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1、The Renaissance of the Influence of English LiteratureClass: 3 Name: CuixueContentsAbstract (in Chinese) .1Abstract (in English) .2I. Introduction .31.1. An introduction to the Renaissance .3 1.2. An introduction to the background.4 1.3. An introduction to the Humanism.5II. A summary of the writer a

2、nd the works62.1. The brief analysis of Chaucer and his work “Canterbury Tales”.9 2.2. The brief analysis of Spenser and “The Fairland Queen”.11 2.3. The brief analysis of Shakespeare and his masterpiece 13III.Conclusion 17摘要:本文主要介绍了文艺复兴对英国文学的影响。同时,为了更好的支持这一主题,本论文进行以下几部分说明。第一部分是对文艺复兴的介绍,来源、背景。第二部分写出

3、了文艺复兴对英国文学的影响,表现在一些作家的作品里,继而分别介绍这几位作家及其作品。第三部分是结论,对全文进行了总结。关键词:文艺复兴,影响,作家,作品AbstractThis paper mainly introduces the Renaissance of English literature. At the same time, in order to better support the theme, this thesis undertakes the following sections. The first part is the introduction of the Ren

4、aissance, origin, background. The second part writes the Renaissance of English literature, in the works of other writers, and then introduced the several writers and their works. The third part is the conclusion, summarizes.Key words: Renaissance, influence, writer, workI. Introduction1.1. An intro

5、duction to the RenaissanceRenaissance refers to the 14-17 century originated in Italy then spread throughout Europe a new bourgeoisie against the feudal ideological and cultural movement, and the church. This movement in philosophy, literature and art and Science in the field of expansion. Its ideol

6、ogical core of humanism. The Renaissance in Europe after the ancient Greek after the second ideological and cultural peak, in Europe and the world of Humanities and Natural Science in the development of a far-reaching impactThe Renaissance marks a transition from the medieval, the end and the beginn

7、ing of modern society. In general, the Renaissance period is from fourteenth Century to mid seventeenth Century. Beginning in Italy, along with painting, sculpture and literature all flowers bloom together. then Renaissance wave that swept the whole of EuropeHumanism in the UK in the ideological fie

8、ld. Mark is the Holland scholar Erasmus successively to the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge to teach classical culture research. Thomas Moore, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the representatives of the English humanists. Renaissance tide affect Britains speed is rela

9、tively slow, not only because the British from continental Europe, but also because of its domestic turbulent. In sixteenth Century, the new route discovery Hokusai foreign trade developed, the British strength gradually enriches, nationalism, 1588 beat Spain to send to the invasion of continental p

10、ower armada. There is a cultural activity is frequent, the highlight of Renaissance bidding situation. English literature on behalf of the European Renaissance Literatures highest achievement1.2. An introduction to the Historical backgroundRenaissance marks the transition from medieval to modern wor

11、ld, from feudal to capitalist, from religious to secular society. In this period the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to abolish old feudal ideas in medieval Europe (the church-centered culture which were characterized by God-centeredness, otherworldliness and asceticism.) and t

12、o introduce new ideas of the rising bourgeoisie ( humanism, the man-centered culture in which man is the measure of all things.), and to carry our religious reformationRenaissance did not begin to show its effect in England until the reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547) owing to Englands separation from

13、the Continent and its domestic unrest. Encouraged by Henry VIII, the Oxford reformers, scholars and humanists introduced classical literature to England. Education was revitalized and literature became more popular. From the beginning of the 16th c, the English Renaissance witnessed the brisk develo

14、pment of literature: the translation of ancient English, Italian and French works, as well as classical works of Greece and Rome; books of discoveries and adventures; the flowering of sonnets; the highest glory of the English renaissance is its drama ( the Elizabethan drama). This was Englands golde

15、n age in literature. There appeared many literary giants such as Shakespeare, Spenser, Jonson, Sidney, Marlowe, Bacon and Donne. 1.3An Introduction to the Humanism Renaissance literature general characteristics is a variety of literary types coexist (HUMANITIES, folk, feudal), humanist literature as the mainstream. The Renaissance was marked by the spread of humanism, the keynote (the Great Spirit) of Renaissance. It sprang as a result of rediscovery and restudy of the Greek and Roman



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