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1、内蒙古科技大学毕业论文 *大学本 科 生 毕 业 论 文题 目:利用尾矿-粉煤灰制备微晶玻璃的实验研究学生姓名:*学 号:*专 业:*班 级:*指导教师:* 论文日期:2012年06月10日I内蒙古科技大学毕业论文利用尾矿粉煤灰制备微晶玻璃的实验研究摘 要近年来,微晶玻璃作为一种新兴的陶瓷材料逐渐走入市场,并为越来越多的人所认识。而利用尾矿和粉煤灰为主要原料制作矿渣微晶玻璃,由于其原料成本低且方便就近取材,产品附加值高,尾矿利用率高等特点,成为目前国内外微晶玻璃的研究的热点之一。本文介绍了微晶玻璃的发展现状、分类、制备工艺及应用范围等,初步探讨以白云鄂博矿西尾矿和粉煤灰为主要原料,以CaF2为


3、,耐酸耐碱能力在97%以上,晶相含量最多,性能为最优。在此基础上,通过外加Cr2O3晶核剂,对西尾矿-粉煤灰微晶玻璃进行优化,可得到抗折强度达188.87MPa,耐酸耐碱性能均大于98%,各项性能均优于天然大理石与花岗岩,可用于高档建筑装饰材料。关键词:尾矿;粉煤灰;微晶玻璃;透辉石Researching the experiment of using west tailings and fly ash to prepare glass ceramicsAbstractRecently, glass-ceramics have entered the market as a new mater

4、ial of ceramics and have been known with increasing number of people. Due to its low cost, easy acquisition, the high added value of the products, the higher utilization rates and many other characteristics, using tailings and fly ash as main raw material to make glass-ceramics has become one of the

5、 hot spot in the research from both domestic and abroad.In this paper, the current situation of the development of glass-ceramics, classification, preparation technology and application scope has been discussed systematically. We initially explore baiyun obo west tailings and fly ash as main raw mat

6、erial, taking CaF2 as main nucleation agent to prepare slag glass ceramics by melting -pouring shape method. This experiment using the X-ray diffraction (XRD),scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDX),universal electronic test machine and other modern testing method

7、s analyze the preparation of glass-ceramics products phase composition, microscopic appearance, crystal structure and the elements etc. Discuss the influence of different weight of west tailings on mechanical properties and crystallization ability of glass-ceramics.The experimental results show that

8、 the baiyun obo west tailings and fly ash as the main raw material can prepare glass-ceramics with some mechanical strength and chemical stability. Its major crystalling phase is diopside(Ca(Mg,Al)(Si,Al)2O6)and density is 3.03 g/cm.The more composition of west tailings in the glass-ceramics, the mo

9、re crystalling phase in the sample. The grain of west tailings glass-ceramics is regularly dendrite. With increasing weight of the west tailing in the glass-ceramics, the second branch and third branch crystal can be decreased, meanwhile, the main crystal axis become large and gross. When the west t

10、ailings content is 50%(wt.%) in the glass-ceramics, acid and alkali resistant ability is more than 97%, crystalling phase is most, all kinds of properties of glass ceramics is optimum. Based on the first group experiment we optimize the formula of west tailings and fly ash glass ceramics with adding

11、 a little Cr2O3 as nucleation agent. Finally we get the glass ceramics that the flexural strength is 188.87MPa, acid and alkali resistant ability is more than 98% and many other properties is superior to natural marble and natural granite, can be used for high-grade building decoration materials.Key

12、words:tailings;fly ash;glass ceramics;diopsideI目 录摘 要IAbstractII第一章 文献综述11.1 前言11.2 微晶玻璃概述21.2.1 微晶玻璃的定义21.2.2 微晶玻璃的特性与应用21.2.3 尾矿废渣微晶玻璃分类31.2.3 微晶玻璃制备工艺81.2.4 微晶玻璃的发展现状101.2.5 微晶玻璃的展望131.3 本文研究的内容141.4 课题研究的目的15第二章 实验原料、设备与测试162.1 实验原料162.1.1 尾矿废渣162.1.2 化学试剂172.2 实验设备182.3 工艺流程182.4 样品测试192.4.1 差热

13、分析(DTA)192.4.2 X射线衍射(XRD)192.4.3 显微结构分析(SEM)202.4.4 能量色散光谱(EDX)202.4.5 抗折强度测试212.4.6 耐腐蚀性测试212.4.7 体积密度测试22第三章 实验过程与数据分析233.1 微晶玻璃的制备233.1.1玻璃配方设计233.1.2 实验步骤253.2 热工艺制度263.3 实验现象描述273.3.1 溢料现象273.3.2 黏度变化283.3.3 样品形变与析晶293.4 微晶玻璃性能表征313.5 XRD物相分析323.6 显微结构的分析343.7 优化后的实验方案与结果讨论38结 论41参考文献42致 谢46第一章

14、 文献综述1.1 前言据不完全统计,全国2000座尾矿库,积存尾矿已经超过50亿吨,每年还以3亿吨的速度递增。如此巨大的尾矿数量,平均利用率只有8.2%1,而国外的一些发达国家,如美国,日本等早在九十年代初期的废渣利用率就达到了100wt.%2。目前国内尾矿除少部分用来做路基、制成水泥、填充采空区、复土造田外,大部分露天堆放,既占用了土地,还容易造成粉尘污染、泥石流、河道淤塞,磷、氟、重金属等有害溶出物污染水源、危害环境3。所以如何来合理利用矿渣并提高其附加产值将成为目前解决堆积成山的矿渣的主要问题。利用尾矿制造微晶玻璃正好是目前处理矿渣的一个良好的典范,在国家科委制定的2010年社会发展纲要



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