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1、1. A channel has a bit rate of 4 kbps and a propagation delay of 20 msec. For what range of frame sizes does stop-and-wait give an efficiency of at least 50%?answer: 发送一帧的时间等于信道的传播延迟的2倍,信道的利用率为50%,所以,在帧长满足发送时间大于延迟时间的2倍是,效率将会高于50%。由于4kbps=4000bps故4000*20*0.001*2=160bit只有在帧长不小于160bit时,停止等待协议的效率才会至少是50


3、十几万比特大小的,以太网里最大帧不过1526字节。2. Imagine a sliding window protocol using so many bits for sequence numbers that wraparound never occurs. What relations must hold among the four window edges and the window size, which is constant and the same for both the sender and the receiver?answer: 假设发送者的窗口为(S1,Sn),接

4、受者的窗口为(R1,Rn),窗口大小为W,则需满足:0=Sn-S1+1=WRn-R1+1=WS1=R1=Sl但一定有Rl1 时,信道总是过载的,因此在这里信道是过载的。4What is the baud rate of the standard 10 Mbps Ethernet?答:以太网使用曼彻斯特编码,意味着发送每一位都有两个信号周期,标准以太网的数据率为10MB/S,一次波特率是数据率的两倍,为20MBaud。5A 1-km-long, 10-Mbps CSMA/CD LAN (not 802.3)has a propagation speed of 200 m/?sec. Repeat

5、ers are not allowed in this system. Data frames are 256 bits long, including 32 bits of header, checksum, and other overhead. The first bit slot after a successful transmission is reserved for the receiver to capture the channel in order to Send a 32-bit acknowledgement frame. What is the effective

6、data rate, excluding overhead, assuming that there are no collisions?答:依题意知道一公里的铜电缆中单程的传播时间为1、200000=5 usec,往返的时间为2t=10 usec,我们知道,一次完整的传输分为六步,发送者侦听铜电缆的时间为10 usec,若线路可用发送数据帧传输时间为256 bits、10MPS=25.6usec,数据帧最后一位到达时传播的延迟为5.0usec,接听者侦听铜电缆的时间为10 usec,若线路可用接听者发送确认帧所用的时间为3.2 usec,确认帧最后一位到达时的传播延迟为5.0 usec,总共

7、58.8 sec,在这期间发送了224 bits的数据,所以数据率为3.8MPS。6Two CSMA/CD stations are each trying to transmit long (multiframe) files. After each frame is sent, they contend for the channel, using the binaryexponential backoff algorithm. What is the probability that the contention ends on round k, and what is the mean

8、 number of rounds per contention period?答:把获得通道的尝试从1 开始编号。第i 次尝试分布在2 i-1 个时隙中。因此,i 次尝试碰撞的概率是2-(i-1),开头k-1 次尝试失败,紧接着第k 次尝试成功的概率是:Pk=(1-2-(k-1)2-0*2*-1*2-(k-2)=(1-2-(k-1)2-(k-1)(k-2)/2所以每个竞争周期的平均竞争次数是kpk(k=1,2,3)8An IP packet to be transmitted by Ethernet is 60 bytes long, including all its headers. If LLC is not in use, is padding needed in the Ethernet



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