2020届高考英语一轮复习教案:选修7 Unit 20 New Frontiers

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1、1 话题素材 好词 1 solve v 解决 2 absorb v 吸收 3 observe v 观察 遵守 庆祝 4 knowledge n 知识 5 explore vt 探索 探险 exploration n 探测 探究 6 serious adj 严重的 7 comfortable adj 舒适的 8 with the development of 随着 的发展 9 science and technology 科技 10 make a difference 起作用 11 in the meantime 同时 12 growing rapidly 迅速发展 佳句 1 I was so

2、angry that I rushed out leaving him sitting there with pale face 我非常生气 冲了出去 留下他坐在那儿 脸色发白 2 Neither will he go home nor will he go to school 他既不愿回家 也不愿去上学 精美语篇 We are now living in an information age in which TV cells and the Web are widely used It seems that many people can t enjoy themselves withou

3、t them However if I had to give up one of them I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Internet I could do without TV because few shows take my fancy and there re too many commercials Besides most programs on TV are also available elsewhere As for cells and the Web they

4、 are more necessary to me because a cell can make me keep in touch with my friends and family while the Internet can provide me with almost all information 高频单词 1 assist vt 帮助 协助 assistance n 帮助 协助 assistant n 助手 助理 2 technical adj 技术上的 technique n 技术 2 3 latter n 后者 former n 前者 4 shortly adv 不久 很快

5、5 update vt 更新 6 worn adj 磨损的 wear vt 穿 佩戴 磨损 留 蓄 7 starvation n 饥饿 starve v 挨饿 8 conflict n 争执 冲突 v 冲突 抵触 9 equality n 平等 equal adj 平等的 v 等于 10 assess vt 评价 评估 assessment n 评价 评估 11 electronic adj 电子的 electric adj 电的 用电的 electrical adj 电的 电气 科学的 12 specialist n 专家 special adj 专门的 特殊的 13 rescue vt 拯

6、救 救援 rescuer n 救援者 14 instructor n 指导者 教练 instruct v 指导 教导 15 donate vt 捐赠 赠送 donation n 捐赠 赠送 donator n 捐赠者 16 meanwhile adv 同时 17 cure vt 治愈 18 exploration n 探测 探险 explore vt 探测 探险 19 permanent adj 长久的 永久的 20 permit vt 允许 准许 许可 permit n 许可证 permission n 允许 准许 21 declare vt 宣告 宣布 declaration n 宣布 2

7、2 poisonous adj 有毒的 poison n 毒物 毒药 重点短语 1 in advance 提前 预先 2 be based on 以 为基础 3 make up for 弥补 4 donate to 捐 给 5 shortly after 不久后 6 give away 泄露 秘密 7 take over 接收 接管 8 figure out 计算出 解决出 9 wrestle with something 努力解决难以处理的事物 10 participate in 参加 11 not to mention 更不用说 12 come into conflict 发生冲突 13

8、drop off 下降 减少 14 be dedicated to 致力于 献身于 15 due to 因为 16 rather than 而不是 3 热点句型 1 by 时间点 常与完成时连用 By the year 2015 the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them 教材 P20 到 2015 年 服装业将生产出各种新型布料 无论你将什么东西洒在上面都不会留下污 迹 2 be doing

9、when 正在 这时 In the summer of 1905 this outspoken young man was rocking his one year old baby when he was suddenly inspired 教材 P24 1905 年夏天 这位率直的年轻人正摇晃他一岁的婴儿时 他突然有了灵感 3 There s no doubt about that 毫无疑问 There s no doubt about it 教材 P25 对此应该深信不疑 4 否定词 比较级表示最高级的含义 At this time of year there is nowhere be

10、tter than the unspoilt countryside of South Shropshire 教材 P29 在每年这个时节 没有哪里比自然淳朴的南什罗浦乡下更好了 教材复现 在空白处填入适当的内容 1 个单词 或括号内单词的正确形式 1 Over the centuries people have always wonder about the future 答案 wondered 2 Some like to read fantasy stories and imagine what the world will be like 10 50 or even 1 000 yea

11、r s time 答案 in 3 Many people will attend the seminar with dreams of starting new enterprises base on the predictions they will hear this weekend 答案 based 4 By the year 2025 no one will die of starve because there will be food for everyone 答案 starvation 5 the middle of the century computers that are

12、millions of times smarter than us will have been developed 答案 By 6 amaze discoveries were made in medicine communications and transport not to mention our knowledge of the world 答案 Amazing 7 Although is impossible to choose the most important discovery it is possible to single out a few pioneers of

13、the 20th century 答案 it 8 Einstein had already become world famous when a young ex lawyer return 4 from the First World War started work in California 答案 returning 9 In 1929 another far reaching find was made by the son of a Scottish shepherd 答案 finding 10 These pioneers of the 20th century were all

14、dedicate to improving the quality of human life on earth 答案 dedicated 1 assist vt 帮助 协助 The new international crew are planning to take over from the existing one and assist with P19 新的国际机组全体人员正计划要接管现有的一架飞机并协助 Error 帮助某人做某事 2 assistance n 帮助 go come to one s assistance 帮助某人 with the assistance of 在

15、帮助下 3 assistant n 助手 助理 助教 店员 2013 天津高考 For years Flagstaff Arizona has enforced lighting regulations in its city in order to assist astronomers at the Lowell Observatory 多年来 为了帮助在洛厄尔天文台的宇航员 亚利桑那州的佛莱斯达在它的城市实行照 明条例 牛津词典 The head teacher s deputy assists with many of his duties 副校长帮助校长做了很多工作 I swam to

16、 Dad quickly and assisted him in climbing to climb onto the boat 我迅速游向父亲 并协助他爬到船上 译林 3 With the assistance of his brother he sold one painting 在弟弟的帮助下 他卖掉了一幅画 2 latter n 后者 adj 后期的 末期的 In the 18th and 19th centuries especially the latter the most common theme in science fiction novels was the future P20 在 18 和 19 世纪 特别是 19 世纪 科幻小说最常见的主题是未来 5 1 the former the latter 前者 后者 2 the latter part 后部分 the latter point 后一点 the latter year 晚年 2013 福建高考 Jack and Bill are twins but the former is taller than


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