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1、(瓶颈管理)TOC约束理论(瓶颈管理)八讲销售GOLDRATT SATELLITE PROGRAM高瑞特卫星节目SESSION 6第六讲SALES销售Good day! 大家好。Sales. 销售。First we have to decide what type of sales are we going to talk about today. 首先,我们必须决定今天要讨论的是哪一种销售。Because actually there are two different topics under the same name. 因为这个名称其实涵盖了两个不同的主题。One is the ext

2、ernal sale. 一个是外部销售。Professional sales people are selling the products and services of our organization to the external world. 专业的销售人员把我们组织的产品和服务推销给外面的世界。That is what we usually refer to the sales. 这就是我们平常所谓的销售。But is it the only thing? 但这是唯一的销售型态吗?No, there is another sale - the internal sale, done

3、 by managers.不是,还有另外一种销售型态由经理人所做的内部销售。Managers are selling, they are selling targets, decisions, they are selling changes internally.经理在内部推销自己的目标、决策、改革方案。Which type of sale is more difficult? Well, it depends what you are. 哪一种销售比较难?嗯,必须视你的职位而定。If you are a professional salesman you will say that to

4、sell to the external clients is much more difficult. 如果你是专业的销售人员,就会说外部销售比较困难。You dont have much time, you usually have only one shot, the person doesnt have much time for you, not much patience. 你的时间不够,通常只有一次机会,客户给你的时间不够,而且他们没有耐性。Well, if you are a manager inside a company and you are trying to sell

5、 internally you know how damn difficult it is. 嗯,如果你是公司的内部经理,而你在做内部销售,就会知道这是多么困难的事。Which one are we going to deal with first? 我们要先讨论哪一种销售呢?Well, my inclination is lets start with the second one. Because of two reasons.基于以下两个理由,我想先从第二种开始。One is - most of you are not professional sales people, but alm

6、ost all of you have tried to sell some change inside your organization and it wasnt so easy. 第一你们多半都不是专业的销售人员,而且几乎都曾经在组织内部推销过某种改革方案,这实在不太容易。The second reason is that - if we succeed to crack the problem of how to sell targets, decisions and changes, we will find out that if the solution is good, it

7、is a generic solution. 第二个的理由是如果我们能成功地解决如何推销目标、决策、改革方案的问题,会发现只要这个解决方案很好,就可以适用在其它地方。And one of its ramifications, one of its derivatives will be to sell externally. 其中一个适用范围就是外部销售。That is what I am going to show. 这就是我接下来要说明的内容。So the first part of this program I want to devote to the problem of selli

8、ng internally.所以我想在课程的第一部分先处理内部销售的问题。Lets make it a little bit more personal. 让我们预设一个情境,把它变得跟你比较息息相关。So, lets assume that you are bothered by a whole herd of undesirable effects in your organization and you are thinking what to do, and you really put your mind into it. 假设你被组织内许多不良效应所苦,绞尽脑汁,思索该怎么做。.

9、有天早上你起床后,灵光一闪,想到了该采取什么做法。实际上,你感到有点挫折,因为这个方法如此明显而简单,为什么你花了这么久的时间才想出来。你到了公司,把同事集合在一起,告诉他们这个明显又完美的解决方案,他们会立刻热烈地接纳这个方法吗?情况并非如此。通常他们的反应是什么?负面的,他们似乎要开始告诉你为什么我们的情况跟别人不同,为什么在这里行不通。 你开始觉得自己撞上一面拒绝改变的墙。They start to come up with excuses that sound to you like pitiful excuses of why it cannot be done, why we sh

10、ould not change. 他们开始想出一些借口,告诉你为什么行不通、为什么我们不应该改变,但是你觉得这些理由听起来很可悲。And as time goes by and you start to become fed up. 随着时间流逝,你开始觉得不耐烦。You are totally convinced that you are dealing here with too conservative people, setting their ways, that the only thing that guides them is how not to rock the boat.

11、你深信自己是在跟过于保守的人打交道,他们安于现状,唯一奉行的原则就是不要改变。And as time goes by, youre still trying to push for your change they start to put a sticker on your head - fanatic. 随着时间流逝,你仍然试图推动改革,他们开始认为你很疯狂。If you are in a position of power they put a sticker of dangerous fanatic. 如果你掌握大权,他们会认为你这种疯狂的想法具有危险性。How many of you

12、 have seen it? 你们有多少人有过这种情况?I believe that this is so common that every one of us has faced it more than once. 我相信这种情况很普遍,我们每个人都不只碰过一次。Resistance to change. A huge problem, right? 拒绝改变,很大的问题,对不对?Well, what Ill try to prove to you is something amazing. 嗯,我要证明给你看的是一件很惊人的事。I claim that the biggest powe

13、r for improving our companies is resistance to change, that it is not negative, it is very positive. 我认为能让公司改善的最大助力就是拒绝改变,这是非常正面的力量,而不是负面的。Now you think that I have lost my marbles, right? I am totally crazy. 现在你认为我神智不清了,对不对?我简直是疯了。No, what you have to realize is that we are using two words as excha

14、ngeable when we dont mean that they are exchangeable. 不是的,你必须了解我们现在将两个词交替使用,而实际上这两个词的意思并不能替换。Change and improvement. 改变和改善。Yes, every improvement is a change, is every change an improvement? 是的,吗?Oh, no. 不是的。And when you look back on your organization in hindsight, in the last 10 years there were so

15、 many initiatives to improve.你回顾一下自己的组织,过去这十年来,出现过许多次推动改善的机会。In hindsight how many of them really improved the performance of the company. 回想看看,其中有多少次确实改善了组织的绩效呢?All of them? Half? probably less than half. 全部吗?其中一半吗?可能还不到一半。Well, do you think that people are idiots?嗯,你认为人们都是傻瓜吗?Do you think that people do not learn from their experience? 你认为人们不会从自己的经验中学习吗?Of course they do.他们当然会。So when somebody is coming with a suggestion of how to really change things around, and he promises that it will improve things dramatically, people


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