it 和蔼英语强调句型.ppt

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《it 和蔼英语强调句型.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《it 和蔼英语强调句型.ppt(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 It的用法与强调句 Trytofindthebestanswertothefollowings Ilike intheautumnwhentheWeatherisclearandbright 全国卷I A thisB thatC itD one Doyoulike here Oh yes Theair theweather thewayoflife Everythingissonice 全国卷II A thisB theseC thatD it C D 在高考单项填空的选项中 it是出现频率较高的词汇之一 下面针对it的用法进行分类解析 一 代词it1 用作人称代词代替上文提到过的人或事物

2、有时不特指某件事物 而代表前面已提到的或者将会发生的某件事情 或者是谈话双方都明白的情况 如前面第2题 1 Tom sill Haveyouheardaboutit 2 IthappenedduringtheLongMarch 3 Ican tstanditanylonger 4 Ifit sconvenientIcanseeyoutomorrow 2 用作指示代词 起着this或that的作用 指一个人或一件事情 1 whatisthis It satelephone 2 who sonthetelephone It sLily 3 指时间 距离 价值 天气和自然现象等 1 Itiscold

3、today isn tit 2 Itisaboutanhour sridetothepark 二 引导词itIt常作形式主语 把真正的主语置于句后真正的主语通常为不定式 动名词 主语从句 1 Itiseasytobuyanewradio 2 Itisnousetellinghimthat 3 Itisstrangethatnobodyknowsher 提示 it作形式主语 that从句作真正主语 常见的句型有 Itbe 形容词 obvious natural surprising good wonderful funny possible likely certain probable etc

4、 that从句 b Itbe 名词词组 nowonder anhonor agoodthing apity nosurprise etc that从句 c Itbe 过去分词 said reported thought expected decided announced arranged etc that从句 TheforeignMinistersaid ourhopeThatthetwosideswillworktowardspeace 北京卷 ThisisB ThereisC ThatisD Itis Haveatry D 高考题回放 1 Itistheabilitytodothejob

5、 matters notwhereyoucomefromorwhatyouare A oneB thatC whatD it 2 ItwasonlywhenIrereadhispoemsrecently Ibegantoappreciatetheirbeauty A untilB thatC thenD so 注意it对关系代词的干扰 isknowntoeverybody themoontravelsRoundtheearthonceeverymonth NMET A ItB AsC ThatD What 试比较 Itisknowntoeverybodythatthemoon Carolsai

6、dtheworkwouldbedonebyOcto ber personallyIdoubtverymuch NMET 1999 A itB thatC whenD which B D 2 It作形式宾语 真正宾语放在宾语补足语后面真正宾语通常为不定式 动名词 宾语从句 1 Hefeltithisdutytohelpothers 2 Theythoughtitnogooddoingthat Ihate whenpeopletalkwiththeirmouthsfull NMET A ItB thatC theseD them A It对代词的干扰 1 Weneededanewcupboardf

7、orthekitchen SoPetermade fromsomewood 全国卷IIIA itB oneC himselfD another B 2 Meetingmyuncleafteralltheseyearswasanunforgettablemoment Iwillalwaystreasure NMET A thatB oneC itD what B 对比下句中it的用法 Meetingmyuncleafteralltheseyearswasanunforgettablemoment andIwillalwaystreasureit theunforgettablemoment wh

8、ydon twetakealittlebreak didn twejusthave NMET A itB whatC thatD one D 对强调句型的识别 1 可用下面方法识别强调句型 把强调句的标志词itis was that拿掉 若能还原出句法结构完整的句子来 则为强调句 否则不是强调句 1 Itwaseighto clock Ilefthome 2 Itwasateighto clock Ilefthome A thatB sinceC whenD while C A 2 对 not until 的特殊强调句型 Itis wasnotuntil 时间状语 从句 that Hedidn

9、 tgethomeuntilmidnight Itwasnotuntilmidnightthathegothome 三 it用在强调结构中 1 可以用来强调句中的主语 宾语 状语 从句 结构为 Itis was 被强调部分 sb who that Itis was 被强调部分 sth that 例句参看练习试卷 1 Itwasourteacher didtheexperi mentinthelablastnight A whomB thatC whichD where B Itwasbecauseofbadweather thefootballmatchhadtobeputoff A soB

10、sothatC whyD that D 3 Itwastenyears MissGaolefthere A ThatB whenC sinceD as C 4 Itwas backhomeaftertheexperiment A notuntilmidnightdidhegoB untilmidnightthathedidn tgoC notuntilmidnightthathewentD untilmidnightwhenhedidn tgo C 3 强调句的疑问结构 1 一般疑问句 Is wasit 被强调部分 that who 剩余部分 如原句为 Doeshereadthisbookev

11、eryday Isitthisbookthathereadseveryday 2 特殊疑问句 只能对疑问词强调 疑问词 is was 被强调部分 that who 剩余部分 Whocametoseeyouthismorning Whowasitthatcametoseeyouthismorning 4 含有定语从句的强调句 ItwasinthelabthatwassetupbyMr Smiththattheyfinishedtheexperiment ItwasinBeihaiPark theymadeadateforthefirsttime theoldcoupletoldustheirlo

12、vestory where thatB that thatC where whenD that when A 5 强调宾语从句中的疑问词时 主语 谓语 疑问词 itis was that 宾语从句Idon tknowwherehecomesfrom Idon tknowwhereitisthathecomesFrom 6 需要注意的地方 1 如果原句中的谓语动词为现在或将来时的各种时态 就用 itis 如果原句中的谓语动词为过去时的各种时态 则用 itwas 2 不论被强调的主语是单数还是复数 一律用 itis was who that 把下列句子改写成强调句 Theywenttothezoo

13、yesterday Itwasyesterdaythattheywenttothezoo 2 Weheldaclassmeetinginourclassroomthedaybeforeyesterday Itwasaclassmeetingthatweheldinourclassroomthedaybeforeyesterday 3 Whowillbewaitingformeatthegate Whoisitthatwillbewaitingformeatthegate 4 LiMingandIcleanedtheoffice ItwasLiMingandIthatcleanedtheoffi

14、ce 3 Itwasabout600yearsago thefirstclockwithafaceandanhourhandwasmade A thatB untilC beforeD when 4 Itwasbecauseofbadweather thefootballmatchhadtobeputoff 2003 A soB sothatC whyD that 课堂练习 1 in1943 theharmfulsmogmadeitsappearanceinLosAngeles A Only thatB Itwas thenC Thatitwas whenD Itwas that2 Itwas

15、ontheNationalDay shemetwithherseparatedsister A thatB whenC whereD which 3 WasitduringtheSecondWar hedied A thatB whileC inwhichD then4 Who helpedyouworkoutthemathproblem washeB itwaswhoC WasitthatD itwas 5 Itisneartheplace thereisabomb wefoundthedeadman A where whereB where thatC that whereD that t

16、hat6 ItwasMikeandPeterwho thereadingroomthistimeyesterday A arecleaningB werecleaningC cleanedD cleans 练习 7 Itistheroom wewillhavethemeeting A thatB whichC whereD there8 It theChinesepeoplethat hardworking A was wasB is areC is isD are are 9 Itwasnotuntilshehadarrivedhome herappointmentwiththedoctor A didsherememberB thatsherememberedC whensherememberedD hadsheremembered10 Wherewasit theroadaccidenthappenedyesterday whenB thatC WhichD how 11 Itwasforthisreason herunclemovedoutofLondonandsettledd


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