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1、 谋学网【奥鹏】-福建师范大学福师大学英语(2)在线作业二试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,Are you getting a new flat this year?_ I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.A、Without question.B、You must be joking.C、Good idea!D、Are you sure?正确答案:第2题,Her children_far away from her, the old lady feels lonely sometimes.A、to liveB、li

2、vingC、livedD、having lived正确答案:B第3题,Either Mr. Lee or the students_ to clean the blackboard.A、hadB、hasC、haveD、having正确答案:C第4题,_, the rivers were open and navigable.A、Being summerB、Been summerC、To be summerD、It was summer正确答案:A第5题,I cant do my homework with all this noise_.A、is going onB、to go onC、gon

3、e onD、going on正确答案:第6题,It is vital that enough money_to fund the subject.A、be collectedB、must be collectedC、is collectedD、can be collected正确答案:A第7题,It is _ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.A、so unusualB、such unusualC、such an unusualD、so an unusual正确答案:C第8题, Would you like to have

4、 dinner with us this evening? _.A、OK, but I have to go to a meeting nowB、No, I cantC、Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsD、I dont know正确答案:C第9题,This is not my bikeIts _.A、MaryB、MarysC、of MaryD、the bike of Mary正确答案:第10题,She is waiting for the doctor _ I know will not

5、 come.A、whomB、whoC、whichD、that正确答案:B第11题,The juvenile offender was released from custody on condition that he_a job immediately and_out of trouble for six months.A、found . stayedB、finds . stayC、find . staysD、find . stay正确答案:D第12题,The manager will not _ us to see use his car.A、haveB、letC、agreeD、allow

6、正确答案:D第13题,He was willing to speak to the reporters_ he was not identified.A、on condition thatB、in caseC、suppose thatD、for fear that正确答案:A第14题,Hi, is Mary there, please? _A、Hold on. Ill get her.B、No, she isnt here.C、Yes, she lives here.D、Yes, what do you want.正确答案:A第15题,It happened_Lisa wasnt there

7、at that time.A、whetherB、ifC、thatD、why正确答案:第16题,Our English professor is very_in using chopsticks.A、skilledB、greatC、likelyD、good正确答案:A第17题,I recognized her_I saw her.A、the instant (that)B、afterC、if notD、unless正确答案:A第18题,_he works hard, I dont mind when he finishes the experiment.A、As soon asB、As well

8、 asC、So far asD、So long as正确答案:第19题,Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? _.A、Yes, you may borrowB、Yes, go onC、Yes, help yourselfD、It doesnt matter正确答案:C第20题,What kind of events are you good _?A、atB、toC、inD、after正确答案:A第21题,The village_my mother grew up in is not far from the city.A、whatB、wher

9、eC、whichD、wherever正确答案:C第22题,Im going to start now _ miss the beginning.A、not toB、so as not toC、in order toD、so as not正确答案:第23题,The meeting_over, the representatives went to visit the farm.A、beeB、beingC、isD、to be正确答案:B第24题,The higher the standard of living,_.A、the greater is the amount of paper is u

10、sedB、the greater amount of paper is usedC、the amount of paper is used is greaterD、the greater the amount of paper is used正确答案:D第25题,Id like to _ him to you for the job. He is a very clever and industrious boy.A、referB、suggestC、recommendD、propose正确答案:第26题,I dont mind how hot it is, but I cant _ the c

11、old.A、standB、fightC、keepD、beat正确答案:第27题,I have no idea_ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year.A、whatB、howC、thatD、when正确答案:C第28题,Just calm down - it doesnt_anything to get so hysterical.A、becomeB、solveC、turnD、involve正确答案:第29题,The soldiers jumped into the river_past their ears.A、wi

12、th bullets whistlingB、with bullets whistledC、with bullets to whistleD、with bullets being whistling正确答案:A第30题,The Smiths family, which_rather a large one,_very fond of their old house.A、were . wereB、was . wereC、were . wasD、was . was正确答案:第31题,This test _ a number of multiple -choice questions.A、compos

13、ed ofB、composes inC、consists ofD、consists in正确答案:C第32题,We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we_him.A、would have telephonedB、must have telephonedC、would telephoneD、had telephoned正确答案:第33题, What was his performance like? Oh, it couldnt have been_.A、much wonderfulB、more wonderfulC、less wonderfulD、the most wonderful正确答案:第34题,_,we will set off as we planned.A、Were it good or badB、Be it good or badC、Being good or badD、Wh



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