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1、国有大型聚酯企业市场营销战略分析内 容 提 要我国的聚酯行业起步于20世纪60年代中期,初期发展缓慢。到了1976年前后,从国外引进的几套大型装置陆续建成投产,我国才有了真正意义上的聚酯行业。进入90年代后,聚酯行业在全世界范围内高速发展。同期,国内的经济体制发生深刻变革,开始由计划经济向市场经济的过渡。在国家政策引导和行业高额利润的诱导下,国内相继出现了三资、民营等不同所有制形式的聚酯企业。而此时的市场正在由单边的卖方市场向买方市场转变。到了20世纪末期,聚酯生产企业的数量明显增多,市场竞争异常激烈,行业平均利润率直线下降,国有企业举步唯艰。聆听着新世纪的钟声,伴随着我国正式加入WTO,聚酯




5、。并藉此研讨出针对国有大型聚酯企业的营销战略组合,解决目前企业直接面临的生存危机。我们希望这种战略不是短期的,而是可以在一个较长的时期服务于企业经营,目的是突出战略的有效性和长期性,这也是为国有大型聚酯企业在市场经济体制下重振雄风奠定基础。关键词:国有大型聚酯企业、营销战略组合、静态环境、动态环境、竞争和目标市场聚焦战略ABSTRACT The polyester industry of China commenced in 60s last century, it grew slowly at the beginning until 1967 while we imported a few

6、sets of large scale of polyester equipments. China had its own virtual-meaning polyester industry hence. After 90s, polyester industry grew rapidly worldwide. Meanwhile, our economic system is during a profound changing, which was transitioning from planned economy to market economy. Many different

7、forms of polyester enterprises emerged gradually. The market was evolving from selling market to buying market at the same time. At the end of 20 century, competition in this field was becoming white hot, the productiveness of these enterprises dropped by a large extend especially these large SOEs.A

8、s the time going by, we stepped into the new century, China entered into WTO. Opportunities and threatens are faced by these polyester enterprises. First, the subsequent industry-textile industry began to rebound, on the other hand, some privately owned plants entered into this field making the comp

9、etition more severe, they also brought in some new kinds of concepts and measures of competition. In this competition, some original defects of the large SOEs came forth. Such as the concept renovation, organization structure, human resource management, tech progress and marketing mix. They lost the

10、ir proud backbone enterprise status of the country and facing badly situation of existence.How can they struggle out and to be strong again is the biggest problem of the large SOEs. Nowadays, the technology of polyester industry has become open and apparent, the scale of equipments productivity has

11、been enlarged incredibly. So a reasonable management system and an effective marketing strategy are badly needed for them. The discussion of these two questions would be essential.The world economy is developing rapidly and the technology is advancing quickly. The circumstance has turned from static

12、 to dynamic. It also involved extremely new contents than last century. Therefore, a good marketing strategy must be started from the analysis of its environment inside and outside including macro and microanalysis. Then, you can have the basic information to make the reasonable strategy for the ent

13、erprise. Marketing strategy of SOE especially the large SOEs in polyester industry are not only integrate but also comprehensive. So the aim of this paper would try to bring forward an entire marketing mix for these giants, there should be product strategy, brand strategy, price strategy, competitiv

14、e strategy, target market focusing strategy (channel strategy) and human resource strategy.In this paper, the marketing problems of a typical large SOE-Tianjin Petrochemical Corporation polyester plant is discussed and analyzed, and some feasible solutions are put forward with these understanding. F

15、urthermore, some new marketing strategy mixes are brought forward too. We wish these strategies are not short-term, but can be applied for a relatively long period of time and establish a basis for these large SOEs to rebound in the market economic system. Keyword: The large Stated Run Enterprise, M

16、arketing strategy, Static environment, Dynamic environment, Competition and main target market focusing strategy. 目 录内容提要英文提要 目 录绪 论1第一章 聚酯行业的环境、历史和现状2第一节 聚酯行业在中国的发展史2第二节 我国聚酯行业的格局5第三节 我国聚酯工业的生存环境7第四节 聚酯化纤产业的战略分组10第五节 行业竞争结构模型分析11第二章 国有大型聚酯企业典型代表的现状分析18第一节 天津石化化纤厂企业概况18第二节 企业现状和营销战略的评价19第三章 国有大型聚酯企业市场竞争中的



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