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1、分类号:Q945学校代码:10758密 级:公开学 号:09010016 博士学位论文库尔勒香梨树光能利用效率及宿萼果和粗皮果形成因子的研究Study on Light Use Efficiency and Related Factors with Calyx Fruit and Rough Fruit of Korla Fragrant Pear Tree研究生姓名 导师姓名及职称 教授学位门类级别农学博士专业名称果树学研究方向果树栽培生理所在学院林学与园艺学院新疆乌鲁木齐VII库尔勒香梨树光能利用效率及宿萼果和粗皮果形成因子的研究摘 要库尔勒香梨(Pyrus brestschneideri

2、 Rehd.)属蔷薇科(Rosaceae)梨亚科(Pomaceae)梨属中的白梨系统,是新疆三大名优特产之一。随着新疆林果业的迅速发展,库尔勒香梨栽培面积也不断扩大,产量大幅度提高,但果实品质有所下降,宿萼果、粗皮果,逐年增多,而且产量的增加基本上依靠大量使用的化肥和农药,增产措施中果园管理水平改善所占的比例很低,严重影响了库尔勒香梨在国际水果市场中的争竞力。本研究以库尔勒香梨为研究对象,对开心形和疏散分层形进行光能利用效率的比较,筛选科学合理的树形和叶果比,并树体光照分布与宿/脱萼果和粗皮果等果实品质的相关性进行分析,提出相应的内外在原因。主要试验结果如下:1 全光与遮荫下库尔勒香梨叶片的光

3、合特性有所差异。与全光下的叶片相比,遮荫下的叶片具有高叶绿素SPAD值(值分别为43.68、45.13)、低光饱和点(分别为1404 mol.m-2.s-1、260 mol.m-2.s-1),高表观量子产量效率(AQY分别为0.0405、0.124)、低气孔导度、低蒸腾速率、低光合速率和高胞间CO2浓度、高光化学量子产量、实际光化学量子产量、电子传递速率及较低的非光化学猝灭系数等特性。2 全光下的果实纵横径和单果重均极显著大于遮光下的果实,而光照条件对果形指数无明显影响。全光下的果实可溶性固形物和可溶性糖含量均明显高于遮光下的果实,而可滴定酸含量极显著低于遮光下的果实。全光下果实呈现淡红色,而

4、遮光下的果实呈现绿色,全光下的果实光泽度比遮光下的果实较低,黄色程度较淡。光照条件对库尔勒香梨果实的硬度、含水量和Vc含量均无显著影响,而全光下的果实石细胞含量极显著高于遮光下的果实。3 两种树形的叶绿素含量之间没有显著差异,值范围均为17 mgcm-241 mgcm-2。库尔勒香树的净光合速率日变化趋势因由气孔因素所造成的光抑制现象表现出双峰曲线,光合有效辐射超过光饱和点是导致“光午休现象”的主要原因。两种树形光合有效面积理论值的日变化趋势基本相似,其中疏散分层形树的光合有效面积始终大于开心形树,平均值分别为23.8 m2、21.6 m2。叶果比分析中,叶片光合有效叶绿素含量与果实重量的相关

5、性系数最高。4 树形对库尔勒香梨花序花量的影响不明显,而不同树龄库尔勒香梨树的花序花量有明显差异,12、23、47年生库尔勒香梨树的花序花量分别以4朵、7朵、6朵为主。不同树龄疏散分层形树的花数量和花量分布密度均高于开心形树,其中23年生树的差异最大,47年生树的差异最小。不同树龄疏散分层形树的座果率和果实分布密度也均明显高于开心形,尤其是12、23年生疏散分层形树的果实分布密度比开心形树高几倍到几十倍,而47年生树的差异不太明显。5 人工授粉明显提高库尔勒香梨的座果率,但萼片脱落与人工授粉之间没有直接关系。在宏观上,萼片脱落主要与树势有关,营养生长较弱的库尔勒香梨树萼片脱落率较高;遮荫下的叶

6、片C/N显著低于全光下叶片。在萼片离层形成期,库尔勒香梨幼果萼端与萼片中的植物激素含量有所差异。与果实萼端相比,在脱萼果萼片中有较高的脱落酸、较低的生长素和赤霉素含量,宿萼果则相反。到6月份之前库尔勒香梨宿萼果的萼片从环带区下面剪除对宿萼果变成脱萼果有一定的效果。6 粗皮果相关因子调查得知,粗皮果中花序全花都粗皮果的百分率为100%,而与光照强度强弱之间的相关性不显著。与正常果和其邻叶相比,粗皮果和其邻叶中的K+、Mg2+、Fe2+、Zn2+含量的差异不显著,而粗皮果中的Na+和邻叶中的Ca2+含量明显低于正常果和邻叶。关键词:库尔勒香梨;光能利用效率;宿萼果;脱萼果;粗皮果;果实品质Stud

7、y on Light Use Efficiency and Related Factors with Calyx Fruit and Rough Fruit of Korla Fragrant Pear TreeAbstractKorla fragrant pear (Pyrus brestschneideri Rehd.) is belonging to Rosaceae, Pomaceae, Pyrus, is one famous special product among three special product of Xinjiang. With developing of fru

8、it industry in Xinjiang, cultivating area and yield of Korla fragrant pear has been enlarged obviously. Meanwhile, the deterioration of fruit quality such as calyx fruit and rough pear has been increased gradually, and the increasing of fruit yield has basically depended on frequently using of chemi

9、cal fertilizer and pesticides, the lowest proportion of improvement on orchard management level among stimulation measures has been influenced competition power of Korla fragrant pear in international fruit market. In this paper, Korla fragrant pear is used as experimental material, and the scientif

10、ic best tree shape and leaf fruit ratio were filter out by comparing of the light use efficiency between open-center tree shape and evacuation layered tree shape, and proposed corresponding internal and external cause by analysing of the correlation between tree canopy light distribution with calyx

11、or non-calyx pear and rough pear. Main results as follows:1. Some significant difference was observed in photosynthetic characteristics between full-sunlight and shade leaves of Korla fragrant pear. With compared full-sunlight leaf, the shade leaves has been charactered by higher chlorophyll SPAD va

12、lue (43.68, 45.13), lower light saturation (1404 mol.m-2.s-1, 260 mol.m-2.s-1), higher apparent quantum yield efficiency (0.0405、0.124), lower stomatal conductivity, lower transpiration rate, lower photosynthesis rate and higher intercellular CO2 concentration, Higher actual efficiency of PS photoch

13、emistry (PS), maximum quantum yield of PS (Fv/Fm) and electron transport rate (ETR) and lower non photochemical quenching coefficient.2. The fruit longitudinal and transect diameter, average weight under full sunlight were significantly higher than fruit under shade, but there was no remarkable effe

14、ct of light condition on fruit shape index. The fruit soluble sugar content and soluble solids content under full sunlight observed remarkable high value compared to fruits grown shade condition, but its titratable acid content was lower than shade fruit. The fruits grown full sunlight expressed ros

15、iness color, fruits grown shade expressed green color, the lustrousness and yellow color degree of fruit grown full sunlight condition were lower than fruits grown under shade condition. There were no any significant effect of light condition on fruit firmness, water content and Vc content, but frui

16、t stone cell content grown full sunlight condition was higher than fruit grown shade condition.3. There ware no significantly difference between two tree shape on chlorophyll content, the content value was ranged within 17 mgcm-241 mgcm-2. The diurnal change in net photosynthetic rate of Korla fragrant pea



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