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1、高三英语期末冲刺语法填空重点、难点、易错点集锦 2019.1.5用心学习,准确记忆,灵活运用,孩子们,祝你们成功!1. 介词(in / over/ during)the last / past +段时间,多用于_ 或 _进行时。China _(spend) a lot of money on such research over the past years.Great changes _(take place) in the past few years.2. 常见的永久不可数名词有:advice, fun, information, news, progress, equipment, w

2、eather, furniture, rubbish.He agreed to read my story and give me some constructive advices on how to write like a real writer._(改错)During my visit, I am already learning , and I hope to learn more about the remarkable progresses that China has made in achieving economic growth and fighting poverty

3、on a massive scale._(改错)3. It is known that / What is known is that. / As is known, +句子Asisknowntousallisthatthewhaleisnotfishbutmammal._(改错)It isknowntousall,theearthisround. _(改错)What is known that the earth is round. _(改错)4. 介词+ which / whom 引导的定语从句Do you remember the day on _you joined our club?

4、Easter is one of a group of days on _ Christmas remember the life of Jesus.I thanked him a lot, without _I wouldnt have finished my task in time.5. 句子,which 引导的定语从句Hesetfreethebirdshappily,_ wasacelebrationforhissuccess.Theownerofthecinemaneededtomakealotofimprovementsandemploymorepeopletokeepitrunn

5、ing,_meantspendingtensofthousandsofpounds.6. sothat与suchthat 引导结果状语从句IhavesuchlittlemoneythatIcantlendyouany. _(改错)Ihaveneverseensolittlesheepbefore. _(改错)Sheissoanicegirlthatourteacherlikesherverymuch. _(改错)IvehadtoomanyfallsthatImblackandblueallover. _(改错)HespeaksEnglishgrammar veryclearly that ev

6、en I can understand it.7. The reason why.is that/ The reason for + 名词 Thereason_he loves heris_ sheisa pretty girl Thereason_his being late is _ he was stuck in a traffic jam.The reason why he went to school late is because he got up too late this morning8.It+be+时间+before/since/when/that 句型辨析(1) It

7、is/has been+时间段+since sb. did sth. 自从.多久(2) It was/will be+时间段+before.多久才(3) It was +时间点+ when 当某时发生时是什么时间(4)It is /was+时间状语+that 强调句型9. be doing when /be about to do when/had donewhen10.while 表对比,翻译成“然而”11. what引导名从,充当主宾表12. 感叹句用于名从13.same 前必须加the; favorite 不与most 连用14. the only/序数词/最高级+名词+to do 练习

8、题l). It was two years _he realized the truth.2). It will be five years _ the economic situation improves.3). It was five oclock_ we arrived at the small mountain village4). It wont be long _he finishes the work.5). It was at midnight _ the children came back from the ball.6).It is two weeks _the Smi

9、ths lived in our village.7). It has been one year _ I got the job.8). I was having dinner at a restaurant _ Tony Steele came in.9). I was about to get out the room _ the door was opened.10). The son was having a good meal at home,_the parents were working in the fields.11). You have no idea _ anxiou

10、s I have been for her safety. 12). _ he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world. 13). Do _ you think is right whatever difficulties you may have. 14). Now we can see _ a serious problem the population is.15).This is sameskirt that she was wearing a year ago16). I took the title of th

11、is chapter from one of mymost favoritebooks17). She is the only Chinese _(win) this prize.18). Neil Armstrong was thefirstman_(walk) onthemoon. 15.形容词变副词的一般规则形容词变副词通常是加ly,其变化有规律可循,请记住以下口诀: 一般直接加,“元e”去e加,“辅y”改i加,“le”结尾e改y。分别举例如下:quick-quickly;true-truly;happy-happily;possible-possibly注意:1).以ic结尾的词,加a

12、lly,如:basic-basically;scientific-scientifically;automatic-automatically; public-publicly例外。2).dry-dryly;sly-slyly;shy-shyly3).但是whole-wholly例外。4).以-ll结尾时,只须加y,如:dull-dully;shrill-shrillypolite-_;sad-_;immediate-_; due-_heavy-_;angry-_;busy-_ public-_16.易错搭配:return后不接back,但后接宾语时用to。enter及物动词,所以后不能接介词

13、into。serve 为某人服务,及物动词,后不加介词for。contact及物动词,后不能接介词with。 marry 及物动词,后不能接介词with,marry sb 和某人结婚。because引导原因状语从句,主句前不能用so。although/though/while引导让步状语从句,主句前不能用but(先从后主),但可以用yet。单句改错:Althoughhe is known to only a few, but his reputation among them is verygreat.If youserve foryour country, an organization, or a person, you do useful work for them. Blair willreturnback to Londontonight 17.before与ago的区别ago过去时或过去进行时连用。before完成时连用,尤其在间接引语中Ivis



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