2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 3 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1)—Language Points

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 3 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1)—Language Points》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 3 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1)—Language Points(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Section Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 1 Language Points owe v 应给予 归功于 欠 债 教材 P29 Everything you see I owe to spaghetti 我把你看到的一切都归功于意大利面条 1 owe sb sth owe sth to sb 欠某人某物 owe to 归功于 由于 owe it to sb that 亏得某人 2 owing to 由于 因为 I owed it to you that I finished my work in time 幸亏有你的帮助 我才能及时完成了工作

2、 Owing to bad weather the flight was delayed for a couple of hours 由于天气恶劣 航班延误了好几个小时 obsess v 使着迷 教材 P30 In fact I think that they are sometimes obsessed with it 事实上 我觉得他们有时候对此到了痴迷的程度 1 be obsessed by with 被 迷住 2 obsessive adj 着迷的 困扰的 obsession n 着迷 牵挂 2 Wang Hua is obsessed with computer games so t

3、hat he becomes less interested in his study 王华痴迷于电脑游戏 以至于对学习不大感兴趣了 Fitness has become an obsession obsess with him 他迷上了健身 end up 结束 结果为 教材 P30 Stomach intestines ears tongue tail hoof and lungs are all likely to end up on the dinner table in front of you 胃 肠子 耳朵 舌头 尾巴 蹄 子以及肺都可能最终会出现在你面前的餐桌上 1 end up

4、 Error 2 come to an end 到头了 结束了 make ends meet 收支相抵 in the end eventually 最终地 终于 at the end of 在 末尾 The party ended up with a beautiful song 晚会以一首优美的歌曲结束 He could end up as President 他总有一天会当上总统 We were to go out but ended up watching watch TV at home 我们原计划外出 但结果是在家看电视 名师点津 end up 为不及物短语动词 其后通常跟说明主语的

5、最终状态的介 词短语或动词 ing 形式 manner n 规矩 习俗 举止 态度 方式 方法 教材 P31 I was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while I stood there feeling somewhat confused by the food 我惊讶于他们闲适优雅的举止 而我却站在 那儿对他们的食物感到有些茫然 3 写出下列句子中 manner 的含义 What s the best manner of doing it He is walking in an unusual manner His manner sho

6、wed his frankness He has no table manners at all Her children all had such good manners This is a book about the life and manners of Victorian London 答案 方法 样子 举止 举止 态度 礼节 规矩 礼貌 习俗 in a an manner 以一种 方式 manners 礼貌 礼节 规矩 风俗习惯 it s good bad manners to do sth 做某事 是有 没有礼貌的 You should have good manners ma

7、nner all the time 任何时候你都应该有礼貌 make out 理解 辨认出 填写 声称 推断出 了解 教材 P31 It was quite hard to make out what they contained 很难弄清楚它们究 竟是什么做的 写出下列句子中 make out 的含义 He s a strange person I can t quite make him out Can you make out what he is saying She always makes out she s the only one who does any work He ma

8、de out a check for D S10 I can t make out his handwriting How do you make that out 答案 了解 理解 声称 声明 开出 填写 辨认出 推断出 4 make it 办成 做到 成功 赶上 及时到达 make for 走向 有助于 make down 改小 衣服 make up 编造 组成 化妆 和好 make of 理解 They made up soon after the quarrel 那次吵架后不久他们就和好了 Good communications make for better understandin

9、g 好的交流有助于更好地相互理解 go against 违背 相反 对 不利 教材 P31 The food here goes against the Chinese sense of beauty and style at the dinner table 这里的饮食跟中国人在餐桌上的美学原则大相径庭 go about 习惯于 继续做 着手做 go ahead 走在前面 开始 发生 go for 适用于 去取回 喜欢 袭击 努力 争取 go back to 回到 返回 回忆起 追溯到 go by 经过 逝去 过去 The building of the new bridge will go

10、 ahead as planned 新桥的修建将按计划 进行 As time goes by my memory seems to get worse 5 随着时间的流逝我的记忆力似乎越来越差 The rule doesn t go for everyone 这个规定并不适用于每一个人 语境填词 1 All the students to take an exam after taking the course and anyone who fails to meet the will fail require 2 Many people because they had eaten the

11、mushrooms poison 3 I think it s bad to speak to others in such a manner 4 He is not with computer games now playing basketball has become an with him obsess 5 I the soup and felt it was taste 答 案 1 are required requirement 2 were poisoned poisonous 3 manners manner 4 obsessed obsession 5 tasted tast

12、y 选词填空 be obsessed with no wonder end up make out go against have in common owe to get used to 1 He 100 me 2 There are so many people at the school gate that I can t what happened 3 He has passed the exam he is so happy 4 Many great people reading 5 She didn t dare to her father s wishes so she went

13、 to the art school again 答案 1 owed to 2 make out 3 No wonder 4 are obsessed with 5 go against 教材 P30 No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dish they knew what was still to come 6 怪不得跟我一起的客人每道菜也就浅尝几口 他们知道还有什么菜要上呢 要点提炼 No wonder It s no wonder that 难怪 1 wonder n 奇迹 奇才 v 想知道 迷惑 It

14、 is a wonder that 奇怪的是 What a wonder 多么令人惊异 真想 不到 in wonder 惊讶地 2 wonder if whether 不知道是否 wonder at 对 好奇 惊讶 He works very hard It is no wonder that he does so well in his lessons 他学习很努力 难怪功课那么好 It s a wonder that he should have lost the match 奇怪的是他竟输了那场比赛 The boys looked at the teacher in wonder and

15、 didn t know what to do next 这些男孩惊讶地看着老师 不知道下一步该怎么办 名师点津 No wonder 句型是 It s no wonder that 句型的省略形式 wonder 前可加修饰词 no little small 等 教材 P31 The first time I ate British food I was in the canteen of a London publisher 我第一次吃英国的食物是在伦敦一家出版社的员工餐厅 要点提炼 the first time 引导时间状语从句相当于连词 意为 第一次 类似的短语还有 the moment

16、the minute the instant the last time every time each time next time 等 明辨异同 for the first time the first time for the first time 介词短语 只作句子的状语 不引导状语从句 不具有 7 连词的功能 the first time 名词词组 可充当从属连词 引导时间状语从句 The first time I met him I was deeply impressed by his good manner 我第一次见到他 他的优雅举止就给我留下了深刻的印象 The people were able to dream of a better future for the first time 第一次 人们能够构想美好的未来 I recognized her the moment I saw her in the crowd 我一见到她就从人群里把她辨认了出来 完成句子 1 第一次见到她时 他就被她的美丽打动了 he saw her he was struck by he


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