六年级英语下册 Unit 10 Is there a post office near here Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt

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六年级英语下册 Unit 10 Is there a post office near here Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt_第1页
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《六年级英语下册 Unit 10 Is there a post office near here Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Unit 10 Is there a post office near here Section AB课件 鲁教版五四制.ppt(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit10Isthereapostofficenearhere SectionA park restaurant hotel garden Leadin postoffice bridge bank library hospital airport payphone supermarket road street avenue highway park garden Yes thereis It son No thereisn t hospital payphone Istherea an nearhere intheneighborhood 1aMatchthewordswiththepl

2、acesinthepicture 1 postoffice 2 policestation 3 hotel 4 restaurant 5 bank 6 hospital 7 street 8 payphone 9 park f a e i b h g d d c Isthereabanknearhere Yes there sabankonCenterStreet Isthereapostofficenearhere Yes thereis There soneonBridgeStreet onthebox underthebox inthebox Whereisthesoccerball I

3、t s Presentation Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox infrontof Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox behind Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox near Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox nextto acrossfrom Whereisthesoccerball It s thebox big It s thebigbox thesmallbox small Whereisthesoccerball betweenand big Where

4、isthepayphone It sacrossfromthelibrary acrossfrom Whereisthepayphone It snexttothelibrary nextto between and Whereisthepayphone It sbetweenthepostofficeandthelibrary Whereisthepayphone It sontheGreenStreet on Whereisthepayphone It sinfrontofthelibrary infrontof 2dRole playtheconversation Tony Hi exc

5、useme Linda Yes HowcanIhelpyou Tony Well I mnewintown Isthereabanknearhere Linda Yes thereis It sonCenterStreet It sacrossfromthepark Tony Oh where sCenterStreet Linda It snottoofarfromhere Icanwalkwithyou Tony Oh that sgreat Thankssomuch Linda Noproblem 3bLookatthemapin3aandwritethreesentences Theb

6、ankisnexttothehospitalandacrossfromthepark 1 2 3 Paul Excuseme Isthereahotelintheneighborhood Nancy Yes thereis Justgostraightandturnleft It sdownBridgeStreetontheright It snexttoasupermarket Paul Thankyouverymuch Nancy You rewelcome TaskReadandfindPaulandNancyinthepicture Excuseme Istherea an nearh

7、ere Yes thereis No thereisn t Whereisthe It s Thankyouverymuch You rewelcome behindnexttobetween and acrossfrominfrontofon school bank supermarket park bank hotel bookshop restaurant CenterStreet XingfuStreet GostraightdownCenterStreet turnleft Thereisabankontheleft It snextto Practice 掌握表示方位的介词及短语的

8、用法 编一个有关问路的对话 Homework Unit10Isthereapostofficenearhere SectionB TVStation Airport FireStation PostOffice Library BusStation Church ChineseRestaurant Supermarket Park Hotel DepartmentStore ParkStreet RiverStreet Leadin 交通标志知多少 turnleft turnright gostraight 1dImagineyouandyourpartnerarethetwopeoplein

9、thepicturein1b Askandanswerquestionsabouttheplaces A Isthereasupermarketnearhere B Yes thereis GoalongBridgeStreetand 2cReadthepassagesagainandanswerthequestions 1 WhatdoesAnnalikedoinginthezoo 2 DoesAnnathinkmonkeysarelikepeople Why 3 WhatdoesJohnliketodoatthepark 4 Johnthinksthebestthingsdonotneed

10、money Doyouthinkso 5 HowdoesLisagettothelibraryfromherhome 3bDrawamapofyourneighborhoodandwriteaboutit Thesequestionsmayhelpyou 1 Wheredoyoulive 2 Whatisyourfavoriteplaceinyourneighborhood Why 3 Howdoyougettherefromyourhome 用适当的介词填空1 Thereisabank thebusystreet 2 Youcanphoneme 8 00a m or10 00a m tomo

11、rrow 明天 morning 3 Theywillarrive LondonnextMonday Practice on at in 4 Canyoutellmehowtoget thenewpark 5 Walk theSeventhAvenue Thehotelis yourleft 6 Iputsomeflowersnext mywindow to to on to 英汉互译 在 前面 投币式公用电话 在 和 之间 在右边 postoffice turnright nextto gostraight acrossfrom 1 infrontof 2 payphone 3 between and 4 nearhere 5 ontheright 6 邮局 7 向右拐 8 在 旁边 9 一直往前走 10 在 对面 在这儿附近 Homework 请你给远方的笔友写一封信 介绍一下你的邻近环境 DearLisa Iwanttotalktoyouaboutmyneighborhood Yours LiYang


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