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1、Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.Section B. Material analysisSection B的主要教学活动为1a、2、4a 和4b。本节课中1a通过Jane, Michael, Kangkang和Maria之间谈论各自从互联网上获得的信息,引出功能句“be sure +that”结构。2、3部分通过例子的形式,给学生提供操练功能句“be sure +that”的机会。4a、4b重点复习/w/, /v/之间的区别并要求学生能够正确地读出句子的升、降调以及连读和重音。学生经过大量的操练能够掌握

2、“be sure +that”结构,但是语音、语调一直都是被教师和学生所忽视的,所以在设计课堂方案的时候希望教师能够设计各种活动如模仿、观察、触摸、比赛等,来完善语音教学。. Teaching aims一Knowledge aims:1. 能根据音标正确朗读出下列单词:pizza, website, reporter。 2. 能在老师的引导下分清/w/, /v/之间的区别,并能正确地发这两个音;明白升、降来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K调的作用,能正确地读出句子的升、降调以及连读和重音。 3. 能正确拼写并运用单词表中的单词, 如:website, 并能根据音标写出pizza, reporter

3、等单词。 4. 能正确使用“be sure +that”结构。 5. 能够用“be sure +that”结构来谈论确定与不确定的话题。二Skill aims:1. 能听懂谈论人们使用因特网获得信息的话题。2. 能正确地表达自己使用因特网所做的事情、并能够用“be sure +that”结构来谈论确定与不确定的话题。 3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,能清楚模仿录音读含有/w/, /v/的单词,能根据谈话内容来源:Zxxk.Com的需要读出句子的重音、语调等。 4. 能用书面形式描述自己如何利用因特网购物、学习等,并能够用“be sure +that”结构写出句子来表达确定与不确定。三Emoti

4、onal aims:能体会英语学习的乐趣,懂得在学习中遇到困难时可以通过网上查资料的形式自己解决问题。. The key points and difficult points一Key points:1. 学习“be sure +that”结构。2. 复习/w/, /v/的正确发音以及句子的升调、降调、连读和重音。二Difficult points:/w/, /v/的正确发音。. Learning strategies1. 利用因特网在网上查找/w/, /v/之间的区别,可以帮助你在课堂上学习/w/, /v/的发音规则。 2. 在课堂上多用“be sure +that” 结构来谈论问题,这样你

5、可以很快掌握这个结构。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, mirrors, sketch map. Teaching procedures来源:Zxxk.ComStep 1 Introduction(5 minutes)1. Get students ready for learning.2. Check students homework about the advantages of the Internet. Ask a student to read his/her composition in class.3. Teacher

6、 evaluates students ideas in a low voice when students are showing their ideas. Teacher evaluates students by saying: “I am sure your idea is right. / I am not sure if that is a good idea”.4. Provide students with 2 minutes to read their partners composition. And encourage them to evaluate the compo

7、sition with the structure “be sure + that”.Step 2 Presentation(10 minutes)1. Show the picture in 1a to students and ask students to predict “What are they talking about?”2. Play 1a and ask students to check their predictions. Teacher can tell the students like this: “I guess your answers are all inc

8、luded in the computer. But I am not sure if your answers are right. Lets listen and check”. Teacher should use the structure often in class. 3. Teacher asks students to read the new words together, and check their pronunciation.4. Finish 1b. Show the table in 1b to students, ask students to listen t

9、o 1a again carefully and fill in the table.5. Check the answers and play 1a sentence by sentence.6. Finish 1c. Show 1c to students. Ask students to rewrite the conversation in a passage based on 1b.7. Finish 1d. Ask students to write a passage from Janes point of view. 8. Invite a group to share the

10、ir passage. Other groups try to evaluate their passage with the structure “be sure +that”.Step 3 Consolidation(13 minutes)Finish 2.1. Show the example of 2 to students. Ask students to analyse the structure in groups.2. Show the box in 2 to students. Ask students to make conversations with the sente

11、nces in the box.3. Invite students to share their answers.4. Finish 3.Ask students to make a survey in groups. Interview their group members about what they saw or heard on the Internet.5. Invite two groups to present it to the class. Give them smiling faces.Step 4 Practice(8 minutes)Finish 4a, 4b.1

12、. Teacher says: “I am not sure if you can pronounce /w/, /v/ well. Look at 4a and read in groups if you can pronounce the two phonetic symbols the same. I am sure you are wrong.”2. Show the sketch map. Ask students to observe the sketch map carefully and pay attention to the mouth.3. Ask students to

13、 take out their mirrors and compare themselves with the sketch map or the teacher.来源:学科网ZXXK4. Play the tape. Ask students to listen and follow.5. Show 4b to students and ask students to read 4b by themselves. Pay attention to /w/, /v/ in the words.6. Play 4b. And ask students why the recording soun

14、ds better than them.来源:学科网ZXXK7. Play 4b. Ask students to read after the tape and imitate.Step 5 Production(7 minutes)1. Play a game. Find the most beautiful sound. Ask students to prepare four papers and write down A, B, C, D. Invite volunteers to read 4b in class. Other students are commentators.

15、2. Teacher summarizes :(1) Write down the new words on the blackboard: website, Mars, pizza, reporter(2) Write down the structure “be sure +that” on the blackboard.I am sure that there are many interesting things to see on the Internet.I am not sure whether it is good to shop online.3. Homework:(1) Read 4b after class and record it with your cellphone, and bring it to school next class.(2) Write a short passage about what you saw or heard on the Internet. And show your ideas with the structure “be+sure that”.(3) Prepare for the le


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