2020届高考英语一轮复习练习:必修4 Unit 10 Money

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1、1 阅读理解 建议用时 15 A 2016 山东师大附中一模 Going green seems to be fad 时尚 for a lot of people these days Whether that is good or bad we can really say but for the two of us going green is not a fad but a lifestyle On April 22 2011 we decided to go green every single day for an entire year This W1 meant doing 36

2、5 different green things and it also meant challenging ourselves to go W2 green beyond easy things Rather than recycle and reduce our energy we had to think of P 365 different green things to do and this was no easy task With the idea of going green every single day for a year Our Green Year started

3、 My wife and I decided to educate people about how they could go green in their lives and hoped we could show people all the green things that could be done to help the environment We wanted to push the message that every little bit helps Over the course of our Green Year we completely changed our l

4、ifestyle We now W3 shop at organic stores We consume less meat choosing green food We have greatly W4 reduced our buying we don t need We have given away half of what we owned through websites Our home is kept clean by vinegar and lemon juice with no chemical cleaners We make our own butter enjoying

5、 the smell of home made fresh bread In our home office anyone caught doing something ungreen might be punished W5 Our minds have been changed by Our Green Year We are grateful for the chance to have been able to go green and educate others We believe that we do have the power to change S things and

6、help our planet 倡导绿色生活 环保生活是为了保护地球 1 What might be the best title for the passage A Going Green B Protecting the Planet C Keeping Open Minded D Celebrating Our Green Year 答案 A 主旨大意题 结合文中第一段和最后一段不难看出 绿色生活 即为主题 2 It was difficult for the couple to live a green life for the whole year because A they we

7、re expected to follow the green fad B they didn t know how to educate other people C they were unwilling to reduce their energy D they needed to perform unusual green tasks 答案 D 事实细节题 从文中第二段可归纳出原因 3 What did the couple do over the course of Our Green Year A They tried to get out of their ungreen hab

8、its B They ignore others ungreen behavior 2 C They chose better chemical cleaners D They sold their home made food 答案 A 事实细节题 从文中第四段可归纳出他们新的绿色的生活方式 4 What can we infer from the last paragraph A The government will give support to the green people B The couple may continue their project in the future

9、 C Some people disagree with the couple s green ideas D Our Green Year is becoming a national campaign 答案 B 推理判断题 从文中最后一段可看出他们今后绿色生活的长远打算 其他三 项文中没有相关信息 故无从推理 W重点词汇 1 entire adj 整个的 完整的 2 challenge n vt 挑战 3 completely adv 完全地 彻底地 4 consume vt 消耗 耗费 5 punish vt 惩罚 P重点短语 think of 认为 考虑 S句式仿写 原文 We are

10、 grateful for the chance to have been able to go green and educate others 不 定式作定语 译文 我们感激有机会能够使用绿色产品并教育他人 仿写 While waiting for the opportunities to get promoted Henry did his best to perform his duty 在等待升职机会的同时 亨利努力履行他的职责 B 2016 河北保定摸底考试 Mars 火星 appears to be flowing with small streams of salty wate

11、r at least in the summer scientists reported Monday It suggests that it would be possible for there to be life today on Mars NASA s science mission chief John Grunsfeld said at a news conference on September 28 2015 The streams are about 12 to 15 feet wide and 300 feet or more long scientists said W

12、hat we re dealing with is wet soil thin layers of wet soil not standing water said Alfred P1 McEwen of the University of Arizona at Tucson the principal scientist for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter s high resolution imaging experiment Because liquid water is essential to life the findings could hav

13、e major implications for W1 the possibility of Martian life The researchers said further exploration is needed to determine whether microscopic life exists on the planet W2 The presence of liquid water could also make life easier for astronauts visiting or living on 3 Mars Water could be used for dr

14、inking and for creating oxygen and rocket fuel NASA s goal is to send humans there in the 2030s S The evidence of flowing water consists largely of dark narrow streaks 条痕 W3P2 on the surface that tend to appear and grow during the warmest Martian months and fade the rest of the year Mars is extremel

15、y cold even in summer and the streaks are in places where the temperature is as low as minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit But salt can lower the freezing point of water and W4 melt ice The source 源头 of the water is a mystery Scientists noted it could be melting ice It could be an underground aquifer which

16、is rock or sand that can hold water It is possibly water vapor from the thin Martian atmosphere Or it may be a combination Michael Meyer lead scientist for NASA s Mars exploration program said the only definitive way for now to determine whether there s life on Mars is to collect rocks and soil for analysis on Earth something a US lander set for lift off in 2020 will do W5 在火星上发现了水的痕迹 意味着是否会有生命呢 是否适合人类居住呢 5 What would be the best title for the text A Streams of Water Spotted on Mars B Astronauts


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