2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 2 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 2 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 2 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Section Introduction you cannot be sure of something you might get in the future 你只能确保你现在所拥有的东西 对将来你会 得到什么东西你是不能把握的 Be sure to call call us and let us know you ve got back safely 一定要给我们打电话 让我们知道你平安返回 2 up to 直到 多达 由 决定 忙于 从事 胜任 写出下列句中 up to 的含义 4 Up to three students were late for class today whi

2、ch made my teacher very angry It s up to you whether we accept the present or not We all agree that he is up to the position What have you been up to Up to now he hasn t finished his work 答案 高达 多达 由 决定 胜任 忙于 做 直到 1 be up to doing sth 打算做 正在做 不好的事 胜任 做某事 2 It s up to you 交际用语 由你决定 It s up to sb to do

3、 sth 由某人决定做某事 It s up to you to decide decide whether to go or not 由你决定走还是不走 I have been wondering what he is up to 我一直想知道他在做什么 Shall we go out for dinner or eat at home 我们是出去吃饭还是在家吃呢 It s up to you 由你决定 make efforts 作出努力 教材 P12 The report shows that we are making some progress but that we need to m

4、ake greater efforts 报告显示我们正在进步 但是我们必须作出更大的努力 1 make efforts an effort every effort to do sth 5 尽一切努力做某事 spare no effort to do 不遗余力 2 without effort 容易地 不费力地 Make a little bit more effort and I believe you will realize your dream 多努力一些 我相信你会实现你的梦想的 I will make every effort to achieve achieve my goal

5、我将尽一切努力来实现我的目标 We should spare no effort to beautify beautify our environment 我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境 He won the first prize in the speech contest without effort 他轻松地赢得了演讲比赛的一等奖 名师点津 尽一切努力做某事 的表达法还有 try do one s best to do sth do all that sb can to do sth do what sb can to do sth figure n 数字 体形 人物 身影 图形 v

6、计算 认为 教材 P13 Complete the chart with figures from the passage 用短文中的数字完成表格 写出下列句中 figure 的含义 Beijing University founded in 1898 is home to a great number of outstanding figures He has an income of six figures After a certain age you have to work hard to keep your figure She was afraid to see a figure

7、 in the dark I figure that different people like different things 答案 人物 数字 体形 人影 认为 6 figure out 想出 理解 弄明白 看透 I can t figure out what it is that makes him so bad recently 我琢磨不透最近什么事让他情绪这么难过 语境填词 1 A great number of people are going and hundreds of children have died of hunger 2 With the of economy p

8、eople s lives are becoming better and better However China is different from America which is a country China is still a country Therefore we should study hard to make our country more powerful develop 3 I have had the benefit of a good but I don t know how to my own child educate 答 案 1 hungry hunge

9、r 2 development developed developing 3 education educate 选词填空 up to at the top of make great efforts make progress make sure at the bottom of 1 that you really do understand what the position involves before you answer your question 2 As long as you work hard you will 3 Shall we go to the cinema or

10、stay at home watching TV It s you Either is fine with me 4 Teachers should encourage their students to to achieve success 5 As we know the technological development in the US is the world 答案 1 Make sure 2 make progress 3 up to 4 make great efforts 5 at the top of 7 教材 P12 Norway is at the top of the

11、 list while the US is at number 7 挪威高居榜首 而美国则排在第七 要点提炼 句中的 while 作并列连词 意为 但是 然而 表示一种对 比关系 1 while 引导时间状语从句 意为 当 时候 2 while引导让步状语从句 意为 虽然 尽管 一般放在句首 相当于although 2014 福建高考 In some countries people eat with chopsticks while in others knives and forks 在一些国家里 人们用筷子吃饭 而在其他国家 人们用刀叉吃饭 While I was cooking the

12、 children were playing outside 我在做饭时 孩子们 在外面玩 2015 福建高考 While the students came from different countries they got along quite well in the summer camp 虽然学生们来自不同的国家 但是他们在夏令 营相处得非常好 导学号 91390008 名师点津 作 然而 讲时 while 不能放在句子前面 while 和 but 有所不同 while 用 于对比 but 表示转折 当前后两个分句是同一个主语时应用 but 不用 while 表示 转折 教 材P12

13、 The bottom ten countries are all African countries with Sierra Leone in West Africa at the bottom of the list 处于末端的十个国家均是非洲国家 塞拉利昂 西非 排在最后 要点提炼 句中的 with Sierra Leone in West Africa at the bottom of the list 属于 with 宾语 宾补 结构 介词短语 at the bottom of the list 作宾补 8 with 复合结构常作原因 条件 时间 方式或伴随状语 也可作后置定语 常见

14、形式 1 with 宾语 形容词 副词 介词短语 2 with 宾语 doing 表主动 进行 3 with 宾语 done 表被动 完成 4 with 宾语 to do 表未做 She saw a small river with green grass and red flowers on both sides 她看到一条小河 河的两岸满是红花绿草 He is used to sleeping with the window open at night in summer 夏天的夜晚他习惯开着窗睡觉 With the price of houses going go up so fast

15、we can t afford a new house 由于房价上涨很快 我们买不起一栋新房子 The boy sat in the room with his eyes fixed fix on the ceiling 那个男孩坐在屋里 眼睛盯着天花板 With many things to do do I have to go now 有许多事情要做 我得走了 完成句子 1 那个小男孩玩得很开心 很多玩具在地上放着 The little boy was playing happily 2 有许多事情要处理 我只好不再听音乐了 I have to stop listening to musi

16、c 3 因为做完了家庭作业 凯蒂被允许看电视 Kitty was permitted to watch TV 4 我用了三个小时完成这些作业 而他却花了半小时 I spent three hours doing my homework 5 我妈妈看着电视就睡着了 9 My mother fell asleep 答案 1 with a lot of toys lying on the ground 2 With many things to deal with 3 With the homework finished 4 while he spent half an hour 5 while she was watching TV The report shows that we are making some progress but that we need to make greater efforts 分析 主句的主语为 the report 谓语为 shows that we are making some progress 和 that we need to make gre


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