2011年高考英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars要点梳理+重点突破教案 新人教版必修3.doc

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1、必修3Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the stars要 点 梳 理高效梳理知识备考重点单词1astronomy n天文学astronomer n天文学家2system n系统;体系;制度3theory n学说;理论theoretical adj.理论上的4globe n球体;地球仪;地球global adj.全球性的;全世界的5violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的violence n暴力violently adv.猛烈地6atmosphere n大气层;气氛7unlike prep.不同;不像dislike vt.不喜欢8presence n出席;

2、到场;存在present adj. & n. & v在场的;目前,现在;出席;颁发,授予9harmful adj.有害的;伤害的harm n危害,害处harmless adj.无害的10exist vi.存在,生存existence n存在,生存11puzzle n谜;难题vt. & vi.(使)迷惑;(使)为难puzzled adj.迷惑的puzzling adj.令人迷惑的12gravity n万有引力;重力13satellite n卫星;人造卫星14climate n气候15spaceship n宇宙飞船16pull n. & vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力17float vi. & vt.

3、(使)浮动;(使)漂浮 n漂浮物18mass n质量;团;块;大量;(复)群众重点短语1in time及时;终于2lay eggs 下蛋3give birth to 产生;分娩4in ones turn 轮到某人;接着5prevent.from 阻止;制止6block out 挡住(光线)7cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋8now that 既然9break out 突发;爆发10watch out 密切注视;当心;提防11cool down 冷却12as well as 也;还有13depend on 依靠;依赖,取决于14get close to 靠近重点句型1This produce

4、d a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.这就形成一个连锁反应,使生命发展成为可能。2But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.而当我试着向前迈步时,我发觉我被送出很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。3.walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.既然重力改变

5、了,行走的确需要一些练习。高考范文(2009陕西卷)假定你是李华。在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到一个名叫Grownup的中学生发帖(post)寻求帮助,请根据帖子内容、写作要点和要求回贴。GrownupPost at 1852009 20:08Hi, everyone,Im 17 years old and I am going to university this autumn. But my mother continues to treat me as a sevenyearold. What should I do?TOPLast TopicNext TopicREPLYNEW写作要点:

6、1告诉Grownup要理解母亲;2给Grownup提出解决问题的具体建议。要求: 1.短文需写在答题卡的指定区域。 2.短文词数不少于80(不含已写好的部分)。 3.内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。 4.书写须清晰、工整。Hi, Grownup,As a student of your age, I understand your situation._范文Hi,Grownup,As a student of your age, I understand your situation. The problem you are facing is common among our teenager

7、s. However, it should be wise not to do anything that may hurt her feelings. Here are a few suggestions.First, its advisable to talk more with your mom. I learnt talks help you understand each other better. They are also opportunities to let her know your ideas of and attitudes toward many things.Se

8、cond, you should learn to do your own things well, proving to your mom that you are already a “grownup”, Its even better if you could share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking.考 点 探 究互动探究能力备考.词汇短语过关1harmful adj. 有害的;伤害的harm n&vt. 损伤;伤害harmless adj. 无害的harmlessness n. 无害be ha

9、rmful to 对有害do sb. harm/do harm to sb. 对某人有害do more harm than good 弊大于利There is (no) harm in (sb.s) doing sth.(某人)做某事有(无)害处。It does (no) harm (for sb.) to do sth. (对于某人来说)做某事有(无)害处。mean no harm 没有恶意即学即练1(1)Fruit juice can _ _ _ childrens teeth.果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。(2)What he did _ his reputation.他所做的损害了他的名声。

10、beharmfultoharmed(3)He may look fierce, but he _ _ _.他可能看上去很凶,但并无恶意。(4)The court case will _ _ _ _ my business.这起诉讼案件将严重损害我的生意。meansnoharmdo seriousharmto2exist vi. 存在;生存;维持生活existent adj. 存在的,现存的existence n. 存在,生存There exists/existed.某地有,存在exist in 存在于之中exist on 靠为生exist by 靠生存come into existence 开

11、始存在;成立bring into existence 使发生,产生即学即练2(1)_ always _ a force of attraction between two bodies. 两物体间总是存在着吸引力。(2)They _ _ very little food.他们靠极少的食物来生存。(3)That word doesnt _ in English. 英语中没有这个词。Thereexistsexistonexist(4)Fish cant _ _ _ _. 鱼离开水就不能生存。(5)When did the world _ _ _?世界是什么时候开始产生的?exist outofwa

12、tercomeintoexistence3puzzle vt. 使困惑;使糊涂n. 难题;谜puzzling adj. 令人困惑的puzzled adj. 感到困惑的puzzle about/over sth. 苦苦思索;仔细琢磨puzzle sth. out 琢磨出的答案;开动脑筋be in a puzzle about sth. 对某事迷惑不解set a puzzle for sb.(set sb. a puzzle) 出个谜语叫某人猜be puzzled by 被迷惑即学即练3(1)Its quite _ _ _ us why he did that.他为何做那样的事,我们完全搞不懂。(

13、2)This sentence _ me. 这个句子令我困惑。(3)I _ _ how to solve the problem.我不知道怎样解决这个问题。(4)The question is _ to me. 这个问题令我困惑。 apuzzletopuzzleswaspuzzledpuzzling4in ones turn轮到某人;接着in turn依次;轮流;转而;反过来by turns轮流;交替take ones turn轮到某人做了take turns依次;轮班,轮流on the turn正在转变,正在变化out of turn不合时宜地,鲁莽地即学即练4(1)The girls called out their names _ _.那些女孩儿逐一报出了自己的名字。(2)We make every effort to make more films, and _ _ this creates further environmental pollution.我们在竭力生产出更多的电影,反过来这又造成了进一步的环境污染



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