2020年高二英语北师大版选修8练习:Unit 23《Conflict》Section Ⅲ Conflict Resolution学业分层测评

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2020年高二英语北师大版选修8练习:Unit 23《Conflict》Section Ⅲ Conflict Resolution学业分层测评_第1页
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《2020年高二英语北师大版选修8练习:Unit 23《Conflict》Section Ⅲ Conflict Resolution学业分层测评》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年高二英语北师大版选修8练习:Unit 23《Conflict》Section Ⅲ Conflict Resolution学业分层测评(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 学业分层测评学业分层测评 单句语法填空 1 I had my leg break when I got offthe bus 2 Most of the furniture was left to the neighbours or distributed friends 3 I came a classmate on the way home yesterday 4 He was very tall and stood from the crowd 5 Some suggestions for the improvement of its design and application a

2、re put 6 I have subscribed that magazine for years 7 I should like to call on you discuss our new monitor 8 I guess you already have an appoint with him right 9 He was possess of great self confidence 10 He held against the wind for three hours 答案 1 broken 2 among 3 across 4 out 5 forward 6 to 7 to

3、discuss 8 appointment 9 possessed 10 out 完成句子 1 这个病人准备让人量体温 The patient is going to 2 下次你来伯明翰一定要来看看我们 Do pay us a visit 3 他所有的朋友都在谈论他婚后的变化 All his friends the change in him since his marriage 4 我的那所房子已归一位老太太所有 My house is now 5 我们已经忍了他们两年了 我已经忍够了 We but I ve had enough 答案 1 have his temperature take

4、n 2 next time you re in Birmingham 3 remarked on 4 in the possession of an old lady 5 have put up with them for two 2 years 阅读理解 A 2016 全国甲卷 What s On Electric Underground 7 30pm 1 00am Free at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know who s playing in your area We re bringing you an exciting evening of live

5、rock and pop music from the best local bands Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract 合同 If so come early to the talk at 7 30pm by Jules Skye a successful record producer He s going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music Gee Whizz 8 30

6、pm 10 30pm Comedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz perform He s the funniest stand up comedian on the comedy scene This joyful show will please everyone from the youngest to the oldest Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh Our bar is open from 7 00pm for drinks and snacks 快餐 Simon s Wor

7、kshop 5 00pm 7 30pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy The workshop looks at every kind of comedy and practices many different ways of making people laugh Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years experience of teaching comedy His w

8、orkshops are exciting and fun An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny Charlotte Stone 8 00pm 11 00pm Pizza World Fine food with beautiful jazz music this is a great evening out Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new bestselling CD with James Pickering on the piano The

9、 menu is Italian with excellent meat and fresh fish pizzas and pasta 面 食 Book early to get a table Our bar is open all day and serves cocktails coffee beer and white wine 3 语篇解读 本文是一篇由四则广告组成的应用文 分别介绍了一个讲座 一个喜剧演员的演出 一个喜剧演员的工作室以及一个有爵士乐和美食的好去处 1 Who can help you if you want to have your music produced

10、A Jules Skye B Gee Whizz C Charlotte Stone D James Pickering 解析 细节理解题 从题干的 have your music produced 判断本题的答案 出处在第一则广告 该广告说 你是否有兴趣成为音乐人 得到录制唱片的合 同 然后说晚上 7 点半有 Jules Skye 的报告 因此选 A 项 Jules Skye 根据本广 告最后一句话也可得出答案 答案 A 2 At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh A The Cyclops Theatre

11、 B Kaleidoscope C Victoria Stage D Pizza World 解析 细节理解题 带着题干的 不同年龄的人欢笑 这个信息 我们去 这几则广告中寻找相关信息 答案在第二则广告里 该广告说 Gee Whizz 是最 滑稽的单口喜剧演员 stand up comedian 他的表演能够让所有人快乐 下至孩 童上到老人 from the youngest to the oldest 表演的地点是 Kaleidoscope 因此选 B 项 答案 B 3 What do we know about Simon s Workshop A It requires membersh

12、ip status B It lasts three hours each time C It is run by a comedy club D It is held every Wednesday 解析 细节理解题 本题涉及第三则广告的相关信息 从 5 00pm 7 30pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage 可以判断 该活动每个星期三举办 故 D 项正确 每次两个半小时 排除 B 项 文章没有提到需要有会员资格 排 除 A 项 也没有提到喜剧俱乐部 排除 C 项 4 答案 D 4 When will Charlotte Stone perform her song

13、s A 5 00pm 7 30pm B 7 30pm 1 00am C 8 00pm 11 00pm D 8 30pm 10 30pm 解析 细节理解题 从题干可知解本题的信息来自最后一则广告 该广 告开头就交代了时间 晚上 8 点到 11 点 因此选 C 项 答案 C B Kids love animals so children s magazines about wildlife are a great way to plant a love of reading in young kids If your kids love animals check out these magazi

14、nes National Geographic Kids National Geographic Kids brings animals nature science and fun to the little learners Its animal stories develop pre reading and reading skills They also answer questions about kids favorite creatures Features about different cultures bring the world to your child and in

15、spire a sense of understanding Interactive experiments introduce simple science and fun puzzles and games teach logic counting and so much more It is for children aged from 6 to 14 Click Click opens up a universe of wonder by introducing kids aged 3 7 to the world around them Click is about science

16、nature and the environment From the publishers of Ladybug Click is written so that children will love the challenge of new learning Wild Animal Baby It helps a child develop a lifelong love of reading and learning This sturdy 结实 的 board format magazine is designed especially for babies and toddlers between the ages of 12 months and 3 years Each issue 期 is filled with rhymes stories and lovable baby animals Wild Animal Baby is a fun interactive reading experience for children and parents alike Zo


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