2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 6-Section Ⅰ

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 6-Section Ⅰ》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 6-Section Ⅰ(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Module 6 War and Peace Amos Colley and Sarah 的儿子在内战中牺牲了 但当儿子的遗体被送来时却 发现了意外情况 他们是如何做的呢 On Memorial Day Charley was the son of Amos Colley a farmer and his wife Sarah When the Civil War broke out Charley was the first to join the Northern army A year or so after he volunteered for the army he got b

2、adly wounded in a battle Soon he died from the wounds in Virginia Amos and Sarah were told that their son s body would be shipped home for burial One October day a rough pine coffin arrived The box was opened Sarah was the first to look inside Her face grew pale and her hand flew to her mouth for th

3、e body she gazed upon was the body of a stranger He was a fair haired boy dressed in confederate gray the uniform of the enemy A search through his clothing gave them no further information What to do To attempt to return the stranger s body to Virginia seemed useless and somehow cruel There was jus

4、t one thing to do to bury it But where Outside the town in some unknown spot Sarah refused to do that The stranger had been loved by someone he had given his life as Charley had for a cause he believed right He should have a decent burial in the town s cemetery And so it was done A week later a coff

5、in containing Charley s body arrived In his uniform of Union blue he was laid to rest only a few yards from where the stranger lay The war ended Each year on Memorial Day the town people put flowers and flags on the graves of their honored dead They also honor the stranger the confederate soldier kn

6、own only to God 2 1 burial n 埋葬 2 coffin n 棺材 3 gaze v 凝视 看 4 confederate n 同盟 5 uniform n 制服 6 somehow 莫明地 7 decent adj 像样的 8 break out 爆发 1 How did Charley die 2 How was the stranger deal with 答案 1 He died from the wounds in a battle 2 He was buried in the town s cemetery Section Introduction thus

7、 the so called Operation Overlord happened The first aim of the Allies was 5 land on the beaches of Normandy The landings were extremely dangerous under the German wild artillery shells and machine gun fires The situation was so 6 terrify that the US army commanders almost thought about 7 abandon the invasion Eventually the soldiers made 8 breakthrough and the D Day landings were successful at the cost of thousands of 9 lose soldiers which determined the 10 fail of Germany 答案 1 which 2 bravery 3 against 4 to send 5 to land 6 terrifying 7 abandoning 8 a 9 lost 10 failure 6



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