2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修4学案:Module 2 Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading andVocabulary—Preparing

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修4学案:Module 2 Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading andVocabulary—Preparing》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修4学案:Module 2 Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading andVocabulary—Preparing(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Section Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Preparing 根据提示写出下列单词 1 adj 郊区的 市郊的 2 vt 展示 陈列 3 n 执照 许可证 4 vt 限制 5 n 目的地 终点 6 adj 给人印象深刻的 7 n 路线 8 vt 提供 9 adj 方便的 10 n 单程票 11 n 往返票 12 vt 探索 2 答 案 1 suburban 2 display 3 permit 4 limit 5 destination 6 impressive 7 route 8 provide 9 convenient 10 single

2、 11 return 12 explore 看单词 学构词 tion 后缀附在动词后面 构成名词 常见的有 instruction 指导 description 描述 devotion 忠诚 献身 imagination 想象 explanation 解释 preparation 准备 information 信息 invitation 邀请 combination 联合等 根据提示补全下列短语 1 be connected 与 相连 2 be get stuck 被困在 3 no time 马上 一会儿 4 get 到处旅行 四处走动 5 have good view of 清楚地看到 饱览

3、 6 construction 正在建设之中 答案 1 to 2 in 3 in 4 around 5 a 6 under 根据提示补全下列教材原句 1 Simply a taxi appears in no time 只要你招招手 马上就会有出租车开过来 2 Buses are limited to travel within the city centre 编号为 1 到 100 的公交车的行驶范围限于市中心 3 Tricycles if you want to explore the narrow alleys hutong of old Bejing 如果你想去老北京的胡同探秘 三轮脚

4、踏车是值得一坐的 答案 1 raise your hand and 2 numbered 1 to 100 3 are worth using 阅读 P12教材课文 选择最佳答案 1 Tourists shouldn t miss the 103 bus because 3 A the fare is cheap starting at 1 yuan B you always get a seat even in rush hours C it is fast and convenient D it offers one of the most impressive routes 2 What

5、 should you do if you want to take a taxi A Check the driver s business permit B Ask for a receipt C Go to the station D Both A and B 3 What is the advantage of minibuses A The fares are cheap B You can avoid the rush hour C You can always get a seat D You can have a good view of the city 4 Which is

6、 TRUE for the underground lines in Beijing A They are fast and convenient B They are very comfortable even in the rush hour C Station names are marked in Chinese D They are open from 6 00 am to 12 00 pm 答案 1 4 DDCA 阅读 P12课文 在空白处填入适当的内容 1 个单词 或括号内单词的正 确形式 Taxis are on the streets 24 hours a day Simpl

7、y raise your hand 1 a taxi appears in no time You should check the cab has 2 business permit and make sure you ask for a receipt Public transport 3 provide a cheap way 4 get around in Beijing It is a good idea 5 avoid public transport during the rush hour Tourists shouldn t miss the 103 bus 6 offers

8、 one of the most 7 impress routes There are four underground lines in Beijing and several lines are under 8 construct Trains are fast and 9 convenience but rush hours can be terrible Tricycles are worth 4 10 use if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing 答 案 1 and 2 a 3 provides 4 to get 5 to avoid 6 which that 7 impressive 8 construction 9 convenient 10 using


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