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1、刘冬冬:某型轻型卡车悬架系统设计 安徽工程大学毕业设计(论文)说明书 课题名称 某型轻型卡车悬架系统设计 院 别 机械与汽车工程学院 专 业 车辆工程 班 级 车辆093 学 号 3090104311 姓 名 指导教师 2013年5月25日- 53 -安徽工程大学毕业设计(论文) 某型轻型卡车悬架系统设计摘 要由于汽车悬架系统性能的优劣直接决定着汽车行驶的平顺性、乘坐的舒适性以及操纵的安全性,因此对悬架的设计以及分析尤为重要。现在国内汽车主要采用的是传统的被动悬架,但它的刚度和阻尼都是固定的,在汽车行驶过程中无法随路面状况、载荷等因素的变化而变化,严重影响了悬架的性能。主动悬架由于可以根据汽车


3、真Design of a light truck suspension systemAbstractBecause the automobile suspension system performance directly determines the ride comfort, ride comfort and safety of manipulation, so the suspension design and analysis are particularly important.Now the domestic automobile is mainly used in the tra

4、ditional passive suspension, but its stiffness and damping are fixed, in the running process of the automobile can not be changed with the condition of the road surface, load and other factors change, seriously affected the performance of suspension.Active suspension due to the vibration of vehicle

5、can be based on the timely initiative to produce the required adjustment to optimize and control the driving performance of vehicle suspension, so its research has attracted peoples attention. While the actuators as active suspension device generates a force components, has an important effect on th

6、e quality of suspension performance. The actuator in this will design a kind of pressure, it can significantly improve the performance of suspension system. Therefore, the installation of this active suspension actuator on the vehicle will produce good results.The suspension system of a light truck

7、as the research object, the calculation and design of suspension damping element, elastic element, and on the basis of the suspension system for design of actuator. Then the 3D model of the suspension system by using PROE software, and the 1/4 suspension and 1/2 suspension was simulated by the dynam

8、ic simulation software ADAMS, realize the design of automobile suspension.Key words: suspension; actuator; design; modeling; simulation目录引言1第1章 绪论2 1.1 悬架的发展历史及发展趋势2 1.2 悬架的功用和组成3 1.3 悬架的分类4第2章 悬架的结构设计及作动器的设计6 2.1 悬架的结构类型设计6 2.2 悬架弹性元件及阻尼元件的设计计算62.3 前悬架导向机构的设计16 2.4 悬架其他附件的设计19 2.5 新型气压作动器主动悬架的设计20第

9、3章 悬架的建模过程23 3.1 三维软件PROE的介绍23 3.2 前悬架的建模及装配23 3.3 后悬架的建模及装配25 3.4 悬架系统的装配27第4章 基于ADMAS的1/4车体主动悬架的仿真实验29 4.1 运动学软件ADMAS的介绍294.2 1/4车体主动悬架模型的建立294.3 1/4车体主动悬架的仿真实验与结果分析34第5章 基于ADMAS的1/2车体主动悬架的仿真实验36 5.1 1/2车体主动悬架模型的建立36 5.2 1/2车体主动悬架的仿真实验与结果分析37结论与展望41致谢42参考文献43插图清单图1-1 汽车三种悬架的模型图2图1-2 非独立悬架5图1-3 独立悬

10、架5图2-1 双横臂悬架6图2-2 钢板弹簧悬架6图2-3圆柱螺旋弹簧8图2-4 钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高10图2-5 确定钢板弹簧各片长度的作图法12图2-6 钢板弹簧各片自由状态下的曲率半径14图2-7 减振器特性图16图2-8 双横臂悬架侧倾中心W17图2-9 双横臂式独立悬架的纵倾中心18图2-10 上、下横臂在横向平面内的布置方案18图2-11 球销式接头19图2-12 横向稳定杆的安装示意图20图2-13 卷耳20图2-14 气压作动器主动悬架示意图21图2-15 单活塞干双作用缓冲气缸22图3-1 前轮23图3-2 制动盘23图3-3 万向节24图3-4 上横臂24图3-5 下横臂24图3-6 螺旋弹簧24图3-7 减震器24图3-8 连杆24图3-9 横向稳定杆24图3-10 前悬架25图3-11 前悬架(作动器)25图3-12 后轮25图3-13 制动盘26图3-14 减振器



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