wind has a hundred of voices. It can whis

11、per and it can sing.29.A government is a group of people who make_(决定)about the way people live.30 Its_(自然的)for you to feel nervous when you have an important exam31. Paris is a beautiful place. It attracts a lot of_(旅游者)every year.32. Jacky does exercise_(两次)a day and he looks much healthier than b

12、efore.33. -Whats your favourite_, Tom? -Christmas. I can get lots of nice presents at Christmas.34. -Jack is a(n)_young man. -Thats true. He always feels nervous when he speaks before people.35. -There was thick haze in our city this spring. What do you think of it? -I think the fewer cars we drive,

13、 the_ pollution our city will have.第三节:完形填空(共小20题;每小题1分,满分20分) For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In _36

14、_ a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend _37_ can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are _38_ readers. Most of us develop poor reading _39_ at an early age, and never get over them. The main deficiency(缺陷) _40_ in the actual stuff of language itself-words. Taken individually, words have _41_ meaning until they are strung togethe



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