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1、摘 要 当代人力资源管理的实践活动,主要包括四部分内容:人员的遁选聘用、员工的培训与开发、员工绩效考核以及员工激励。在这四部分之中,激励问题显得尤为重要,因为它直接影响着员工能力的充分发挥,并最终关系到员工个人的发展以及企业整体的生存与发展。人力资源管理的精髓从某种意义上说就在于激励员工。无论企业的技术水平多么高、产品多么精良,服务多么优秀,决定一个企业成败的关键在于员工的团结合作和努力奉献精神。激励对一个人的心理和行为会产生强大的作用,经过激励的行为与未经激励的行为有着明显的差别。不同形式的激励,在不同的场合、时机,对行为过程会产生程度不同的影响。采取科学有效的激励手段,激发员工的积极性和创



4、行合理的分类,针对不同的员工和员工不同的阶段设计了不同的激励机制,并设计了现代企业激励机制具体实施的操作流程图。关键词: 现代企业人力资源激励理论激励机制AbstractHuman Resource Management (HRM) includes four parts of content in practice: employing by select, training for development, evaluating of performance and motivating, in which motivation seems particularly important.

5、The marrow of HRM lies in encouraging staff in a sense. No matter how high the engineering levels of enterprise, how outstandingly the products, what determine the success or failure of an enterprise are the staffs united cooperation and diligent spirit of utter devotion. Motivation can produce stro

6、ng function psychology in a person. In different occasion, Multi-form motivation will produce different influence. The means of effective and science motivation can excite staffs enthusiasm and creativity, Improve employees loyalty to enterprise, and make the enterprise have favorable position durin

7、g the competition. But a lot of domestic enterprises havent understood and realized the incentive mechanisms are force source for developing. So, how to choose and set up scientific incentive mechanisms are very important.The structure of this thesis is arranged from outward appearance to inner esse

8、nce. At first, the motivations definition and characteristic are exposited simply. Through studying others achievement in research and analyzing the existing motivational theories in world, the author classifies these theories, which be divided into the content type and course type, and carry on the

9、 survey on the basis of this.Secondly, this part has exposited some mistake ideas of understanding and in practice by investigating and analyzing the current situation of our country enterprises motivations. And the questions and drawbacks are deeply announced, which have existed in the incentive me

10、chanism of our country enterprises, especially the operators incentives and restraint question. Therefore the author considers it is necessity and urgency for setting up the incentive mechanism of effective and science Moreover, this part is analyzing the all-technological linkers of the incentive m

11、echanism for solving how about set up. It is started with analyzing the key factors for motivation, which are important for the distribution of enterprise resources. Then expound the motivation mode from material and spiritual respects.At last part of the article, it solves the problem of how to set

12、 up the modern enterprise incentive mechanism. The thesis focuses on the overall situation and enumerated the effective principle, which must be complied with as setting up the mechanism. Then different incentive mechanisms are designed to different staffs and different stages in modern enterprises

13、from the static behavior and dynamic angle. And a chart of motivational operation orders is schemed for the modern enterprises.Key Words: Modern enterprise, human resource, Incentive theories, Incentive mechanism目 录摘 要Abstract引 言1第1章 激励理论综述31.1 激励的概念与特性31.1.1 激励的含义31.1.2 激励的特性和功能41.2 激励理论的类型51.2.1 内

14、容型激励理论51.2.2 过程型激励理论7第2章 我国企业激励现状与问题122.1 我国企业激励制度简析122.2 我国企业激励中存在的问题142.2.1 我国企业在认识上的误区142.2.2 我国企业在具体实施激励时存在的几个误区16第3章 现代企业激励机制183.1 现代企业激励因素分析183.1.1 组织因素183.1.2 工作因素193.1.3 个人因素203.2 现代企业激励模式213.2.1 物质激励213.2.2 精神激励28第4章 现代企业激励机制的建立334.1 现代企业激励机制建立的原则334.1.1 公平公正原则334.1.2 因人制宜原则334.1.3 及时适度原则34

15、4.1.4 目标结合原则344.2 现代企业激励机制设计354.2.1 静态激励354.2.2 动态激励404.3 现代企业激励机制的实施444.3.1 激励模式的选择444.3.2 激励因素(资源)配置454.3.3 激励方案整合454.3.4 激励方案实施和监控454.3.5 激励效果评估454.3.6 激励信息反馈和调整46结 论47主要参考文献48致 谢53附 录53 l引 言人力资源管理是现代管理理论和实践中发展极为迅速的部分,虽然属于起步不久的新兴学科,但由于有效运用了经济学、管理学、心理学等学科的经典理论和最新研究成果,而且近年来有效利用人力资源取得成功的案例越来越多,因而使得其成了人们关注的焦点。现代行为组织学和心理学理论认为,人类行为是一个可以调节和激励的系统。哈佛大学William James教授发现,在缺乏激励的环境中,员工潜力只能发挥20%30%;但在良好的激励环境中,同样的员工却能发挥其潜力的80%90%。拿破仑认为:“一支军队的战斗力有3/4是由士气构成的”。士气对一个企业又何尝不重要呢?现代管理学认为人力资源属于企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分,而人力资源作用的发挥又取决于激励机制的制度安排。通过怎样的激励方式去调动员工的积极性,使每位员工始终处于一种良好的激励状态中,发挥出其内在的潜能,是人力资源开发所追求的理想状态,也是管理中的一个永



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