九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Going to the theatre 教案 牛津广州版.doc

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1、Unit 5 Going to the theatre一、单词1. beneath prep. 在、下面2. ugly adj. 丑陋的;难看的3. birth n. 出生;诞生4. force n. 面具;面罩5. wander v. 强迫;迫使 6. amazingly adv. 令人惊奇的是7. singer n. 唱歌的人;歌手8. angel n. 天使9. audience n. 观众;听众 10.gently adv. 温柔的;轻轻的11.kiss v. 吻;轻吻12.kindness n. 仁慈;善良;体贴13.theatre n. 戏剧;戏院;剧场14.well know a

2、dv.著名的;总所周知的15.create v. 创造;创作16.strangely adv.奇怪地;不可思议地17.male n. 男性的;男的18.widespread adj.普遍的;分布广泛的19.usual adj. 通常的;惯常的20. degree n.(大学)学位学位课程21.behave v. 表现;行为举止22.conductor n. 指挥23.popcorn n. 爆玉米花24.cheer v. 欢呼;喝彩;加油25.clap v. 鼓掌;拍手26.politely adv. 有礼貌地;礼节性地27.anyway 无论如何;不管怎样28.discussion n. 讨论

3、;谈论29.guitar n. 吉他;六弦琴30.notice n. 通告;通知31.board n. 板;木板32.fee n. 费用33.handsome adj. 英俊的;漂亮的 34.awful adj. 很差的;糟糕的35.tear n. 泪水;眼泪36.carriage n. 四轮马车二、短语1、at birth 出生时 2、wander around 四周徘徊3、fall in love with 喜欢,爱上 4、be content to do/with sth.因满足5、feel sorry for sb. 同情某人 6、be shocked at 因感到震惊7、becaus

4、e of 因为,由于 8、get sb. to do sth. 使/让某人做某事9、reach a decision 作出决定 10、keep sth. in mind 将记在心中;11、catch ones eye 吸引某人的注意 12、treat sb. as 把某人看作三、重点句型1、Beneath the building there is a strange, dark lake. 在那栋建筑物下面有一个怪异的黑暗之湖2、He was so ugly at birth that his own mother him wear a mask. 他出生时就很丑陋,以致他妈妈要让他带上面具

5、。3、He spent years wandering around the old part of the city. 我们花了一个早上在这旧城区徘徊。4、The Phantom fell in love with Christine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera. 这幽灵爱上了那歌剧院里的一位年轻漂亮的歌手Christine。5、However, the Phantom wasnt content to stay behind the wall. 然而,这幽灵不满足于呆在墙后。6、He wanted Christine for himself

6、. 他要独占Christine。7、At first she was shocked at his horrible face, with yellow eyes and no nose, but then she felt very sorry for him. 他因她有着黄色眼睛而没鼻子的可怕脸孔感到震惊,可是后来她反而同情起他来。8、British theatre is especially well-known because of Shakespeare and his plays. 由于莎士比亚和他的戏剧,英国的剧院尤为出名。9、Other countries have far m

7、ore ancient theatre traditions than Britain. 其他国家比英国有着更为古老的戏剧传统。10、I have to attend a big contact and I dont know how to behave. 我要参加一个大型演唱会,我不知道该如何行事。11、Anyway, dont worry. 不管怎么样,不要担心啦。Anyway 常用于以下几种场合:(1) 用于转移话题:Anyway, as I was saying, things really have started to improve. 不管怎么样,正如我所说的,情况开始好转。(2

8、) 用于结束谈话:Anyway, in the end we decided to stay at home. 尽管如此,最后我们还是决定留在家里.(3) 尽管如此:Even if the drug is banned, a lot of people will go on using it anyway.尽管毒品是被禁止的,很多人还是继续使用。12、It+be+adj+that-clauseIt is strange that the Phantom disappeared in the end. 鬼魂最终消失了是奇怪的。13、be+adj.+preposition(介词) She is g

9、ood at music. 她擅长音乐。14、They presented him with flowers after the concert. 演奏会后他们送花给他。15、Make sure you have reached a clear decision. 确保你们已经作出了明确的决定。16、When you write a notice ,you should keep the following aims in mind. 在写通知时,你需要考虑以下几个目标。17、Im happy you had a good time. 我很高兴你过得愉快。18、They may look st

10、range to us. 对我们来说,他们看起来很奇怪。19、Her ugly sisters treated her as their servant. 她丑陋的姐妹们把她看作仆人。四、段落、文章Reading AOne hundred years ago,the Phantom lived on an island on the lake beneath the Paris Opera House. The Phantom was so ugly that he wore a mask. Yet he was a good singer. And then the Phantom fell

11、 in love with Christine,so he helped her to be the most popular singer. And Christine believed that he was an angel. One day, the Phantom kidnapped Christine and took her to his home on the lake because he didnt want her marry with Raoul. Raoul, Christines fianc,followed but was locked away by the P

12、hantom. Christine pulled off the mask and saw the Phantoms horrible face. She understood his loneliness,and kissed him. Christines kindness made the phantom cry, so the Phantom freed Christine and Raoul,and then disappeared forever.Reading BOf all the theatres in the world,British theatre is especia

13、lly well known because of Shakespeare and his play. The plays are still loved today such as Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet though Shakespeare created them over 400 years ago. Traditional theatres which had no roof were round and had a stage in the middle. It was strange that all the characters were pla

14、yed by men. If the audience liked the play,they threw money onto the stage. If they didnt enjoy it,they threw smelly old vegetables. Nowadays,plays and musicals are performed in huge buildings and often have modem costumes and fantastic special effects. However,some old traditions still remain. You

15、should say break a leg instead of saying good luck to an actor in Britain.More practiceI want to share something about Hamlet and Ciderella with you.Hamlet is not only a play but also a man. It is an interesting story about murder and revenge. It is a love story, too. Hamlet was strong and clever, but a little sad. It was sad that his father was murdered by his uncle and Hamlet died in the end. I think Hamlet was a perfect Hamlet, though.Cinder



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