六年级英语下册 Unit 2 My favorite subject is science Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt

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六年级英语下册 Unit 2 My favorite subject is science Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt_第1页
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六年级英语下册 Unit 2 My favorite subject is science Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt_第2页
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六年级英语下册 Unit 2 My favorite subject is science Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt_第3页
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《六年级英语下册 Unit 2 My favorite subject is science Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Unit 2 My favorite subject is science Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2Myfavoritesubjectisscience SectionA Leadin SchoolSubjects English art math SchoolSubjects science music P E science computer history biology Schoolsubjects 1aMatchthewordswiththepictures Presentation 1 P E 2 art 3 science 4 music 5 math 6 Chinese 7 geography 8 history c f b e h d a g What syour

2、favoritesubject Myfavoritesubjectisart 1cPracticetheconversationwithyourpartner Thenmakeyourownconversations 2aListenandputthesentencesinordertomakeaconversation 2 3 4 What syourfavoritesubject Science 2cWhatdoyouthinkofthesubjectsabove Makeyourownconversationsusingthewordsin2b Whydoyoulikescience B

3、ecauseit sinteresting 2dRole playtheconversation Frank Hi Bob How syourday Bob It sOK IlikeMondaybecauseIhaveP E andhistory They remyfavoritesubjects Frank Who syourP E teacher Bob Mr Hu Healwaysplaysgameswithus Frank That sgreat Butwhydoyoulikehistory It sboring Bob Oh Ithinkhistoryisinteresting Wh

4、at syourfavoriteday Frank Friday Bob Why Frank BecausethenextdayisSaturday Bob Haha That sforsure IlikeFriday too 1 KenandLinda sfavoritesubject P E A areB isC amD be 2 What syourfavorite Blue A penB bookC colorD food Practice 单项选择 B C 3 What youdoaftersupper A doesB doC isD are 4 Idon tlikehistoryb

5、ecauseit s A funnyB relaxingC boringD exciting 5 What syourfavoritesubject A YesB ScienceC FootballD Blue B C B C A D 6 Whydon tyoulikemath Becauseit s A interestingB funC difficultD easy 7 Ilikemusic it srelaxing A becauseB butC whyD and 8 Why yourmotherlikeredsweaters A doB isC areD does 根据汉语 完成句子

6、 1 你最喜欢的科目是什么 What syourfavoritesubject 2 我最喜欢的科目是英语 MyfavoritesubjectisEnglish 3 你为什么喜欢英语呢 WhydoyoulikeEnglish 4 因为它有趣 Becauseit sinteresting 1 HisfavoritesubjectisEnglish 改为一般疑问句 favoritesubjectEnglish 2 Hermother sfavoritecolorisblue 对画线部分提问 hermother sfavoritecolor 句型转换 Ishis What s 3 Helikesart

7、becauseit sfun 对画线部分提问 helikeart 4 Mysisteroftendoesherhomeworkintheevening 改为否定句 Mysister herhomeworkintheevening Whydoes doesn toftendo HomeworkAskyourparentwhathis herfavoritecolor food sport TVshowis Unit2Myfavoritesubjectisscience SectionB Whatisyourfavoritesubject Myfavoritesubjectis Whoisyour

8、 teacher My teacheris Oralpractice Leadin Whendoyouhave Ihave everyday onMondayandTuesday 1aMatchthewordsontheleftwiththeiroppositesontheright 1dTalkaboutDavid sfavoritesubjectwithyourpartner Thentalkaboutyourfavoritesubject 2bReadthefollowingletter UnderlinethesubjectsthatYuMeilikes Circlethesubjec

9、tsshedoesn tlike AreYuMei sideasthesameasyours DearJenny IamverybusyonFriday At8 00Ihavemath Itisnotfun Theteachersaysitisuseful butIthinkitisdifficult Thenat9 00Ihavescience Itisdifficultbutinteresting At10 00Ihavehistory Afterthat IhaveP E at11 00 Itiseasy andfun Lunchisfrom12 00to1 00 andaftertha

10、twehaveChinese Itismyfavoritesubject OurChineseteacher Mrs Wang isgreatfun Myclassesfinishat1 50 butafterthatIhaveanartlessonfortwohours Itisreallyrelaxing Howaboutyou Whenareyourclasses Whatisyourfavoritesubject Yourfriend YuMei 2cCompleteYuMei sschedulewiththeinformationin2b Languagepoints1 bebusy

11、 繁忙的 befree 空闲的 Example 你今天下午有空吗 没空 我很忙 Areyoufreethisafternoon No I mverybusy 2 for aperiodoftime 一段时间 他星期天通常玩两个小时的电脑 HeusuallyplayscomputerfortwohoursonSunday 3 Lunchisfrom12 00to1 00 午饭是从12 00到1 00 from是介词 意为 从 常见的词组为from to 从 到 Theyworkfrom8 00to12 00 他们从8 00到12 00工作 4 Myclassesfinishat1 50 我的课在

12、1 50结束 finish 完成 做好 是及物动词 其后跟名词 代词或动名词作宾语 Icanfinishreadingthebookintwodays 两天后我能读完这本书 Practice句型转换1 Myfavoritesubjectisscience 对画线部分提问 yourfavoritesubject 2 Heisreallybusytoday 改为一般疑问句 reallybusytoday Whatis Ishe 3 IlikeP E best 改为同义句 subjectisP E 4 Helikesartbecauseit sfun 对画线部分提问 doeshe art Myfavorite Whylike HomeworkWriteasimilarpassageaboutyourlikesanddislikes


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