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1、The relationship of the sense of guilt to moral human behavior.For a long time, guilt has been given a bad name, or rather an assortment of bad names. It seems that guilt is flowing through our society like sticky black tar, clinging to and staining everyone it touches. This goop contaminates our ma

2、rriages, our children, our ministries, our self-esteem and more exactly, our moral and mental behavior. Consequently, people have always been suggested to lose the guilt and freedom from guilt forever in order to live a life which is expected to be safe, secure, confidential .Actually, what has been

3、 pictured is just part of the story of guilt. Guilt in such a case can only be defined as unhealthy guilt. Guilt of this type is a distressful feeling which occurs without reason or it persists even after appropriate steps have been taken to deal with a situation. Apparently, this persistent guilt f

4、eelings are destructive to self-esteem and are a drain on our energies. Guilt, in many other cases can be considered constructive and helpful especially when it can turn out to the engine that fuels us, the conscience and the great civilizer, the internal commandment that helps us choose to be kind

5、to each other and more importantly, the adult in each of us, the parent, the one who upholds the standards. So guilt of this type should belong to the healthy guilt. When people do research on a particular challenge and make a decision, the decision may lead to unfavorable consequences. Feeling dist

6、ress and pain is normal. Feeling guilty that you caused the consequences is unhealthy guilt. The decision was made with proper advice and with good intent and the person remains morally right in having made the decision. There is no reason for guilt. It is a good distressful feeling which keeps us f

7、rom violating our own values. It serves a useful function.As what has been explicated by Ellen Goodman in this article, guilt represents the noblest and most painful of struggles between us and ourselves and can be applied to modify our behavior because to be without guilt is to be without a conscie

8、nce. So keep in your mind that feeling guilty is nothing to feel guilty about.The importance of spiritual civilization on material civilization.We cant neglect the wonderful advances which is also referred to as material civilization that had been made in science and technology. But we still have to

9、 bear in mind the fact that without equal advances in spiritual civilization, material civilization would lead to trouble, because in material civilization, good and evil advance together and maintain at the same pace.We can take the material progress of mankind in the previous decades for example.

10、Evidently, hand in hand with the development of science and technology is the correspondingly increased invention and production of means and weapons for human destruction. In early days the weapon of war was the sword; now it is the magazine rifle. Among the ancients, men fought with javelins and d

11、aggers; now they employ bombs, nuclear, and biological weapons. In a word, it is true that we benefit from technology, but we also suffer from it, which is the same pattern that can be seen in every area of material advancement.On the whole, material civilization is what happens when we apply our sc

12、ientific knowledge, and it is in the application and the use that good and evil emerge and it is our spiritual civilization, namely our motivations, our wisdom, and our insight by and large that definitely determine the result. Without the spiritual growth people will be lifeless and will lose a sen

13、se of passion for the life experience. In such a case, although physically and mentally alive, they will be spiritually dead.Spiritual civilization, on the other hand, is raised on the backs of those who labor to comprehend spiritual principles, to develop their spiritual nature, and to live accordi

14、ngly. True spirituality is not something confined to philosophy or idle talk but the spiritual knowledge translated into deeds.In one word, no matter how far the material world advances, it alone cannot establish the happiness of mankind. Only when material and spiritual civilization are linked and

15、coordinated will happiness be assured.On Restrictions of Free Information on the Net.As we all know that we can get access to a large variety of information and resources on the Net, which may include text, graphics, sound files, videos, etc. And many of us take it for granted that we can download,

16、copy, and transmit whatever we need and even reproduce or plagiarize the materials to our advantage without the need of obtaining any permission. Actually such use is a clear infringement of the copyright owners rights under the International Copyright Law and carries with it many serious penalties. While Net is very helpful in our search for truth, we must do it in a legal and morally correct way, say, we should tell others about it. Since the producers of goo


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