六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate课件 湘少版.ppt

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《六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate课件 湘少版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate课件 湘少版.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2Annewantedtoskate 湘少版英语六年级下册 skatingrink溜冰场 fallover摔倒 learn学习 keep保持straight直的 tryto V 动词 努力做trytokeepyourlegsstraight努力使你的腿伸直wantto V 动词 想做wanttoskate想溜冰wanttolearn想学习 Listenandunderline 听录音 找出文中 wanttodo 和 trytodo 的句子 并划记 Annewantedtoskate 安妮想溜冰 Iwanttoskatelikeyou 我想像你一样溜冰 Iwanttostandupstr

2、aight butIcan t 我想站直了 但是不行 Shetriedtoskatebutshefellover 她努力地溜着 但是她滑倒了 try tried Translatethetextandreadtheimportantsentences FinishpartC Homework 熟读第二课划记的重点句子 单词抄写四遍 中文一遍 预习DE部分 Thankyou Unit2Annewantedtoskate 湘少版英语六年级下册 Revision learnskatingrinkkeepstraightfallovertrytokid goodatgoodideapicturewat

3、chafilmwantto Annewantedtoskate 安妮想溜冰 Iwanttoskatelikeyou 我想像你一样溜冰 Iwanttostandupstraight butIcan t 我想站直了 但是不行 Shetriedtoskatebutshefellover 她努力地溜着 但是她滑倒了 C aboutthestory PeterandAnne go tothe skate rink Annewantedto learn skating Peter skate ontheicebeautifully AnnewantedtoskatelikePeterbutshe fall

4、 over Peter help herup Anne want totryagainsothatshecouldskatelikePeter went skating learn skated fell helped wanted D Let spractise Iwanttocycleinthepark Iwanttoreadabook Iwanttosingasong Iwanttoplaybasketball Iwanttoflyakite E let slookandwrite 1 Mrswangwantstowashtheclothes 2 Peterwantstoplaycomputergames 3 Mrwangwantstocleanhiscar 4 Annewantstoflyakite 5 Linglingwantstomendherblouse Homework 熟读并背诵第二课划记的重点句子 预习第三课


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