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1、Unit 3 The world of colours and light Last year I had a fantastic trip to Europe with my parents. In the city of Mlaga, Spain, which is the birthplace of Pablo Picasso, I was amazed to learn that he had an output of over 20, 000 pieces of art. He developed different styles of painting, including Cub

2、ism. In the Louvre Museum, Paris, which has over 6,000 European paintings, ranging from the 13th century to the 19th century, we saw the famous painted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.It is said that this masterpiece is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate what its price would be. M

3、onet, a French painter, sought to show movement and the feelings of the moment through the use of colours, light and shadow. In Amsterdam, we visited the Van Gogh Museum. His early paintings used a style called Impressionism and later he created more abstract artwork. Sadly, he received little rewar

4、d while he was alive. He only sold one painting before he died in 1890. But today, van Goghs paintings are worth upwards of millions of dollars each.,去年我和父母一起去了欧洲进行了一次奇妙的旅行。 在西班牙的马拉加,也就是巴勃罗毕加索的出生地, 我惊讶地得知,他有两万多件艺术作品。 毕加索创作了不同的艺术风格,包括立体派。在巴黎的卢浮宫,里面珍藏着欧洲画家从13世纪到19世纪创作的六千余件作品,我们看到了意大利画家列奥纳多达芬奇著名的油画蒙娜丽莎

5、。据说这幅画如此珍贵,以至于很难估算它的价值。莫奈,是法国画家,探索用色彩、光线和阴影来表现运动和运动感。在阿姆斯特丹,我们参观了凡高博物馆。他早期的绘画作品是印象派,但后来创作了更为抽象的作品。令人难过的是,在凡高活着的时候,他所得的回报却微乎其微。在他1890年去世之前他只卖出去一幅画。但现在,凡高的每幅画都价值超过数百万美元。加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空The moon had gone behind a cloud and there werent many stars in the sky. It was a _1_ night. I saw a glow (火光) in m

6、y neighbours kitchen. I thought he was having a midnight _2_ so I went back to my bed.Soon, there was a _3_ smell in the air and I suspected something was wrong. _4_, I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to investigate. I saw _5_ coming out of my neighbours kitchen. Instinctively, I shouted “Fire

7、! Fire!” But there was no one nearby to hear my shouts for _6_.I rushed into my house, called the Fire Department and went back to my neighbours house. I _7_ the doorbell, banged on the door and called out my neighbours name but there was no _8_. I managed to break into the house and _9_ a cat and a

8、 rabbit.I tried to throw _10_ of water through the kitchen window but it was no use; the fire was too strong. _11_, a fire engine arrived and the firemen _12_ the fire. They arrived in the nick of time as the fire was going to _13_ to the other rooms in the house. When my neighbour came back, he was

9、 _14_ because his kitchen was a wreck _15_ he thanked me for calling the Fire Department and for saving his _16_. He wanted to give me some money as a _17_ but I did not accept it.Weeks later, my neighbour _18_ and restored his kitchen. He invited me to his _19_ kitchen and there he gave me a medal

10、that he had _20_ ordered from a factory. It made me very happy.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。半夜作者发现邻居的厨房失火了,他报了火警并奋不顾身地救火。最后,在消防队员的帮助下火被扑灭,邻居非常感激作者,为他专门定做了一枚奖章。1A.quietBcoldCdark Dhot解析:选C从文章第一句“The moon had gone behind a cloud and there werent many stars in the sky.”可知,此处指这是一个漆黑的(dark)夜晚。2A.snack BbathCdream Dparty解

11、析:选A作者认为邻居正在吃夜宵。snack“点心,小吃”。3A.lighting BwashingCcooking Dburning解析:选D从后文的“and I suspected something was wrong”可知,作者闻到了一股烧焦的(burning)味道。4A.Above all BAt onceCIn brief DAll in all解析:选B作者意识到出了问题,立即从床上跳了下来,故选B。5A.fire BwaterCcats Drabbits解析:选A从后文的“Instinctively, I shouted Fire! Fire!”可知,作者看到火从邻居的厨房里蹿了

12、出来。6A.fun BwarningChelp Ddanger解析:选C作者本能地呼喊“着火啦!着火啦!”,但是附近没有一个人听见作者的大声呼救(help)。7A.pushed BansweredCpulled Drang解析:选D根据语境可知,作者跑到邻居家去按门铃。ring the doorbell“按门铃”。8A.sign BresponseChope Dsmell解析:选B从后文的“managed to break into the house”可知,邻居家没有人回应,故用response。9A.rescued BdroveCcaught Dheld解析:选A作者尝试着强行闯入邻居的家

13、,抢救(rescued)了一只猫和一只兔子。后文的“for saving his _16_”是提示。10A.bags BcupsCbuckets Dpacks解析:选C根据语境可知,作者尝试着用水桶(buckets)装水泼到火中。11A.Actually BSurprisinglyCUnexpectedly DLuckily解析:选D根据空前的“it was no use; the fire was too strong”和空后的“a fire engine arrived”可知,用luckily“幸运地是”符合逻辑。12A.put out Bput offCput away Dput bac

14、k解析:选A消防员扑灭了火。put out“扑灭,公布”;put off“取消,推迟”;put away“积蓄”;put back“推迟,拖延”。13A.expand BdistributeCspread Dflow解析:选C此处说明消防车来得正是时候,火势正要蔓延到其他房间。表示火势蔓延,用动词spread。expand表示“(规模)扩大”。14A.thankful BsadCsorry Danxious解析:选B邻居回家看到厨房被烧毁,因此感到伤心(sad)。15A.while BotherwiseCand Dbut解析:选D前后语境构成转折关系,邻居虽然伤心,但还是感谢作者叫了消防队并救

15、了他的宠物。16A.pets BclothesCfamily Dkitchen解析:选A从前文提到的“a cat and a rabbit”可知,此处指邻居的宠物(pets)。17A.pay BprizeCreward Dmedal解析:选C邻居想给作者一些钱作为报酬。pay“工资,薪水”;prize“奖品,奖金”;reward“奖励,报酬”;medal“奖章”。故选C。18A.removed BrepairedCrefreshed Dreplaced解析:选B几周后,邻居修理(repaired)重建了他的厨房。19A.simple BnextCold Dnew解析:选D根据文中的“restored his kitchen”可知,邻居邀请作者去他的新厨房。20A.specially BespeciallyCrecently Dstrictly解析:选A作者没有要邻居的钱,因此邻居为作者特意(sp


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