2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 1 Europe

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 1 Europe》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 1 Europe(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Module 1 Europe 一提及景色壮美的阿尔卑斯山 闻名遐迩的伦敦桥 雅典神庙 我们就被带 往那一片富饶且充满生机与活力的沃土 欧洲 但是 你了解欧洲吗 就让我 们通过下面这篇短文去了解一下吧 Europe is one of the seven traditional continents of the Earth the world s second smallest continent in terms of area covering an area of about 10 160 000 square kilometers or 2 of the Earth s sur

2、face Of all European countries Russia is the largest by both area and population while the Vatican is the smallest Europe is the third most populous continent after Asia and Africa with a population of about 728 000 000 2011 or about 11 of the world s population Europe is the birthplace of western c

3、ulture European nations played an important role in global affairs from the 16th century onwards especially after the beginning of colonization By the 17th and 18th centuries European nations controlled most of Africa America and large part of Asia World War and World War led to a decline in Europea

4、n dominance in world affairs In Europe there re many great cities And in this module we ll learn a lot about them and they ll impress us deeply 1 global affairs 全球事务 2 colonization n 殖民 3 decline n 下降 减少 4 dominance n 统治 支配 1 Why does the writer write the text 2 2 Which two continents have a larger population than Europe 答案 1 To introduce Europe to us 2 Asia and Africa


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