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1、 1 学业分层测评学业分层测评 十六十六 单句语法填空 1 The audience applauded loudly because the dancers had danced so graceful 2 The young man was praised for his brave of saving the boy from the big fire 3 It is very move to see how much strangers can care for each other 4 It is four years since Jack fall in love with Mar

2、y But they are not marry yet 5 Why does Lily have few friends Because she thinks only of herself and doesn t care other people 6 It is Yang Liwei circled the earth more than 21 hours in the capsule 7 The car belong to Mr Smith was seriously broken in a traffic accident last night 8 He is very popula

3、r among his students as he always tries to make them interest in his lecture 9 Although the main character in this movie are so true to life they are imaginary 10 After five days of the fantastic space trip the two astronauts walked out of the spaceship tire but happy 答案 1 gracefully 2 bravery 3 mov

4、ing 2 4 fell married 5 about 6 hat who 7 belonging 8 interested 9 characters 10tired 单句改错 1 The first attempt may fail but we don t care for that 2 Much to us surprise the old man survived the big fire 3 She has fallen in love with Tom for two years 4 It was the evening that I got the news that he h

5、ad gone to Beijing 5 After the long journey the three of them went back home hungry and tiredly 答案 1 for about 2 us our 3 fallen been 4 第一个 that 改为 when 或在 the evening 前加介词 in 5 tiredly tired 阅读理解 At the beginning of the century there was a big farm called Hollywood Ranch It was near Los Angeles in

6、California A few years later Hollywood was one of the famous places in the world From the 1910s to the 1950s Hollywood was the film center of the world Every family knew the names of its film stars Charlie Chaplin Greta Garbo Bergman and hundreds more The reason why people went to Hollywood to make

7、films was the sun At first people made films in New York on the east coast of the United States But then they heard about Los Angeles where there are 350 days of sun every year As they made all the films by sunlight the west coast was a much better place to work Also near Hollywood you can find moun

8、tains and sea and desert They did not have to travel far to make any kind of film When TV became popular Hollywood started making films for television Then in 1970s they discovered people still went to the cinema to see big expensive films After twenty years they are still making films in Hollywood

9、and people watch them all over the world 3 1 Hollywood used to be a A cinema B big farm C park D market 解析 细节理解题 文章开头说明 Hollywood 这个地方以前是一个大农 场 答案 B 2 Who was not mentioned as a film star in the passage A Charlie Chaplin B Marilyn Monroe C Ingrid Bergman D Greta Garbo 解析 细节理解题 文章第一段中提到了三个电影明星 答案 B 3

10、 People went to Hollywood to make films because A it was a beautiful place B you can find many film stars C there was a lot of sunlight there D it was a famous place 解析 细节理解题 过去人们到 Hollywood 拍电影的原因是那里一年四 季大多数时间里有充足的阳光 答案 C 4 Which statement is TRUE A The West Coast was a better place to make films B

11、 There are no mountains near Hollywood C People no longer went to cinema after television became popular D Hollywood began to make films for television after the First World War 解析 理解判断题 因为当时拍电影要依靠阳光 所以西海岸就成为一 个更适合拍电影的好地方 答案 A 完形填空 导学号 06590050 Accept life as it is I learned how to do it from my fat

12、her 1 he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy but rather when he was 2 and ill 4 My father was 3 a strong man who loved being active but a terrible illness 4 all that away Now he can no longer walk and he must sit quietly in a chair all day Even talking is 5 One night I went to

13、 visit him with my sisters We started 6 about life and I told them about one of my 7 I said that we must very often give things up 8 we grow our youth our beauty our friends but it always 9 that after we give something up we gain something new in its place Then suddenly my father 10 up He said But P

14、eter I gave up 11 What did I gain I thought and thought but I couldn t think of anything to say 12 he answered his own question I 13 the love of my family I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes along with hope and thankfulness I was also 14 by his words After that when I began to feel ir

15、ritated 愤怒的 at someone I 15 remember his words and become 16 If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others then I should be 17 to give up my small irritations In this 18 I learned the power of acceptance from my father Sometimes I 19 what other things I could have learned from

16、 him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy For now though I am grateful for this one 20 语篇解读 本文作者以倒叙的形式讲述了发生在他身上的故事 作者年 老多病的父亲教给了他这样一个道理 不要斤斤计较自己的得失 要以爱心来对 待一切 面对生活 使自己的内心平和 1 A Therefore B However C Meanwhile D Afterwards 解析 爸爸教给我这个道理不是在他健康强壮的时候 而是在体弱多病 的事后 故选 B 项 however 表示转折 答案 B 2 A poor B slow C tired D weak 解析 根据全句的逻辑关系和下文的提示 he can no longer walk 选择一 个与 ill 并列意义的词 故 D 正确 答案 D 3 A once B already 5 C still D only 解析 爸爸以前是一个健康积极的人 故 A 正确 答案 A 4 A sent B threw C took D put 解析 但是可怕


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