2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 5 模块尾核心要点回扣

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 5 模块尾核心要点回扣》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 5 模块尾核心要点回扣(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 模块尾核心要点回扣模块尾核心要点回扣 重点单词 1 n 风俗 习惯 n 顾客 adj 习惯的 2 n 历 史 adj 历 史 性 的 有 重 大 历 史 意 义 的 adj 历史 上 的 3 v 假定 假设 n 假定 假设 4 n 耐心 adj 有耐心的 adj 不耐烦的 5 v 依靠 取决于 n 依靠 adj 依靠的 n 自立 独立 adj 独立的 答案 1 custom customer accustomed 2 history historic historical 3 assume assumption 4 patience patient impatient 5 indepen

2、dence independent depend dependence dependent 重点短语 1 be to 习惯于 be to 习惯于 2 have with 对 有耐心 be with 对 有耐心 3 burst 闯入 突然 起来 burst doing sth 突然 起来 4 the beginning of 在 开始的时候 the beginning 起初 5 favour of 支持 赞成 2 do sb favour 帮某人的忙 one s favour 对某人有利 6 than 除 之外 than 而不是 7 accuse sb doing sth 指责某人做某事 cha

3、rge sb sth 以某事指控某人 8 one s relief 令某人欣慰的是 relieve sb sth 使免除某人某物 答案 1 accustomed used 2 patience patient 3 into out 4 at in 5 in a in 6 other rather 7 of with 8 to of 重点句式 1 American Neil Armstrong becomes 登上月球的第一 人 2 尽管看起来不可思议 both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to th

4、e inescapable assumption that 3 现在它被电影界公认为 the most successful film series ever 导学号 72880024 4 Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television 他 们 的 心 提 到 了 嗓 子 眼 aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was and what risks had to be taken 5 The world was in shock maybe t

5、hey assumed 这次 太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没有什么危险 答案 1 the first man to set foot on the moon 2 Incredible as it may seem 3 It is now acknowledged by the movie industry as 4 their hearts in their mouths 5 this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane 回顾话题 尽可能多地用本模块学到的词汇或句式完成下列写作任务 在二十世纪五十年

6、代一开始的时候 中国着手开始了太空探索 在 2008 年当 数百万人收看节目来见证中国人第一次太空行走的时候 他们都突然欢呼起来 这被公认为是具有重大历史意义的事件 这在中国太空探索历史上是一次大的飞 3 跃 同时 中国开始了月球探索项目 并且中国做到了 尽管我们有许多巨大的 成就 但是我们应该谦虚并且更加努力地工作 参考范文 At the very beginning of the 1950s China set out to explore space In 2008 when millions of people tuned in to witness Chinese making th

7、e first spacewalk they burst into cheers It was acknowledged as a historic event which was a big leap in the history of space exploration in China At the same time China began its lunar exploration program and China made it In spite of our great achievements we ought to be modest and work harder 单元综

8、合测评单元综合测评 五五 阅读理解 共 15 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 30 分 A The year is 2094 It has been announced that a comet 彗星 is heading towards the Earth Most of it will miss our planet but two pieces will probably hit the southern half of the Earth On 17 July a piece four kilometers wide enters the Earth s atmosphere with a

9、 massive explosion About half of the piece is destroyed but the remaining part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the sea bed Huge waves are created and spread outwards from the hole The wall of water a kilometer high rushes towards south

10、ern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned Before the waves reach South America the second piece of the comet lands in Argentina Earthquakes and volcanoes are set off in the Andes Mountains The shock waves move north into

11、 California and all around the Pacific Ocean The cities of Los Angeles San Francisco and Tokyo are completely destroyed by earthquakes Millions of people in the southern half of the earth are already dead but the north won t escape for long Because of the explosions the sun is hidden by clouds of du

12、st temperatures 4 around the world fall to almost zero Crops are ruined The sun won t be seen again for many years Wars break out as countries fight for food A year later no more than 10 million people remain alive Could it really happen In fact it has already happened more than once in the history

13、of the Earth The dinosaurs were on the Earth for over 160 million years Then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a piece of object in space The dinosaurs couldn t live through the cold climate that followed and they died out Will we meet t

14、he same end 1 What is described in the passage A A historic discovery B A research on space C A scientific adventure D An event of imagination 解析 推理判断题 根据短文首句和最后一句结合短文内容可知 本文 讲述的是一个想象出来的事件 故选 D 项 答案 D 2 When the first piece hits the South Atlantic it causes A huge waves B a hurricane C an earthquake

15、 D an Earth explosion 解析 细节理解题 由第二段第二 三 四句可知 当第一块碎片撞击 南大西洋时 海水会沸腾 并引起巨大的海浪 故 A 项符合题意 答案 A 3 Why can t the northern half of the Earth escape for long A Because the land is covered with water B Because wars break out among countries C Because people there can not live at the temperature of zero D Beca

16、use the light and heat from the sun can not reach the Earth 解析 细节理解题 根据第三段最后几句可知 由于太阳被遮住 地球 温度过低 农作物被毁 北半球也坚持不了多长时间 故选 D 项 答案 D 5 4 By giving the example of dinosaurs the author tries to prove A the human beings will die out in 2094 B animals could not live in the cold climate C the Earth could be hit by other objects in space D what happened 65 million years ago was an invented story 解析 推理判断题 由最后一段倒数第三句可知 地球有被太空中其他 物体撞击的可能 故选 D 项 答案 C B Edmund Halley was an English scientist who lived over 200


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