Unit 2 接待口译.doc

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1、Unit 2 接待口译 Interpreting for Reception Service21 Greetings at the Airport词汇预习Vocabulary Work Work on the following words and Phrases and write the translated version in the space provided: 人力资源部经理 top-notch 能够成行 不辞辛劳 百忙中抽空 run into a storm be held up clear Up attending service 倒时差 行李齐了 下榻宾馆 设宴洗尘 总裁

2、杂技表演课文口译Text for InterpretationListen and interpret the following dialogue alternatively intoEnglish and Chinese: A: 先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗?B: Yes,Im George Tallack from the School Of Oriental and African Studies,University Of London;You must be Miss Dai,If Im not mistakenA: 是的,我叫戴嘉佳,海通集团人力资源部经理。泰莱克教授,我

3、 一直在此恭候您的到来。B: Thank you for coming to meet me at the airportThis is a fantastic airport, absolutely one Of the top-notch international airportsA: 我很高兴能在我的家乡接待您。人人都说这是个一流的现代 化国际机场。欢迎,欢迎。我们非常高兴您能成行啊,非常感 激您不辞辛劳,在百忙中抽空来我海通指导。B: Ive long been expecting to learn about the famous Haitong GroupI really app

4、reciate this opportunity,which is also an opportunity for me to learn about Chinese enterprises at a close distanceA: 一路可好?十几个小时的飞行很辛苦啊。B: Not too badBut we were later than expectedOur plane delayed taking off as we ran into a stormWe were held up for several hours at the airport,waiting for the sto

5、rm to clear upBut we had good flying weather and we enjoyed a good attending service,Of courseA: 嗯,长途旅行之后您一定很累了,您还得倒时差呢。行李都齐 了,我们直接回宾馆吧。B: Yes,Im a bit tiredIm very bad with a jet-lagBut Ill be all right in a couple Of days A: 好的,先回宾馆下榻,好好休息一下。明天不必早起。明天的 安排是这样的,我们中午设宴为您洗尘,下午会见集团总裁,晚 我们去看一场杂技表演,典型的中国

6、杂技。不知泰莱克教授 意下如何? , B:I like thatIve heard Chinese people are very friendly and hospitableYoure very considerate,Miss DaiIll soon be spoiled,Im afraid A:我们希望您在这里过得愉快,希望您与我海通集团合作愉快。 东西齐了,车已在外面等候,我们走吧。 B: Sure 22 Hotel Accommodation 词汇预习Vocabulary Work Work On the following words and phrases and write

7、the translated version in the space provided: check-in 预订房间 确认函 travel agency itinerary accommodation 双人间 豪华套房 8折优惠价 morning call photo-copy express mail 总台 餐饮部 洗熨部 楼层服务台 fitness exercise 教练 课文口译Text for Interpretation Listen and interpret the following dialogue alternatively into English and Chines

8、e; A: 下午好,欢迎光临和平饭店。需要服务吗,先生? B: Yes,Id like tO check in,please A: 好的,先生,请问尊姓大名?您有没有预订房间? B: Yes,its Robert King I suppose somebody made the reservation for me A: 请稍等,我查一下预订记录喔,让您久等了,先生。不过, 恐怕这里查不到您的预订记录。您是在哪里预订的?有确认 函吗? B: Thats very strangeI made the reservation about 10 days ago,through a travel a

9、gency at homeBut l dont have the confirmation letter with meWhat l have with me is a copy Of the itineraryIS there any problem with the accommodation For just two days? A: 别着急,我查一下有没有空房间。太好了,我们还有一个双人 间,另外还有一套豪华套房,都没有人人住。不知您要哪一套? B: Thanks a lotI prefer the double roomHow long can lkeep it? ?And is i

10、t a regular rate with nO extra Charge? A: 很好,先生,请登记吧。我们不多收费,人住最后一套豪华套房 您还可以享受8折优惠价呢。 B: The double room iS fineIS there any service that l need tO know? A: 当然哕。请问您有什么要求吗? B: YesId like to have a 70clockmorningcall,breakfast sent Up to my room,shirts and pants laundered,some documents photocopied,an

11、express mail sent out,and something like that A: 没问题呀,请分别拨电话给总台、餐饮部、洗熨部、商务中心就 可以了。您也可以直接与楼层服务台联系。您还需要什么服 务吗? B: Just one more thingdo you have any place for fitness Exercises ?I go to the gym and exercise every day A: 有呀,我们有设施齐全的健身中心,还有教练给辅导呢。我们 有许多现代化的健身设备可满足客人的不同需求。能让客人 住得称心,我们很高兴。我真的希望你在这里住得愉快,如果

12、 还有什么其他要求,请随时告诉我。 B: Very good,thank you very much A: 不用客气。23 Banquet Service 词汇预习Vocabulary Work Work on the following words and phrases and write the translated version in the space provided; 敬业 contribute ones share maneuver 大自然所赐予的 cuisine 色、香、味、形 调料 食物的质地 原汁原味 appetizing 特色点心 皮薄汁醇 皮脆肉嫩 酸甜适口 fig

13、ure out 好戏还在后头 祝酒 干杯 课文口译Text for Interpretation Listen and interpret the following dialogue alternatively into English and Chinese: A: 各位,晚上好,今天我们在此举办晚宴,招待各位亲爱的朋友和 敬业的专家,庆贺我们的会谈取得圆满成功,我感到非常高兴。 我特别感谢凯兰女士大驾光临。没有凯兰女士的最后努力,还 不知道现在会怎样呢,恐怕我们还在谈判之中。 B: Thank you,President LiYou all did very wellI just contributed my shareWe all maneuvered successfully to get our job done,SO tO speakWell,ladies and gentlemen,are we carrying out another round Of talk over the dinner?A: 今天不谈生意,我建议今晚我们只叙友情,当然,我们要尽情享 受大自然赐予我们的食物。B: Thats great,the delicious Chinese food! I cant wait to enjoy



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