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1、考纲3500重点难点词汇全练全测(30) ( spit suitcase )一、 选用方框内所给词组的适当形式填空。(10选8,注意变化)stay up; split up; stand for; stand out ; suffer from; be strict with/in; subscribe to; submit to; spring up; stick to; 1. Each star on the flag of the United States a state of the nation. 2. I all night preparing for my history ex

2、am. 3. I think that teachers should students. 4. They several weekly magazines, such as Time and Newsweek. 5. Once a decision has been made, all of us should it. 6. My mother stomachache when she was young. 7. Weeds after a rain. 8. He has agreed questioning. 二、 选用方框内所给动词的适当形式填空。(注意时态、语态、非谓语动词)strik

3、e; stretch; stick; spit; subscribe; squeeze; submit; spread; split; spray 1. A typhoon Taiwan last month and caused great damage. 2. In many countries it is considered rude in public. 3. He woke up, yawned and him arms. 4. His car broke down and in a no-parking area.5. Not many people to the idea th

4、at money brings happiness. 6. Mr Huang was so fat that it was difficult for him through the door.7. The river into three streams (小河,溪流) at this point. 8. You are required your application for the position to Personnel by Friday. 9. We the map out on the floor and studied in which direction we shoul

5、d go. 10. They the dusty road with water every day. 三、 从方框中选择合适的词,用适当形式填空。词性变化。1. Millions will face next year as a result of the drought. (starve)2. He put two of sugar in his coffee. (spoon)3. Of the two apartments, my wife preferred the one with a lot of space. (store)4. We can never be frightene

6、d to . (submit)5. Please evaluate the and weaknesses of our new product. (strong)6. In an official , she formally announced her resignation. (state)7. The medicine will ease your . (suffer)8. The plane flew to New York. (straight)9. Her English is good. (speak) 10. Is the movie for the children to w

7、atch? (suit)四、 根据句意和中英文提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. The workers are going on (罢工) for higher pay. 2. The opera house could not survive without commercial (赞助商). 3. An ambulance was on the s (现场=scene) shortly after the accident. 4. I tried to wash away the ink/blood/wine (污迹) out of my pants, but in vain. 5. His

8、father has run this fruit (摊位=stand) for several years. He also _ (压榨) juice out of an cane (甘蔗). 6. (统计数字) show that the divorce rate has been on the increase. 7. We were impressed by the (壮丽的) sunrise on the top of the mountain.8. The police have captured a foreign (间谍). 9. Which flavour of yoghou

9、rt do you like better, or pineapple?10. I need a piece of (细绳) to tie this package. 11. He is (吮吸) up milk through a s (吸管,麦管). 12. We visited the (体育馆), which is a (钢) and glass _ (结构). 13. Teachers used to have high (地位) in our country. 14. Whats this sticky s (东西=matter) on the floor? Chewing gum

10、 (口香糖). 15. The patient in ward 303 is in (稳定的) condition now.五、 根据句子意思选用方框内合适的词语填空。spot; steam; sufficient; steep; steady; steak; suitcase ; statue; stocking; staff1. There is a coffee on your tie. 2. Boiling water gives off . 3. There isnt (=enough, adequate) food for ten people; I need to make so

11、me purchases. 4. Its not easy to find a and well-paying job nowadays. 5. Whats the most troublesome about a trip is to pack and unpack the .6. The hill is too to ride up on a bicycle. 7. A ladys cover the whole of her legs and feet. 8. We had beef for dinner.9. The company employs a total of 150. 10

12、. The government decided to put up a bronze (铜) in memory of the great educator.六、 同义表达,每空一词。1. You need to exercise to build up your strength.You need to out to your body. 2. The man lost his way in the forest and starved to death. The man lost in the forest and died of . 3. He was inflexible. He stuck to his previous opinion. He was too to change his mind. 4. All of a sudden she rushed


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