六年级英语下册 Unit 8 I’m watching TV Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt

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《六年级英语下册 Unit 8 I’m watching TV Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Unit 8 I’m watching TV Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit8I mwatchingTV SectionA Sheisplayingcomputergames Whatisshedoing Leadin Heisrunning Whatishedoing Whatishedoing Heisreadingabook Theyareswimming Whataretheydoing Whatishedoing Heisdoinghishomework Whataretheydoing Theyareeatingdinner Theyaretalkingonthephone Whataretheydoing Whataretheydoing The

2、yarehavingclass Theyareplayingbasketball Theyaredrawing painting Practice Whatisshe hedoing She Heis reading running cleaning doinghomework talkingonthephone 2aListenandmatchtheanswerswiththequestions 1 WhatisStevedoing 2 WhatisJackdoing a HeiswatchingTV b HeislisteningtoaCD 2dRole playtheconversati

3、on Jenny Hello ThisisJenny Laura Hi Jenny It sLaurahere Jenny Oh hi Laura Whatareyoudoing Laura Notmuch I mjustwashingmyclothes Whataboutyou Jenny I mwatchingTV Doyouwanttojoinmefordinner Myparentsaren tathome Wecaneatout Laura Yeah I dloveto Jenny Let smeetatmyhomefirst Comeathalfpastsix Laura OK S

4、eeyouthen 3bNumberthesentencesinordertomakeatelephoneconversation Thenpracticeitwithapartner Doyouwanttogotomorrowthen OK Seeyoutomorrowevening I mreadingabook Let sgoatseveno clock No thisbookisreallyinteresting Whatareyoudoing Doyouwanttogotothemoviesnow Sure whattime 1 5 8 2 7 4 3 6 GuessinggameP

5、leaseguesswhatpeoplearedoing GuessingGame What she shedoing He sheis walking drawing dancing eating T Whatishedoing S1 Ishe S2 Ishe Heisplayingtheguitar T Whatisshedoing S1 Isshe S2 Isshe Sheisdrinking T Whatishedoing S1 Ishe S2 Ishe Heisrunning T Whataretheydoing S1 Arethey S2 Arethey Theyaredancin

6、g Isthegirl get up No she What she She getting isn t is doing issleeping Practice Arethey abook No they arethey They re reading aren t What doing writing Heisplayingthecomputer Sheissinging Heisswimming Theyaredancing 请归纳什么是现在进行时 定义 现在进行时表示现在 说话瞬间 正在进行或发生的动作 I m IamHe s HeisWhat s WhatisShe s Sheis

7、Grammar v ing变化规则 1 一般加 ing例如 play playingwatch watching2 以不发音的e结尾 去e加 ing例如 take takingcome coming3 元音 辅音结尾 且是重读闭音节的单词 双写辅音字母加 ing例如 run runningswim swimming Writing 根据图画 用现在进行时写一篇短文 词数 50个左右 HomeworkMakeupaconversationaboutyourfamilymembers Whataretheydoing Unit8I mwatchingTV SectionB Whatishe she

8、doing He Sheis Leadin A Whataretheydoing B Theyareshopping B Theyareshopping Atthemall mall A Wherearetheyshopping PAIRWORK Whatis are doing Whereis are A WhatisTinadoing B Sheiseatinglunch A Whereissheeatinglunch B Sheiseatinglunchatthemall PAIRWORK 1eUsetheinformationinthecharttomakeaconversation

9、IsAliceplayingbasketball No sheisn t She s 2bReadtheTVreportandanswerthequestionsbelow 1 WhyareZhuHui sfamilywatchingboatracesandmakingzongzi 2 DoesZhuHuilikehishostfamily WhatdoeshethinkabouthishomeinChina Task1 3aCompleteJeff sletter DearBob Hereisapictureofmyfamily Weareallathomenow Iamdoingmyhom

10、ework MyparentsarewatchingTVinthelivingroom Mygrandfatherisreadinganewspaper Mysisteristalkingonthephone Jeff 3bBringinsomephotosofyourown ordrawsomepicturesofyouandyourfamilyorfriends andwriteaboutthem Mike Let stalkaboutthisphoto DearBob Hereisaphotoofmyfamily Inthisphoto I mdoingmyhomework Myfath

11、eris Mygrandfatheris Mygrandmotheris tomymother Andmysisteris watchingTV readingabook talking eatingsomething Task2 Herearesomeofmyfamilyphotos 1 2 3 Inthefirstphoto myfatherissitting Inthesecondphoto Iamwalking Inthelastphoto mymotherisstanding Task3 Threebirdsareflying Abirdiswalking Theboy draw a

12、picturenow Listen Somegirls sing intheclassroom 3 Look they have anEnglishlesson 4 They not water theflowersnow 5 What yourfather do Heisreadingnewspapers 6 What you do now We listen tothetaperecorder isdrawing aresinging arehaving aren twatering isdoing aredoing arelistening Practice Look Therearemanypeopleinthepark Someare ing someare ing othersare ing Theyarehavingagoodtime Homework writing


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