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1、 1 学业分层测评学业分层测评 二二 单句语法填空 1 Do you know who is the first person land on the moon 2 The English alphabet begins A and ends with Z 3 I went to see my friends off at the airport Is that you were late for the important meeting 4 Hurry up you ll miss the train 5 He was caught in the rain As result he had

2、 a bad cold 6 With the development of science and technology people s life improve in the past few years 7 You don t have to pay goods which you did not order 8 When the runners got close to the finishing line we all held our breathe 9 What do you think of the film yesterday Very boring It couldn t

3、be any bad 10 By making friends with the native speakers one can pick a lot of their language 答案 1 to land 2 with 3 why 4 or otherwise 5 a 6 has improved 7 for 8 breath 9 worse 10 up 完成句子 导学号 06590035 1 我以前从没有看过这么好的电影 I before 2 要遵从医嘱 否则你的咳嗽会变得更严重 Follow your doctor s advice 3 动动脑子 你就会想出好办法 you will

4、 find a good way 4 这个计划的问题是它不是很切合实际 it is not very practical 5 他是最后一个交卷的 但是他得分最高 He was his exam paper But he got the highest mark 2 答案 1 have never seen a better film 2 or otherwise your cough will get worse 3 Use your head and 4 The problem with this plan is that 5 the last one to hand in 阅读理解 A I

5、 love to run with a partner but there s nothing like running alone It s the me time that I badly need When you run by yourself you have time to think You have enough time alone to work through whatever worries you and by the time you re home again you ll feel mentally refreshed 精神振作 If something is

6、weighing on your mind I say think about it as you run Run until you ve successfully dealt with it Sometimes the best therapy 治疗 comes not on a bed but in running shoes Honestly it s easier for me to work out rather than improve my diet I noticed early in my training that as I ran further distances I

7、 cared more about what I ate because they directly affect each other You want to run at your best performance level and it won t take you long to realize which foods help and which ones hurt Simply by running your food needs change and you eat the best foods to give you energy A friend recently aske

8、d me Why do you run I said In a given day sometimes I hate the one hour that I spend running But I love the way that one hour makes me feel for the rest of the day There is a mysterious quality that running adds to your life I don t know if it s the way it shapes your legs or the knowledge that you

9、ve cleared seven miles before most people wake up I think true runners walk a little taller They hold a confidence that doesn t come from anything else 语篇解读 本文主要讲述了跑步能让人快乐与健康的原因 1 What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraphs 4 and 5 A He She pays little attention to his her diet B People should

10、 eat a lot before running C Diet has little to do with running D Running makes people eat more healthily 3 解析 段落大意题 归纳第四 五段内容可知 这两段主要是说明跑步 能让人的饮食更健康 答案 D 2 By saying true runners walk a little taller in the last paragraph the author means that they A are growing B become healthier C are more confide

11、nt D learn more from running 解析 句意理解题 本段讲到跑步带给人生其他的品质 通过本段最后 一句可知 这一品质正是自信 故选 C 项 walk tall 指 昂首阔步 趾高气扬 答案 C 3 The author wrote the text mainly to tell us A why running keeps you happy and healthy B how to get into a good habit of running C the relationship between diet and running D running is bett

12、er than any other exercise 解析 作者意图题 文章讲了跑步可以给人提供时间考虑问题 可以让 人的饮食更健康 可以帮助人建立信心 可见作者是要告诉我们跑步能使人健康 和快乐的原因 答案 A B Healthy Habits Healthy Body Feel tired lately Has a doctor said he can t find anything wrong with you Perhaps he has sent you to a hospital but all the advanced equipment there shows that the

13、re is nothing wrong with you Then consider this you might be in a state of sub health 亚健康 Sub health also called the third state or gray state is explained as a borderline 边 界线 state between health and disease 4 According to the investigation by the National Health Organization over 45 percent of su

14、b healthy people are middle aged or elderly The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam weeks Symptoms include a lack of energy depression 压抑 slow reactions insomnia 失眠 agitation and a poor memory Other symptoms include shortness of bre

15、ath sweating and aching in the waist and legs The key to preventing and recovering from sub health according to some medical experts is to form good living habits alternate work and rest exercise regularly and take part in open air activities As for meals people are advised to eat less salt and suga

16、r They should also eat more fresh vegetables fruits and fish because they are rich in nutritional elements vitamins and trace elements that are important to the body Nutrition 营养 experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract 消化系统 They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding sub health 语篇解读 本文介绍了亚健康的症状 原因及对策 4 According to this passage which of the following is right A When you are in a state of su



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