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1、课时跟踪练(四) Project一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1She dipped (浸,蘸) her finger into the water to see if it was hot.2Cut the pork into thin slices (薄片), and then put them into the soup.3Her husband is a chef (厨师长) in a big restaurant.4Every weekend children go there to pick up seashells (海贝壳)5I bought some

2、 eggplants (茄子) for supper.6He was found asleep on a pillow (枕头) of leaves and moss (苔藓)7Im not easily shocked, but his deed was too disgusting (令人厌恶的)8My eyes are filled with tears when Im cutting up onions (洋葱)9She stitched (缝制) a pocket on the new apron (围裙)10The wrinkles (皱纹) on his face suggest

3、 that he is no longer young.单句语法填空1The children were cutting out squares from the scraps of material.2It seems difficult, but I still want to have a go.3My boss arranged for me to_discuss (discuss) business details with someone from another company.4More and more people choose to shop in a supermark

4、et as it offers a great variety of goods.5Thank you for the book. Ill dip into it this evening.6The method seems good but it needs to be tried out.7It is disgusting (disgust) that he saw a dead mouse in his garden.8The minute we started to lay out the picnic, it rained cats and dogs.9He was badly cu

5、t up by the death of his father.10I asked Lucy where she was going.串点成篇微表达早饭时,汤姆铺开(lay out)报纸,发现有篇文章批评了他公司的新产品。浏览(dip)着这篇文章,他对文中所说感到很厌烦(disgust)。接着,他想出了一个计划,并想马上执行(carry out),来证明他们产品的合理性。妻子认为那是没用的,但汤姆想试一试(have a go)。他在大街上召集了50个行人来试用(try out)他们的新产品,让他们说出感觉如何,并把这些人的电话号码记了下来。最后,他把这些公布于众,事实证明,这个计划非常成功。W


7、r,Tom_wanted_to_have_a_go.He_called_in_50_passersby_in_the_streets_to_try_out_their_new_product,_asked_them_to_speak_out_how_they_felt,_and_recorded_their_telephone_numbers._In_the_end,_he_released_the_result_to_the_public,_and_it_turned_out_to_be_a_success.本单元语言点温故练习.单句改错1Everyone who reached the t

8、op of Mount Tai was rewarded for a magnificent view.forwith2Once the project is completed, they are away to the next opportunity.awayoff3I have committed myself to sit on two committees.sitsitting4Hardly had he finished his talk than he was surrounded by the excited workers.thanwhen5We wouldnt have

9、got into trouble if had we followed his advice.去掉if6It is important that our plan should be well laid off before we begin to work.offout7It was disgusted that he said so.disgusteddisgusting8He cut off the electricity quickly, prevented an accident.preventedpreventing.完成句子1他找回了我们丢失的狗,我们因此报答了他。We rewa

10、rded_him_for_finding our lost dog.2由于越来越多的树木被砍伐,一些动物正面临着灭绝的危险。With_more_and_more_trees_cut_down,_some animals are facing the danger of dying out.3我的钱快用完了,因此我要到银行取些来以防万一。Im running out of money, so Ill go to the bank to withdraw some in_case.4由于地板又湿又脏,我们只好待在外面。With the_floor_wet_and_dirty,_we had to

11、stay outside.5父母为孩子们安排所有的事情,不遗余力地为他们的成功铺平道路。Parents arrange_everything_for_their_children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.6一些村民报告说,一条长达两米多的巨蛇被发现死在附近的一个山洞里。Some villagers reported a huge snake, measuring_over_two_metres_long,_was found dead in a nearby cave.7到了我们该成立一个体育俱乐部的时候了。I

12、ts time that we (should)_set_up/set_up_a_sports_club.8这是我们多年前一起工作的地方。This is the place where/in_which_we_worked_together years ago.9花瓶放在了橱柜顶上,以免被打破。The vase had been put on top of the cupboard so_that_it_wouldnt_get_broken.10我们估算这个地区的农场平均面积为65英亩。We calculate_(that)_the_average_size_of_farms in this

13、region is 65 acres.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解One afternoon in November 1918, Moina Michael hurried through the streets of New York. She wore a bright red silk poppy (罂粟) on her coat collar and carried a bouquet of 24 smaller poppies. World War was going on overseas, and Moina was determined to do_her_part

14、.Moina was a teacher at the University of Georgia when the war broke out. She planned to do more than making socks or sweaters for the Red Cross. She wanted to encourage the soldiers before they left for war. Moina traveled to New York to care for soldiers at the medical center at Columbia Universit

15、y. There was nothing she enjoyed more than sitting and chatting with the soldiers. She looked at the photos of their families and brought fresh flowers to brighten the rooms when the weather outside turned grey.Earlier that November morning, she found a wellknown poem in a magazine, which began, “In Flanders fields, the poppies blow between the crosses, row on row .”Moina had read the poem before. She knew that John, a Canadian physician, wrote it while treating soldiers on the battlefields of Flanders in Belgium. The poem, remembering the dead, always touched her. But that morning, M


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