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1、营销和创新创造价值- The principle of MarketingPeter Drucker says, “because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two-and only two functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation create value, all the rest are costs.”彼得.杜拉克指出:“企业的目的是要创造顾客,所以它只有两个职能:营销和创新。营销和创新创造价值,而其他所有的都只是成本。”Ch

2、apter 1 The principle of MarketingTeaching objectivesl Define the term marketingl Describe five marketing management philosophiesl Discuss the differences between selling and marketing conceptl Grasp the marketing management processProfessional terms marketing 市场营销 seller 卖者 product 产品 service 服务 se

3、lling 推销 human needs 人类需要 relationship 关系 individual 个人 organization 组织 target markets 目标市场 production concept 生产观念 selling concept 推销观念 societal marketing concept社会市场营销观念market 市场 buyer 买者 exchange 交换 potential buyer 潜在消费者 advertising 广告 sale 销售 stiff competition 激烈的竞争 profit 利润 groups 团体 credit 信誉

4、,信用 marketing activities营销活动 product concept 产品观念 marketing concept 营销观念 Precase 福特的T型车20世纪初,汽车是由技术工人手工打造而成的,成本较高,因而价格难以下降,汽车成了地位的象征,拥有汽车只是少数人的特权。福特的贡献在于他把汽车变成了普通商品。美国福特汽车公司是1903年由亨利福特与詹姆斯卡曾斯、道奇兄弟等创办,由福特任总经理。1903年到1908年之间,亨利.福特和他的工程师们研制了19款不同的汽车,并按字母顺序将它们命名为A型车到S型车,其中有一些只是试验性车型,从未向公众推出。有的有两个或四个气缸,甚至





9、位?结合案例谈谈营销理念对企业经营成败的重要作用。(2)营销理念的类型有哪些?现代企业应树立怎样的营销理念?1.1 The development of marketing1.1.1 Market1.1.1.1 Whats Market?Originally the term market stood for the place where buyers and sellers gathered to exchange their goods. Economists use the term to refer to a collection of buyers and sellers who

10、transact in a particular product class. In the marketing terms, a market can be defined as the set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service. This definition suggests that a market is the total value and/or volume of products that satisfy the same customer need. Knowledgesl 从市场的本义看,

11、市场是商品交换的场所。l 从市场的性质看,市场是一切商品交换活动和交换关系的总和。l 从市场营销学的角度看,市场是一种商品和劳务的所有现实的和潜在的消费者需求的总和。For example, if the customer need is “eat breakfast”, then the relevant market could be defined as the “Breakfast Food Market”. Many products would be relevant to measuring and analyzing such a market:- Breakfast Cere

12、als- Nutrition Bars- Porridge / Oats- Speciality Breads (e.g. croissants)- Fast-food Outlets serving breakfastRelevant LinksChinese consumer goods market to rank second behind U.S. by 2015China will overtake Japan, Germany, Britain and Italy to become the worlds second biggest consumer goods market

13、behind the United States by 2015, according to the findings of a survey by Credit Suisse, one of the worlds leading investment banks. The Swiss-based bank estimates that Chinese consumption will account for 14.1 percent of the total consumption among major economies in 2015, while the U.S. consumpti

14、on will account for 37.7 percent. (Source:http:/ The component of marketThe size of a market depends on the number of people who exhibit the need, have resources to engage in exchange, and are willing to exchange these resources for what they want. There are two types of customers that engage in business exchanges. First there are organizational buyers, who purchases goods and services for business, government agencies, and other institutions, such as hospitals and schools. Organizational buyers purchase goods and services to run their own companies or to sell them to other organi



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