2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修四学案设计:Unit 3 A taste of English humour 3.2学案设计一 Word版含答案

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《2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修四学案设计:Unit 3 A taste of English humour 3.2学案设计一 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修四学案设计:Unit 3 A taste of English humour 3.2学案设计一 Word版含答案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 Period 2 文本研读课文本研读课 学习目标 1 Learn what nonverbal humour is by Charlie Chaplin s career 2 Understand and enjoy English humour 3 Make a further understanding of some important words phrases and sentence patterns in this period 4 Master the reading skills such as skimming and scanning 自主预习 Enjoy the j

2、okes on Page 17 and discuss the differences between Chinese humour and English humour 思考导引 A passage about The Gold Rush is shown to experience the nonverbal humour 课堂探究 1 Fast reading A Read the passage fast and match each paragraph with its main idea Paragraph 1 what Charlie s childhood was like P

3、aragraph 2 what his most famous character was like Paragraph 3 introduction to the topic Paragraph 4 an example of a sad situation that he made funny Paragraph 5 his achievements B Complete the note about Charlie Chaplin using the information in the passage Born Job Famous character Costume Type of

4、acting Died 2 Detailed reading A Read the first paragraph carefully and then find out the answer to the question What effect does Charlie Chaplin s acting have B Read the second paragraph carefully and answer the two questions You can discuss with your partner 1 Can you explain the sentence Not that

5、 Charlie s own life was easy in English 2 Find evidence to support Not that Charlie s own life was easy C Read the third paragraph carefully and describe Charlie s costume D Read the fourth paragraph carefully and put the following sentences in the right order 2 a Chaplin tried chewing the bottom of

6、 the shoe b Chaplin boiled one of his leather shoes c Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe d Chaplin picked out the lace of the shoe e Chaplin ate it as if it were spaghetti E Read the fifth paragraph carefully and then fill in the blanks Charlin Chaplin wrote and produced the films he In 197

7、2 he was given a for his work in films 3 Consolidation Charlie Chaplin was born in a poor family parents were both poor music hall performers You may find it that Charlie received performance training at a very young age 不幸的是 他父亲死了 使得这个家庭更加贫穷 Anyway 到他十几岁的时 候 Charlie had his humour become one of the

8、 most popular child actors in England His subtle acting made everything 随着时间的流逝 Charlie Chaplin wrote directed and produced the films he His character the little tramp who was 社会失败者 leaves a deep impression on people Thanks to his outstanding work he made people laugh at a time they felt so they cou

9、ld 对自己的生活感 到比较满足 人们热爱和 怀念这位伟大的演员 因为他鼓舞人们并增强他们的信心 4 Post reading Discussion 1 What should we learn from Charlie Chaplin 2 What should we do to get success Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 5 Homework Read the text again Write a short passage about Charlie Chaplin s life and work About 60 words 活动探究 1 As Victor Hu

10、go once said Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin 在此句中 as 引导非限制性定语从句 as 指代后面直接引用的句子 尝试运用 完成句子 1 众所周知 light travels faster than sound 单项填空 2 There is no simple answer is often the case in science A as B th

11、at C when D where 2 Unfortunately his father died leaving the family even worse off 句中的动词 ing 形式作状语 尝试运用 单项填空 3 1 When I was little my mother used to sit by my bed me stories till I fell asleep A having told B telling C told D to tell 2 Tony lent me the money that I d do as much for him A hoping B t

12、o hope C hoped D having hoped 3 Instead he and another man are hiding in a small hut during a snowstorm with nothing to eat with nothing to eat 为 with 复合结构 with 复合结构中 宾语补足语可由非谓语动词 形 容词 副词或介词短语充当 尝试运用 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 With time go by I built up my confidence 2 With the final approach the students ar

13、e studying much harder 3 With a lot of work do I couldn t go to see the doctor 单项填空 4 The living room is clean and tidy with a dinning table already for a meal to be cooked A laid B laying C to lay D being laid 参考答案 课堂探究 1 Fast reading A Paragraph 1 introduction to the topic Paragraph 2 what Charlie

14、 s childhood was like Paragraph 3 what his most famous character was like Paragraph 4 an example of a sad situation that he made funny Paragraph 5 his achievements B Born in 1889 Job actor writer director producer Famous character the little tramp Costume moustache large trousers worn out shoes smal

15、l round black hat walking stick Type of acting nonverbal humour Died Switzerland 1977 2 Detailed reading A He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed so they could feel more content with their lives B 1 Charlie s life was very difficult 2 His family was poor His parents were both poor m

16、usic hall performers His family income was uncertain His father died Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother C with a moustache a small round black hat wore large trousers walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick worn out shoes D b c a d e 4 E directed starred in special Oscar outstanding 3 Consolidation whose astonishing Unfortunately his father died leaving the family even worse off by his teens through entertaining As time went by starred in a social fa


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