高中英语 Unit 6《Life in the future》说课教案 新人教版必修1.doc

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1、人教修订版高二英语Unit 6 Life in the future 说课教案、TitleSEFC(2) Unit 6 Life in the future Reading、TeachingPeriodOne period、StudentsSenior 2、TeachingAimsTarget language. forecast,trend ,contemporary ,indicate ,urban ,energy ,ensure ,system ,consumer ,reform ,goods ,purchase ,tiny ,cash ,remain ,importance ,regu

2、lar ,medical ,deal ,physician ,cure ,biochemistry educator ,distance ,hopeful ,catch a glimpse of , lead to ,keep in touch with ,pay attention to ,in store ,in generalAbility goals. Learn to summarize the outline of the whole text. Try to grasp the key words.Learning ability goals. Develop the stude

3、nts reading skills, like finding headlines and guessing words. Train the students to be more responsible for their future life by working hard.、TeachingImportant Points How to develop the students reading skills, like finding headlines and guessing words. Try to use the key vocabulary.、TeachingDiffi

4、cultPointLearning to outline the text by using the headlines.、Teaching Methods Skimming method to find the headlines. Task-based method to finish the teaching assignment. Discussing method to arouse the students interest in future life.、Teaching aidsA multimedia and multimedia slides、Teaching Proced

5、uresTeaching StepsTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching TheoriesStep IWarming-upPractise a tongue twister-Congo运用Congo的律动,一方面了解创业的艰难,另一方面营造轻松、和谐的学习环境。使学生尽快融入英语课堂学习。Sep II Lead in Show some beautifulpictures about the universe,stars,flying machines andso on .Ask: What can you see in these pi

6、ctures? Summarize it is achanging world Show the studentsanother group of pictures ,comparing the life in thepast to the life of today . Do you want to knowwhat our future life will be like? Lets learn a new lessonUnit 6 Life in the future Say any informationthey have found inthese pictures.通过展示这一组图

7、片(包括神舟六号飞船的发射等),让学生了解科学技术的不断发展是人类生活发生了巨大的变化,从而总结出Its a changing world把过去生活的图片和当今生活图片进行对比,再次展现了Its a changing world并自然引出课题:Life in the futureStep IIIScanningScan the text.How many paragraphsare there in this text?In which paragraphanswers can be found to the questions:Step IIIScanningTeaching StepsSu

8、mmarize the structure of the text:This text is made up of fourTeachers Activities How will peopleshop in the future? How will peopletravel in the future? What will schools Students ActivitiesPre-reading是reading的热身活动,要求学生采用快速浏览的方式确定不同段落的主题,了解Teaching Theoriesparts Transportation ,Business Health and

9、medicineEducation and knowledgebe like in the future? What will the future be like in general?大意及文章结构,潜移默化地培养学生Skimming这一非常有效的阅读技巧。Step IVReadingPart ITranspor-TationTeaching StepsWhat measures have people taken?What are current trends?Ask the students to find the features of the new maglevtrain? Le

10、t the students watch a news report about it and then hold a competition tomake sure that the studentsunderstand itTeachers Activities Find the features of the new maglev train: environmentallyfriendly energy savingat an amazing speed 430km/h The train is con-trolled by an advancedsystem. Scientists

11、arealso developing newfuels and engines Watch the news report and take part inthe competition. Summarize the advantages and dis-advantages of the newmaglev train.Students Activities从当今交通污染问题导入transportation这部分课文内容所涉及的问题:1 人类已采取哪些措施来解决交通污染问题?2 当前的趋势表明新型交通工具正朝着更清洁、更快捷、更安全的方向发展。3 介绍磁悬浮式列车.看完关于磁悬浮式列车的英文

12、报道,引导学生进行竞争性很强的讨论,可以极大限度的调动学生的积极性,使学生充分释放自我,达到学生展示、教师检验的目的。并借此来增强学生的自信和民族自豪感。因为上海是世界上第一个使用磁悬浮式列车的城市。最后让学生总结磁悬浮式列车的利与弊,引导学生学会利用辩证的眼光分析问题和思考问题。Teaching TheoriesStep IVReadingPart IIBusinessPlay the tapeAsk the students to read andanswer some questionsAsk: Which one do you pre-fer ,E-commerce or goings

13、hopping in stores?1 Listen and fill in the blanks 2 Find the answers tothe questions: What will becomemore and more popu-lar in the future busi-ness? What can people do in the malls in thefuture? How will peoplepay for their pur- chases?3 Use some adjectives to describe the onlineshopping播放录音,把录音材料编

14、成完型填空的形式,学生边听边作摘记,养成边听边记边理解的良好习惯。在学生完成听力的基础上再读课文,抓住关键信息。让学生用一些形容词来描述网上购物情形。开拓学生思维,并能及时复习巩固所学的知识及词汇,以讨论的形式结合实际,开阔学生眼界。Step IVReadingPart IIIHealthandMedicine1 Read and choose the right answers2 Find the key Sen-Tences Key sentence People Scientists and physicians 对这部分课文内容有初步理解抓住关键信息Step IVReadingPart IVEducationandKnowled-geSummarize that Its nevertoo old to learn1 Listen and do T/F2 Read and answersome questio



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