初中数学湘教七年级下unit 1 单元测试

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《初中数学湘教七年级下unit 1 单元测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中数学湘教七年级下unit 1 单元测试(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 单元测试卷一、单项选择题1. My sister Amy is good _ dancing and she is good _ old people.A. at;atB. with;withC. with;atD. at;with2. Lang Lang is _ famous pianist. He plays _ piano very well.Aa;theBthe;theCthe;/Da;/3. My brother can _. He wants _ this afternoon.Adance;danceBdance;to danceCto dance;danceDda

2、ncing;to dance4. Jack can _ English. I can _ it in English,too.Aspeak;speakBsay;sayCspeak;sayDsay;speak5. Tom can draw _. His pictures are very _.Agood;wellBwell;goodCgood;goodDwell;well6. _? He wants to join the swimming club.AWhat can he do BWhere can he swimCWhat does he like DWhat club does he w

3、ant to join7. Can you speak English? _. But I can speak Chinese.AYes,I canBNo,I canCNo,I cantDYes,I cant8. Frank doesnt like playing the guitar _ the drums.AandBbutCorDso9. Can Li Ming play the guitar?No,he cant.But he _.Acant play the guitar Bcan play the guitar Ccant sing Dcan sing10. The old man

4、often _ stories about Lei Feng.AtalksBsaysCspeaksDtells11. I can play the guitar and I _ play the drums.Acan tooBcan alsoCtoo canDor can12. My math is not good. Can you help me _ it,Mike?AonBwithCinDfor13. Please _me _88966558.Acall;atBtell;atCcall;inDtell;in14. I am _ now. I need to do my homework.

5、AbusyBfreeCeasyDinteresting15. Jim _ kung fu after school.AplaysBdoesCjoinsDdo二、完形填空Peter has a sister _1_ a brother. His sisters name is Lisa. His brothers name is Nick. Lisa _2_ music. She can 3 very well. She wants 4 the music club. Peter and Nick can play soccer, but they cant play 5 guitar. The

6、y want to join the soccer club. Peter can play chess, 6 He likes to play 7 his brother 8 weekends. Peter is good 9 his sister and brother. And they love their 10 ( )1.A. andB. orC. butD. so( )2.A. likeB. likesC. likingD. cant like( )3.A. singsB. singingC. singD. to sing( )4.A. joinB. joinsC. to join

7、D. joining( )5.A. aB. theC. anD. /( )6.A. alsoB. eitherC. tooD. but( )7.A. onB. withC. forD. about( )8.A. afterB. inC. onD. with( )9.A. atB. forC. inD. with( )10.A. homeB. houseC. roomD. family三、阅读理解 AEnglish Tutor Wanted Do you like kids? Are you outgoing (开朗的) ? Do you have three years experience

8、(经验) as an English teacher? Do you have free time on Saturday or Sunday? We need a woman teacher for our daughter. She is twelve and she is not good at English.For the job, you will:Teach from 3: 00 p.m. to 6: 00 p.m.Play with our daughter.Tell her stories in English.You will work at our house. We l

9、ive in Xinyuan Road, Garden District.The pay is $ 40 each hour.If you want to know more information, please call Mrs. Yang at 82569876.1. Mrs. Yang wantsfor her daughter.A. a Chinese teacherB. a music teacherC. an English tutorD. a math tutor2. If you are the tutor, you must teach the daughter foron

10、 Saturday.A. a dayB. two hoursC. three hoursD. a whole afternoon3. What is not a part of the job?A. Cooking for the kid.B. Working at the kid shouse.C. Being good with the kid.D. Telling English stories to the kid.4. If you want to be the tutor,you need to. be beautiful have three years English teac

11、hing experience have time on weekends be a woman teacherA. B. C. D. 5. Which is NOT true?A. The tutor must teach the kid on weekends.B. The kid is not good at English.C. The tutor can speak English.D. The tutor can get $ 360, if she teaches the kid for two weekends.BMrs. Brown is very fat (胖).“Dont

12、eat meat or cakes,” her doctor says to her.“Im going to stop her eating them, doctor,” her husband (丈夫) says.The next morning, Mrs. Brown makes a nice cake, and her husband eats half of it. After he goes out, Mrs. Brown cuts (切) a very small piece of the cake and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a

13、 bigger piece and eats it. In a few minutes she finishes the cake. “My husband is going to be very angry(生气),” she says. “What am I going to do?”She makes another cake very quickly, eats half of that, and leaves half on the table.Her husband comes back later. He sees the half of the cake on the table and he is very happy.6. The doctor tells Mrs. Brown not to eat meat or cakes because .A. Mrs. Brown likes themB. meat and cakes can make her fatterC. Mr. Brown tells the doctor to say soD. meat and cakes are not good food7. The next morning Mrs. Brown makes a cake


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