六年级英语下册 Unit 4 What time do you go to school Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt

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《六年级英语下册 Unit 4 What time do you go to school Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Unit 4 What time do you go to school Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4Whattimedoyougotoschool SectionA Leadin Whattimeisit Presentation Threeo clock 6 gotobedB gotoschoolC gethomeD runE takeashowerF getupG havebreakfast 7 Matchtheactivitieswiththepictures 5 PAIRWORKWhendopeopleusually Peopleusually inthemorning intheafternoon intheevening havebreakfastdohomeworkg

2、ohomehavedinnergotobed gotobed havedinner dohomework takeashower Whattimedoyouusually Iusually at Whattimedoeshe sheusually He Sheusually at Rick Heusuallytakesashoweratninepm WhattimedoesRickusuallytakeashower p m 2dRole playtheconversation Interviewer Scotthasaninterestingjob Heworksataradiostatio

3、n Scott whattimeisyourradioshow Scott Fromtwelveo clockatnighttosixo clockinthemorning Interviewer Whattimedoyouusuallygetup Scott Ateightthirtyatnight ThenIeatbreakfastatnine Interviewer That safunnytimeforbreakfast Scott Yeah Afterthat Iusuallyexerciseatabouttentwenty Interviewer Whendoyougotowork

4、 Scott Ateleveno clock soI mneverlateforwork getup Whattimedoyouusuallytakeashower havebreakfast getupat5 00 Iusuallytakeashowerat havebreakfastat Summary getup WhattimedoesRicktakeashower havebreakfast getsupat5 00 Hetakesashowerat hasbreakfastat Proverbs Timeismoney Timeislife Timeisflying Soevery

5、bodyshouldmakefulluseoftime 3aWriteanswersorquestions Usealways usuallyornever 1 Whattimedoyougetuponschooldays Iusuallygetupat7 00 2 WhattimedoesRickalwaysgetup Rickalwaysgetsupat6 20 3 Whattimedoyouhavebreakfast Ialwayshavebreakfastat7 00 4 WhattimedoesAnnausuallyeatbreakfast Annanevereatsbreakfas

6、t 5 Whattimedoesyourbestfriendgotoschool He Sheusuallygoestoschoolat8 00 timedoyougetup Igetup sixo clock 2 Whattimedoyougotoschool Igotoschoolatsix 6 45 3 Helenusually breakfastatseventen eat 4 Whattime hetakeashower At8o clockintheevening What at eats does forty five Practice HomeworkWriteacomposi

7、tionaboutyourdailylife Unit4Whattimedoyougotoschool SectionB Leadin inthemorning intheafternoon intheevening eatbreakfast eatdinner gotobed dohomework Peopleusuallyeatbreakfastinthemorning Whendopeopleusuallyeatbreakfast Presentation WhendoesTonyusuallygetup Askandanswer WhendoesTonyusuallyeatbreakf

8、ast Askandanswer WhendoesTonyusuallygotoschool Askandanswer WhendoesTonyusuallygohomeafterschool Askandanswer WhendoesTonyusuallyeatdinner Askandanswer WhendoesTonyusuallydohomework Askandanswer WhendoesTonyusuallygotobed Askandanswer Tony sday 2bTonyandMaryarebrotherandsister Theyhavehealthyandunhe

9、althyhabits Whoishealthier Circlethehealthyactivities 3aNumberthesesentencesinordertomakeastoryaboutadailyroutine Iusuallyexercisefromsixfifteentoseven Ialwaysgetupearlyatsix Afterthat Ialwaysbrushmyteethandgotoschoolateight ThenIquicklyhaveashowerandeatbreakfast Ihavelunchataquartertotwelve Igethom

10、efromschoolathalfpastfouranddomyhomework Ihaveaveryhealthylife Ihavedinneratseventhirty Igotobedatten 1 3 2 5 4 6 7 8 9 1 我早上5点起床 I at5 00inthe 2 Mary晚上7点做作业 Mary at7 00inthe 3 你什么时候回家 Whendoyou 我下午6点回家 I at6 00inthe 4 Tony什么时候睡觉 When Tony 5 他晚上9点睡觉 He at9 00intheevening getup doeshomework morning afternoon gohome gotobed does goestobed gohome evening Practice 完成句子 HomeworkWriteacompositionaboutyourfather sormother sdailylife Attention Theuseofthethirdpersonsingularverbs


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