2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 6 Section Ⅲ Integrated Skills

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 6 Section Ⅲ Integrated Skills》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 6 Section Ⅲ Integrated Skills(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Section Integrated Skills 根据提示写出下列单词 1 adj 冷冰冰的 极冷的 2 adj 荒唐的 可笑的 3 adj 巨大的 庞大的 4 adj 有浓雾的 5 vi 飞机 失事 坠毁 答案 1 freezing 2 ridiculous 3 enormous 4 foggy 5 crash 根据提示补全下列短语 1 make 有意义 有道理 2 bring an end 结束 终止 3 the 1990s 在 20 世纪 90 年代 2 4 the top 在顶部 5 a clear day 在晴朗的日子里 答案 1 sense 2 to 3 in 4 at 5

2、 on 根据提示补全下列教材原句 1 It was strange to think that when my grandparents lived in the village there wasn t a reservoir there at all 我的祖父母在那个村庄住的时候 那里根本就没有水库 真是不可思议 2 Why do you think there are so many tall buildings in the world now 你认为为什么现在世界上有这么多的高层建筑呢 阅读 P59教材课文 选择最佳答案 1 For how long was the Empire S

3、tate Building the tallest building in the world A 41 years B 42 years C 43 years D 44 years 2 What s the height of the World Trade Center A 417 and 410 meters high B 417 and 415 meters high C 414 and 415 meters high D 414 and 405 meters high 3 How many times does lightning strike the Empire State Bu

4、ilding a year A 400 times B 300 times C 500 times D 200 times 4 How many bricks were used in the construction of the building A 4 million B 6 million C 8 million D 10 million 答案 1 4 ABCD 3 make sense 有意义 有道理 教材 P54 If you take away the attributive clauses do the sentences still make sense 如果你把定语从句去掉

5、 这个句子还讲得通吗 1 make sense of 了解 的意义 懂得 in a sense 在某一方面 common sense 常识 a sense of humor responsibility 幽默感 责任感 2 There is no sense in doing sth 口语 做某事是没有道理的 In a sense she was lucky for she learned a lot from the experience 从某种意义上 她是幸运的 因为从那次经历中她学了不少 There is no sense in worrying worry about the past

6、 为过去的事情担心是毫无意义的 语境助记 The lectures offer students the chance to make sense of mathematical knowledge that may have seemed so difficult It makes sense to master the knowledge 老师们向学生提供理解看似难懂的数学知识的机会 掌握这些知识是有意义 的 4 bring an end to bring sth to an end 结束 终止 教材 P57 The Three Gorges Dam is a hydro electric

7、 project which has brought an end to the danger of flooding 三峡大坝是一个水力发电工程 它结束了洪水成灾的历史 1 put an end to put sth to an end 结束 终止 come to an end 结束 告终 2 end up with 以 结束 3 in the end 最后 终于 at the end of 在 的 尽头 from beginning to end 从头到尾 Both sides have been at war for three years and it s hoped that the

8、 talk can put an end to the war as soon as possible 双方交战已经三年了 大家都希望这次会谈能尽快结束战争 After the exam all the lessons in school also came to an end 考试过后 学校的课程也都结束了 I ve read the book from beginning to end 我把这本书从头到尾看完了 The CCTV Spring Festival Gala of 2016ended up with the song unforgettable tonight 2016 年春晚

9、以歌曲 难忘今宵 结束 名师点津 bring put an end to 是及物动词短语 可以用于被动语态 come to an end 是不 及物动词短语 主语是物 且不能用于被动语态 freezing adj 冷冰冰的 极冷的 5 教材 P58 It was freezing 天冷极了 1 above below freezing point 冰点以上 以下 2 freeze froze frozen v 结冰 冻住 frozen adj 冻僵的 结冰的 冷 冻的 It s freezing in this room can t we have a fire 房间里冷极了 我们不能生个火吗

10、 When the air temperature is below freezing freeze point the creature s body temperature drops too 当气温降到零度以下时 冬眠 动物的体温也随之下降 The land itself freezes freeze in such low temperatures now and some children are playing on the frozen freeze lake 温度这么低 地都冻硬了 一些孩子正在结冰的湖面上玩 crash vi 飞机 失事 坠毁 倒闭 碰撞 n 碰撞 失事 坠毁

11、 教材 P59 In 1945 a US military plane which was flying over Manhattan on a foggy day crashed into the building just above the 78th floor 1945 年的一个雾天 美国一架军用飞机在曼哈顿上空飞行时 撞到了大楼的 第 78 层 1 crash into 撞到 上 2 a car crash 汽车撞车事故 an air crash 飞机坠毁事故 My computer crashed yesterday so I couldn t finish my paper 6

12、昨天我的电脑死机了 所以我没能写完论文 A lot of passengers are killed in the plane crash 许多旅客在飞机失事中丧生了 语境助记 A bird crashed into the plane causing it to crash Luckily the child was the single survivor of the plane crash 一只鸟撞上了飞机 导致飞机坠毁 幸运地是 这个孩子是那次飞机坠毁事 故中的唯一幸存者 语境填词 1 The weather forecast says that it is going to toni

13、ght So it will be a night and if you keep this basin of water outside it will be freeze 导学号 91390026 2 On a day you have to drive slowly because heavy makes it hard for drivers to see clearly fog 答案 1 freeze freezing frozen 2 foggy fog 选词填空 make sense make sense of put bring an end to at the top of

14、on a clear day 1 Something must be done to their quarreling 2 Whatever you did and whatever you said to me didn t 3 Have you my words young man 4 you can see four miles from the top of the tower 5 He was standing the stairs waving a piece of paper 答案 1 put bring an end to 2 make sense 3 made sense o

15、f 4 On a clear day 5 at the top of 教材 P55 It was strange to think that when my grandparents lived in the village there wasn t a reservoir there at all 7 我的祖父母在那个村庄住的时候 那里根本就没有水库 真是不可思议 要点提炼 句中 it is was adj to do sth 是常用句型 it 作形式主语 不定式是真正主语 常用于这个句型的形容词有 easy difficult hard important possible 等 常见的 i

16、t 作形式主语的句型 1 It is adj for of sb to do sth that 2 It is n to do that 3 It 不及物动词 seem appear happen 等 that 4 It is 过去分词 that It is not possible for Tom to recover in such a short time 汤姆不可能在如此短 的时间内恢复健康 It is careless of him to lose so many things 他丢了这么多东西 真是太粗心了 It is a great honour to be invited invite to speak here 很荣幸被邀请在这儿发 表演讲 It is reported report that a space station will be built on the moon in years to come 据报道 人们在接下来的几年里将在月球建立一个空间站 名师点津 在 It is was adj for of sb to do sth 结构中 for 前面的形容


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