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1、KB 4Unit0 2重点单词:jobs teacher, doctor, dentist, farmer, detective重点句型:1.What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. 2.Whats your uncles job?He is a doctor.Unit0 P3重点单词:funny, hungry, thirsty, loud, quiet, happy, clever, tired, young, old, beautiful, sad作业:1.读学生用书第三页4部分2两次 2.描述一个人的外貌特征,并写在纸上,不少于3句

2、话Unit0 P3-4词组:get up起床, wake up清醒, get dressed穿衣服, have a shower洗澡, have breakfast吃早饭, go to school去上学, do homework做家作, have lunch吃午饭, play in the playground在操场玩, come home回家, have supper吃晚饭, watch TV看电视, go to bed上床睡觉, go to the park去公园, go to sleep睡觉, have a wash洗漱, run to the kitchen跑去厨房, sit on

3、a chair坐在凳子上, eat your breakfast吃你的早点, comb your hair梳你的头发, get your bag拿你的书包作业:1.朗读词组2次 2.描述自己的一天 3.读熟ants, ants and more ants,选择一页背诵Unit0 P6-7/u:/:who, blue, shoe/:yellow, coat, snow/a/:brown, bouse, shout,down/:her, purple, work, nurse/a/:buy, white, fly, kite, rain, why,/e/:grey, train, play, pl

4、ane作业:1.朗读今日重点单词,区分单词发音 2.朗读学生用书第七页故事2遍3.听学生用书CD1 06 07 09一次Unit1 8-9重点单词:boring(无聊的), quick(快的), exciting(令人兴奋的,刺激的), busy(忙的), careful(认真的), difficult(难的), easy(简单的), slow(慢的), terrible(糟糕的), pottery(陶器), bowl(碗)作业:1.背诵重点单词,下次课听写 2.朗读学生用书第9页活动4,6两次Unit1 10who引导的关系从句(relative clause)1. Shes the tea

5、cher whos playing the guitar.2. Hes the man whos writing on the board.作业:1. 听学生用书10页 CD1 12两次并跟读 2.完成练习题Unit1 11-12/f/发音的单词:four, fat, funny, fifteen, favourite, friend, scarf, leaf, father, afterelephant, photo, dolphin, phone, laugh, cough作业:1.复习学生用书11,12页 2.朗读/f/发音的单词3次,注意规则Unit1 13-14millimetre(

6、毫米), centimetre(厘米), metre(米), millilitre(毫升), litre(升), length(长度),measure(测量), mass(重量), volume(容积)Unit1 151. How long is your pencil? (你的铅笔多长?)2. How tall are you? (你有多高?)3. How heavy are you? (你有多重?)作业:1. 复习3个重点句型 2. 阅读故事书Beanie and the missing bear,选择一页背诵Unit1 16-17重点单词:climb(攀爬), sail(驾驶帆船), r

7、ock climbing(攀岩), climbing wall(攀岩墙), water sports(水上运动)句子:1. A palce where you can learn to swim.2.The girl whos ten wants to skate.作业:1.背诵单词 2.听学生用书16、17页 CD1 21,22两次 3.写4、5句话的日记Unit 2 18副词(adverb):badly(糟糕地), well(很好地), slowly(慢地), quickly(快地), carefully(认真地), loudly(大声地), quietly(安静地)作业:1. 本周作文主

8、题:My weekends(我的周末)2. 背诵重点单词 Unit 2 19-20重点语言:easily(简单地), happily(快乐地), fall(落下), verse(诗), chorus(合唱队), drop(掉落)作业:1.听学生用书19,20页 CD1 25,26,28,29两次并跟读 2.复习活动用书20页 单词音节划分 3.阅读F级别故事5.Beanie and the missing bearUnit2 21复习单词:balloon(气球), salt(盐), sand(沙子), scissor(剪刀), neck(脖子)作业:1.听学生用书21页故事两次并跟读 2.本周

9、作文:I want to be a/an .我想成为一名.Unit 2 22-23重点单词:pitcher(投手), bat(球棒), batter(击球手), run(奔跑), first(第一), second(第二), third(第三), fourth(第四), base(垒), arrive(到达), basket(篮筐,球篮), baseball field(棒球场), have to(不得不), must(必须)作业:1.复习学生用书22-23页 2. 阅读F级别故事6.Billy gets lostUnit 2 25复习第1单元和第2单元中的语言和词汇。游戏语言:1.Its m

10、y turn. 2.Its your turn. 3.You should move five squares.作业:1.复习第1单元和第2单元中的单词 2.本周作文:My best friend(我最好的朋友)Unit 3 26-27重点语言:一般过去时, because(因为)原形-过去式:is-was, are-were, have-had, drink-drank, see-saw, give-gave, take-took, go-went, eat-ate重点句型:I was ill because I ate a lot of cakes.作业:1.记动词的原形和它的过去式 2.

11、听学生用书26页 CD1 32,33 两次并跟读2.完成活动用书27页作文:Write about your weekendUnit 3 28重点句型:1.Did Stella have a nice dream? No, she didnt. She had a bad dream.2. What was wrong with the woman? She had a bad headache.作业:1.听学生用书28页 CD1 34两次并跟读 2.复习重点句型 3.本周作文:My summer holiday. 暑假快到了,请为你的暑假写一个计划。Unit 3 29复习动词原形和过去式新单

12、词:category(分类)作业:1. 听学生用书29页 CD11歌曲两次并跟唱 2.复习今日知识Unit 3 30-31/e/:when, weather, friend, sweater, clever, went, bread, then, never/i:/:sea, cheese, easy, beach, meat, jeans, need作业:1.听学生用书30,31 CD1 37,38,39 两遍并跟读 2.本周作文:My family32,33,34新单词:human(人类), bone(骨头), blood(血), blood group(血型), blood cell(血

13、细胞), muscle(肌肉), heart(心), lung(肺), beat(跳动), chest(胸), layer(层), tennis court(网球场), breathe(呼吸), stretch(伸展), diameter(直径), medical check ups(身体检查), eye test(视力检查)动词的过去式作业:1.听学生用书33,34页 CD1 40,CD2 2,3两次并跟读 2.复习动词过去式的变化规则Unit4 35重点句型:1. Tod lived in the countryside. (肯定句)2. Tod didnt live in the cou

14、ntryside.(否定句)3.Did Tod live in the counrtyside? (一般疑问句)Yes, he did.(肯定回答)/ No, he didnt.(否定回答)作业:1.朗读学生用书35页活动4课文三遍 2.本周作文:根据给出的材料,写一写Mike的上个周末。Saturday: read a magazine, go to the zoo; Sunday: buy a book, learn Kungfu, watch TVUnit4 36-37重点语言:基数词1-20,序数词1-20(详见表格)生词:out of order(无序), repairman(修理工

15、人), out of breath(喘不过气), Nobel prize(诺贝尔奖), Olympic Games(奥运会), Mount Qomolangma(珠穆朗玛山), league(社团,联盟)作业:1.背诵1-20序数词和基数词 2.听学生用书36,37页 CD2 5,6两次Unit4 38-39Ryhming words(押韵词):1. five, white 2. know, go 3. brown, around作业:1.听学生用书38,39页 CD2 8,10两遍并跟读 2.复习动词的过去式,1-20序数词,下次课听写KB3 U7-8 KB4 1-4词汇:Animals: bear, whale, shark, panda, lion, bat, dolphin, kangaroo, parrotWeather: cloudy, raining, snowing, sunny, wet, windy, coldcoat, hat, scarf, sweater形容词:boring, busy, careful, difficult, easy, exciting, slow



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