2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6 学业分层测评8

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6 学业分层测评8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6 学业分层测评8(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 学业分层测评学业分层测评 八八 单句语法填空 1 It is not how much you read but what you read that count 2 They quarrel with one another about how to solve the mathematical problem just now 3 He regret that he had left without saying goodbye to them 4 Her mother scold her for not cleaning up her room this morning 5 All

2、 of sudden there was a terrible noise outside the classroom 6 The company stopped the production because of the continued lose 7 It is hard predict the effects of the project on the environment 8 The book belong to him is on the desk 9 electronic computers much of today s advanced technology would n

3、ot have been achieved 10 Without friends we can share our secrets no one 答案 1 counts 2 quarrelled 3 regretted 4 scolded 5 a 6 loss 7 to predict 8 belonging 9 Without 10 with 完成句子 1 We students should not 因 和同学吵架 little things quarrel 2 Hearing the song I 想起了大学生活 mind 2 3 We give dogs time space and

4、love we can spare and 作 为回报 dogs give us their all return 4 Mr Smith loves sports and 他的妻子也喜欢运动 so 5 Actually Australians 享有 的福气 a mild climate bless 答案 1 quarrel with our classmates about 2 brought my college life to mind 3 in return 4 so does his wife 5 are blessed with 阅读理解 A One person can make

5、a difference purchase your copy of For America and discover simple ways to improve your life your country even the world But a simple and attractive way to cut energy costs improve air quality and ensure public health is to grow a garden in the sky Each time a city building is set up the grass in th

6、at spot and trees that once reached up to the sky are replaced by a layer of asphalt or a tar roof 一层沥青或柏油房 顶 The lost green space can have a very real effect on a city s air temperature air quality and energy costs On a summer day in most American cities a tar roof can feel like the inside of an ov

7、en 火炉 But what if we could replace the hot roof of each skyscraper or building in a city with grass or a garden Whether it holds vegetable gardens wildflowers or grasses a green roof can lower the temperature above a building by 60 degrees which can reduce the building s energy costs and if used mor

8、e widely could decrease a city s total energy costs and improve air quality and public health But that s not all green roofs are a great way to handle water management in urban areas by taking in much rainfall provide shelters for urban wildlife and actually extend the life of the roof itself And gr

9、een roofs also do something else they beautify the city whether you re on the 3rd floor or the 30th Now that s a brilliant achievement The non profit group Earth Pledge is promoting a Green Roofs Program To learn more about a green roof just click here EarthP 语篇解读 文章向我们介绍了一种被看好的节能 提高空气质量 确保 3 公众健康的方

10、法 房顶花园 1 According to the first paragraph what should one do to help with the environment A Buy the book of For America B Grow plants on the roof C Improve his quality of life D Make up for the lost green space 解析 细节理解题 根据第一段第二句 But a simple and attractive way to cut energy costs improve air quality

11、 and ensure public health is to grow a garden in the sky 可知答案 答案 B 2 What can you learn from the article A Green roofs will take the place of all asphalt or tar ones B The Earth Pledge may be an environmental organization C It s better to live on the top floor because of the green roofs D Green roof

12、s can take in all rainfall 解析 细节理解题 从文章最后可以看出这个组织 地球宣言 应该是一个 环保组织 选项 A 说法太绝对 选项 D 意为绿色房顶能够吸收所有降水 明显不 正确 答案 B 3 We can learn from the passage that green roofs A can help reduce temperature to 60 degrees B can help reduce city population C have a promising future in urban areas D are vital in improvin

13、g people s health 解析 细节理解题 根据文章最后两段可知 房顶花园 前景看好 答案 C 4 Which section of a website does this passage belong to A Science B Entertainment C Education D Environment 4 解 析 推 理 判 断 题 根 据 文 章 最 后 一 句 中 just click here EarthP 可知本文是选自网站上的关于环境的一篇文章 故答案为 D 答案 D B It s easy to see how to help some people but w

14、hat about those whose needs are not so obvious This story may have happened long ago but it is a lesson which has stayed with me and helped me ever since It was Thanksgiving and I was volunteering with my parents at a shelter for the needy We stood behind the counter giving hot food to whoever came

15、in Most of our diners looked like they had been having hard times Their clothes were worn out and they were dirty In short they looked needy Then a man came in who looked anything but needy He was well dressed he wore an expensive suit I wondered what he was doing there and my jaw dropped in amazeme

16、nt when he joined the line for food The closer he came to my service station the angrier I got What was this man doing Surely he wasn t going to take away food which was meant for those who were really in need Then my mother quietly took me to one side She said You have assumed 假 设 that the needs of the people who come here must be physical And this gentleman doesn t seem to have any of those problems like hunger and lack of clothing But what if his needs are emotional What if he needs comfort f


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